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Very fast, but everything is not redrawn instantly.

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Very fast, but everything is not redrawn instantly.

Post by mhe »

If i open up the start menu for example, sometimes every object there is listed flawlessly, other times noting comes up, but if i run the mouse cursor over the objects they suddenly appear.


Also if i mark different dir/files in TotalCommander (a filemanager) it takes several seconds for it to know i have marked another dir.

Just alot of redraw bugs, and if i manually click the "refresh screen" button, all missing objects suddenly appear.

Im using Win2000 Server and Win2000 Pro, v1.0.0 RC18 as client/server (ive also tried the latest version, same problem). And im using video hook driver v. All test performed on 100mbit LAN.

Is this a know bug/problem or am i missing something? Im using the auto feature to connect to the server.

Post by mhe »

Still nothing? Come one, i cant be the only one with this phenomenon.
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Post by redge »

try again with rc19.5 + fix RC19.7



and maybe your video card driver need update ?
(not vnc video hook)
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Try to check with the latest driver...

The only difference is that this driver use a bouding rectangle
when more then 2000 updates happened in a cycle.
In previous driver version the updates where lost.

Post by mhe »

Tried RC19.7 with this driver http://ftp.erm.tu-cottbus.de/ultravnc/Driver19/

I tried it on a different machine, _same_ problem.

Are you guys saying you have never seen the issue? I sort of recall using VNC years ago and having similar problems.
Since then ive been using Radmin, wich is a cpu hog, but renders everything _perfectly_.
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Post by ipsec »

mhe wrote:Are you guys saying you have never seen the issue? I sort of recall using VNC years ago and having similar problems.
Since then ive been using Radmin, wich is a cpu hog, but renders everything _perfectly_.
I saw this 2 years ago with RealVNC. You have to move your icon over the area to get the "Picture / Text" to display. Sort of like a scratcher ticket, whats behind door number 1??

Since using UltraVNC, thankfully I havent really had this problem, or I havent been looking too hard and well I do it from habbit.
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Post by pgmoney »

Try turning off "System HookDll"
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Post by netwolf »

There is one situation when I regularely experience the same problem:

open (remote) explorer and go to a dir with lots of files in it (e.g. Windows\System32)

switch view to list view

use mouse wheel for horizontal scrolling

Here almost never all files/folders are updated, especially the left side remains unchanged most of the time.
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