To do this test I used 4 PCs.
1) My PC (Linux Ubuntu), on the Internet, using Remmina as a viewer.
2) A Win 10 PC (, in a network behind a firewall, as a VNC-Server
3) A Win 2003 Server (, as a repeater, on the same network.
4) An Ubuntu PC, in the same network, with Remmina to do internal tests.
The router has un static IP-Public-Address.
I can't use port 5900, because there are already those using it and I don't want to create confusion.
I configured VNCServer with port 5500.
I configured the Repeater in this manner:
- Mode = I
- Listen Port Viewer 5909
- Listen Port Server 5500
- Only allow connection to:
From my PC, in Remmina I call IP-Public-Address:5909, but I get an error of "connection closed by the server".
From the Internal PC Linux I try Remmina to = OK
From the WinSrv2003 I try VNCViewer to = OK
From My PC (in Linux) I try telnet IP-Public-Address 5909 = OK.
Where am I doing wrong?