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Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

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Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by dvernon2 »

I am relatively new to PChelpware but have spent some time customizing over the last few days.

I have multiple Admins who need to service customers. I have everything working except.........

I would like the customer to have to enter a password to connect.

I tried in the helpdesk.txt file...

-connect -passwd ask

But when the -passwd ask is there it won't prompt for password nor connect. Remove it and everything works.

How can I use the Custom Gui that allows the customer to select from a list of Admins but still require them to use a password.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by bevtech »

well the ask it the correct way. when creating the server you only need to tell it to ask for password. If that does not work has to be a bug

Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,

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Re: Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by dvernon2 »

I am sure i have no idea what I am doing.....but i believe I have followed the limited instructions.

When using the SC_GUI i click on Create.bat to create the server....I don't use the Viewer to create the server. So i don't get an option to tell it to use password. There is a different helpdesk.txt.

Are you saying that I should somehow use the Viewer to create the server even though I am trying to use the SC Gui????

Thanks again.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Options differ for the SC Gui and the server created from the viewer...

SC_GUI was made to reuse the SC config, SC didn't have the password stuff.
I need to dig in the code, but i guess that this option doesn't exist ion SC
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Options differ for the SC Gui and the server created from the viewer...

SC_GUI was made to reuse the SC config, SC didn't have the password stuff.
I need to dig in the code, but i guess that this option doesn't exist on SC
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Re: Using PChelpware_SC_GUI having a user password

Post by dvernon2 »

Thanks Rudi,


He and you I believe created a new GUI as well.....in his post he says.

- List with old style config (helpdesk.txt includes HOST entries)
- space for your own logo
- Info Button (disappears without the WEBPAGE entry in helpdesk.txt)
- new style background
- allows the same parameter settings for PHW as the new gui (e.g. password, proxy)
- window title is setable (viewable at the task bar)

- allows the same parameter settings for PHW as the new gui (e.g. password, proxy)

Password......thats what I need.

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