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SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (7, 8, 10, 2k8+) 26/3/20

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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by ProPeace »

godinperson wrote:I've been using UltraVNC SC for a couple of years now. I really love the application but it doesn't support Vista/W7 very well. I tried SCPrompt 2009 but it looks like I'm only getting a Black Screen when someone connects (I'm on W7 64).

Did anyone made it work on W7 x64?
Same bug here... :|

Black screen on Viewer when server connects... But Chat and File transfert are working.

Viewer : Win XP 32
Server : Win 7 32

The only alternative to SCprompt that I've found usable,
is [topic=14063]sc_builder[/topic],
but its "uninstall" option seems not as good as SCPrompt one : a reboot or a Win process clean up is needed to restart the SC_Builder server a second time ; and you can "Exit" or "uninstall", which is disturbing, because "uninstall" option is mendatory > If exited instead of uninstalled, then the connection is lost, but it always reconnects to the viewer, without the icon back, needed to uninstall it...
But it works (when we know what is forbidden to do),
so it's usable.

If someone knows another alternative which is working at this time with Win7 and bypass UAC, thx to share it with us.

Hope SCPrompt bug origin will be identified soon. :wink:
(If you need details, ask me...)
Last edited by ProPeace on 2010-03-26 03:53, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by ProPeace »

I've done some tests, from my French west coast... 8)

My hardware :

PC1 = Pentium IV 3.2GHz oc 3.4 + 2x512Mo (dualboot XP+7)
PC2 = Duron 1300 + 768Mo (monoboot Win7)
Router = Livebox 2 (Sagem) from Orange ADSL provider, in France. Static IPs and NAT configured and verified OK.

I've set up a DynDNS too, but not used here.

Test run 1 :
Service mode ON

PC1 = WinXP 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5500)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .10:5500)
Results :
- Black screen on PC1 viewer (can't see PC2 desktop)
- PC1 don't control PC2 mouse
- Chat OK
- File transfert OK

PC1 = WinXP 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .11:5501)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5501)
Results :
- PC2 viewer shows PC1 desktop
- PC2 don't control PC1 mouse
- Chat OK
- File transfert OK
- PC1-SCPrompt shows a bubble error (Waiting connection

PC1 = Win7 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5500)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .10:5500)
Results :
- Black screen on PC1 viewer (can't see PC2 desktop)
- PC1 don't control PC2 mouse
- Chat OK
- File transfert OK

PC1 = Win7 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .11:5501)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5501)
Results :
- Black screen on PC2 viewer (can't see PC1 desktop)
- PC2 don't control PC1 mouse
- Chat OK
- File transfert OK

Here is what I've tested... Ask me for more, if you want. :wink:

We can see that I can't use SCPrompt.
But I can use SC_Builder, which is working...
But I prefer SCPrompt look&feel, and config, and...

So, I'm saved until I can use a beautifull working SCPrompt 2010. :P
Last edited by ProPeace on 2010-03-26 03:32, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by ProPeace »

Now, I want to give a look without Service mode ON.

I don't have tried yet... :-]
As it's useless if we want to bypass UAC problem... (No ?)

Test run 2 :
Service mode OFF

PC1 = Win7 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .11:5501)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5501)
Results :
- All OK
- No Service mode = UAC problem* (of course)

PC1 = Win7 32 ( + Viewer (-listen 5500)
PC2 = Win7 32 ( + SCPrompt 2009 (ask .10:5500)
Results :
- All OK
- No Service mode = UAC problem* (of course)

(*) It works, but we lose control of the server until a manual validation of the server UAC popup.

I don't have tried with Windows XP on PC1, because I think it must give the same result...

So, it seems linked to Service mode option.
Not a big step... But it's the way. :oops:
Last edited by ProPeace on 2010-03-26 03:35, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by faba »

BTW, seems that the application has some problems displaying special chars, like ç, ã, etc ...
I had a similar bug and it could be fixed through saving the language file with Notepad and ANSI encoding instead of UTF-8.

I have some other points:

If I close SCPrompt with service mode I get every time a message if I want to delete all files which is not recommend. Could this be changed? I mean it doesn't look professional and if I remember it right it wasn't translated.

