I have two questions:
1) Bart (of BartPE fame) mentioned that
I was wondering if someone (or even Bart himself) had instructions on how to do this, as I would prefer to run a repeater on a disk-less (i.e. no hard drive) PC.I now use distributor5.exe running from a BartPE CD as a repeater.
This is running fine, but does not give any feedback and so...
I'm thinking of running the repeater on linux, so I can write a few php pages around it for statistics and stuff...
2) I know that there's a Linux version of the repeater, and was wondering if someone with more knowledge than I could get it to work either from floppy (a la low cost network print server) or from a CDROM (creating an ISO or steps on how to do it)
What this would do is make for a system that would be less prone to failure due to a harddrive malfunction. It would also make it a little more "secure" as the media would be read-only. I believe (and I might be wrong here) that running a Linux version would require a less-powerful PC. I still haven't found any requirements on the repeater side, but I'm guessing a PII or better with 256MB RAM would be more than enough for either version (Win32 or Linux)
Anyway, any ideas/thoughts on this question/request?