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Is autoconnect after reboot or safe mode possible?

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2007-03-09 13:38

Is autoconnect after reboot or safe mode possible?

Post by deeman »

I searched the available material and it looks like you can not boot to safe mode with networking or auto connect after a system reboot.

Is this correct?

FYI - I struggled with getting this working and decided to pursue the Single Click option. Once I configured my router to work with VNC SC, it took only 2 minutes - honest - to get PCHelpWare working. It actually is really simple. I may do a true idiots guide for others like me.


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Re: Is autoconnect after reboot or safe mode possible?

Post by bevtech »

Well it is impossible to please everyone. pchelpware uvnc.com repeater is having issues. The Step by Step guide is a work in progress..

Direct mode of pchelpware is almost identical to Single click.. Also for users who perfer the single click way the sc gui is an option on the pchelware site

To answer your question no safe mode and reboot is not an option with pchelpware at this time

Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,

User not developer..;)
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