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Server and Viewer not connecting

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2007-11-06 21:41

Server and Viewer not connecting

Post by Japanz »

I have been working with the software for a couple of days and cannot seem to get it to work through a repeater. Right now I am using public repeater repeater01.ultravnc.info and the tests come back good. When I start the server it gives me:

Setting up encryption
Waiting for Viewer...

The viewer gives me this via the debug:

--The operation completed successfully.
Encryption, key exchange DH
--The operation completed successfully.
Wainting for server to become online.
--A connection attempt failed because the connect party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to repond.
Waiting for server to become online..

I have created the server a couple of times with different repeaters and verified the passwords, but still nothing.

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Re: Server and Viewer not connecting

Post by mattice06082 »

If you set it up using [topic=9663]"Zero Configuration" PcHelpWare_viewer Setup[/topic], then perhaps the repeater needs to be restarted. If that's the case, send a PM to [user=3406]Bevtech[/user].
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007-11-06 21:41

Re: Server and Viewer not connecting

Post by Japanz »

I am an idiot. I was using the profile name as opposed to ID for the server user name login. Mystery solved.
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