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Ples Media Server Port Forwarding with Repeater?

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Ples Media Server Port Forwarding with Repeater?

Post by mrcapi937 »

I attempting to set up a plex media server on a computer behind a cellular router that does not allow me to port forward. Plex requires port forwarding with a static ip. I am thinking of using portmap.io if needed. I am wondering if the “Repeater” software here would work similar to portmap.io to get around the port forwarding issue?
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Ples Media Server Port Forwarding with Repeater?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

The repeater is specific for vnc (mode II), possible mode I works with other software as it just
listen on port X and forward it to port Y on ip xxx
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Re: Ples Media Server Port Forwarding with Repeater?

Post by /dev/null »

no, it does not work that way you thing mrcapi937.

It bypass the need of port forwarding because both server and client connect to outside server that has portfowarding. that way You dont need to configure INCOMING connection RULS on your firewall because you don't init connection on incoming port, you connect to repeater and after then you receive data thru that connection.
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