I just performed a test with someone running XP, and we experienced three problems (server on XPSP2, client on W2KSP4; client listens, server connects to client to avoid the firewall issue):
1. The screen is not refreshed: I need to hit the Refresh Screen button in the toolbar everytime if I want to see changes on the server. I'm not using the video driver, just winvnc.exe
2. On the client, I cannot close the server: After hitting the X button, the window closes, but it reopens itself; only when the server host closes the window does the window on the client closes itself
3. My VB5 program checks if WinVNC lives in the application directory; if not, it is downloaded; next, it checks if WinVNC is already running; if not, it runs it, so the user doesn't have to do anything.
Problem: once winvnc.exe has been downloaded, it doesn't launch itself on the XP server host:
Code: Select all
'If not already launched, launch it
If bWinVNCRunning = False Then
dTaskID = Shell(App.Path & "\" & WINVNC & " -run", vbNormalFocus)
End If
Any idea?
Thank you