i am trying to compile the UVNC-server but building the server fails during the compile-process.
First some system information:
- System is windows XP, service pack 2
- Compiler is Borland 5.5 as recommended
- VNC source version is 102
The compiler is configured correctly, i followed exactly the instructions given in "Building with BCC.txt". (adjusting linker-path etc to my system of course)
When i try to compile the sources via:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Warning W8008 ClientConnection.cpp 2279: Condition is always false in function ClientConnection::SetupPixelFormat()
Error E2451 ClientConnection.cpp 2480: Undefined symbol 'i' in function ClientConnection::Createdib()
Warning W8012 ClientConnection.cpp 3470: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function ClientConnection::ReadScreenUp
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
** error 1 ** deleting ClientConnection.obj
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 72: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 109: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 132: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 142: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 152: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 163: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 178: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8054 winvnc\d3des.c 337: Style of function definition is now obsolete
Warning W8060 winvnc\translate.cpp 166: Possibly incorrect assignment in function IsMirrorDriverActive()
Warning W8060 winvnc\translate.cpp 217: Possibly incorrect assignment in function GetDcMirror()
Error E2451 winvnc\vncbuffer.cpp 842: Undefined symbol 'b' in function vncBuffer::GreyScaleRect(rfb::Rect &)
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Code: Select all
Error E2451 ClientConnection.cpp 2480: Undefined symbol 'i' in function
Error E2451 winvnc\vncbuffer.cpp 842: Undefined symbol 'b' in function vncBuffer::GreyScaleRect(rfb::Rect &)
Could it be that the information given in "Building with BCC.txt" is outdated?
How do i get this up and running?