Remote Printing Question: Is it possible to print through a VNC session back to the printer on your local machine where you are running the VNC Viewer from? (by brad2892)
- No, this is not possible in the current version. (by Michael Gorovoy)
- Only if the printer is available as network printer on the server machine. There is no way to print directly through the VNC connection. (by Patrick Nagel)
- Print to a PDF file, transfer file to local machine and then print it (workaround first suggested by Mike Simon)
How?- What I do is print to a PDF using the free RedMon and Ghostscript utilities:
Then transfer the PDF to the local machine and print it. (by Mike Simon)
[On a second thought, Mike Simon wrote these:]
actually these are better instructions since they leave out the adobe SW:
plus here are some extra notes:
Other PS printers you can use:- for color PDFs use HP Color Laserjet 5/5M PS
- for B&W PDFs use HP Laserjet 5P/MP PS
-q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -r600 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%1" -c save pop -f -
Prompt for filename
(by Mike Simon) - I used to use RedMon and GhostScript to make PDFs. Unfortunately they're a pain to set up and in my experience don't make very good PDFs.
Go to and download Pdf995. It's a much easier to use PDF printer and it's still free. The only downside is that every time you print it opens a web page to a sponsor site but that can easily be closed. If you don't like the sponsor pages comming up you can always pay $10 to get a version that doesn't have them. (by Steve Hiner) - For creating pdf file for free, you can use PDFCreator. (suggestion by Raylund Lai)
yet another PDF printer , *but GPL & open* (by Ran Sasson) - Another option. . .without watermarks or popups is CutePDF Writer. (by TechFan)
- Try
They have a virtual printer and pdf creator. I use it all the time, works great. (by Rob Hoerning) - Another free PDF conversion utility is: (by Paul G.Boutot)
- What I do is print to a PDF using the free RedMon and Ghostscript utilities:
All credits go to the respective authors and MBV for collecting the postings.
For additional comments, please feel free to contact one of the FAQ editors or admins: "Rudi De Vos", "UltraSam", "donem", "RobH" or me via private message.