Another thing is if I use the -c parameter Scprompt connects without asking but it beeps some seconds before it starts. Could there be a less annoying warning like a bubble message that Scpropmt connects in x seconds to this IP/domain or something like that? I mean the beeping really sounds like an error.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by yts_jim »

sorry all, I (JDaus) have been replying to these posts, but for some reason, they haven't been posted.

I registered a new account, so let's see how that goes.

if I can post to this thread, I will try to address all concerns over the coming days. sorry there has beenno action, I have been busy, and didn't have time to read through old posts.

its a slow day today, have two kids birthday parties on this weekend, so I will try what I can from my phone.

*edit* success ...
Last edited by yts_jim on 2010-03-27 00:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by yts_jim »

OK ... let me try to catch up on all the posts i had answered (but not answered), and i will add anything that needs to be added to my todo list.

to answer questions about contributors, i have had several people contribute code over time, but a have been the coordinator and main contributor to this project.

this project has been running for a long time, and has progressed slowly to where it is now (had a few bursts of activity, but it takes time for people to find and submit bugs, and time for me and others to find and fix them)

the reason i believe that chunkvnc has generated so much interest and in turn its own subforum is:
  • 1) its simplicity of use (although it is somewhat complex to setup)
    2) its multi-platform nature (mac OSX support)
    3) its rapid development and passionate support
Supercoe does a great job supporting and promoting his and other projects as well as uvnc as a whole (he suggests scprompt just as often as chuckvnc - from what i have seen) he has and is putting a lot of effort into several things that will show how much he deserves to have moderator status, and i already have a forum setup where people can ask question.
godinperson wrote:I tried SCPrompt 2009 but it looks like I'm only getting a Black Screen when someone connects (I'm on W7 64).
I don't have windows 7 ... but i will be getting a copy shortly which will allow me to setup a test machine to work with, and test and fix any problems as they are found.
guinness wrote:I can see the sourcecode for SCPrompt, but ... for Build_SCPrompt_7zip & settings_manager there is an error!
I will look into this, as i have never had to get the source from these apps, as i already have it.
faba wrote:What are the plans for the release of the new version? I am asking because with the service parameter it would be possible to create only one exe file for all common Windows versions.
If you have suggestions as how i can make the service connections work better, or what happens when you try to use the service mode ... this would be good, as i have had very little feedback on the service mode side of the app since it was added ...
faba wrote:I had a similar bug (displaying special characters) and it could be fixed through saving the language file with Notepad and ANSI encoding instead of UTF-8.
this is a strange one ... without knowing what i am looking at, i don't know if i am seeing the right or wrong simbols ... can you give me exactly which characters aren't being displayed correctly, and what languages they are, so that i can test, and get a solution (or ask on the autoit forums), and get it sorted for good.
faba wrote:If I close SCPrompt with service mode I get every time a message if I want to delete all files which is not recommend. Could this be changed? I mean it doesn't look professional and if I remember it right it wasn't translated.
the prompt is on a timeout (cannot remember how long), and was obviously missed on the translation front ... i can add it to the language file, so you can ask whatever you want ... i will consider removing it in the future, but for now, translation is easy :)
faba wrote:Another thing is if I use the -c parameter Scprompt connects without asking but it beeps some seconds before it starts. Could there be a less annoying warning like a bubble message that Scpropmt connects in x seconds to this IP/domain or something like that? I mean the beeping really sounds like an error.
it was designed to draw maximum attention to the fact that an automatic connection is being established. i didn't want it to go unnoticed ... but perhaps a more discrete way of doing this can be accomplished ... i will look into this ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by ProPeace »


Sorry, tried to help you, something about virtualization with free official MS virtual files (limited in time), but I saw that Windows 7 official virtual file needs some new hardware and software, that WinXP and Vista official virtual files don't need... It needs hardware virtualization in the processor of the computer, and, the worst, it needs Windows 7 (to virtualize another one on same machine) or Windows 2008. Do you have that JDaus ? I think it would be too much luck, no...?
Last edited by ProPeace on 2010-04-01 20:35, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by yts_jim »

godinperson wrote:I tried SCPrompt 2009 but it looks like I'm only getting a Black Screen when someone connects (I'm on W7 64).
OK ... i found the following ...

if you install UVNC onto a new machine (or just use an existing install), install as a service and add the following to the ultravnc.ini in the [admin] section, you will see the problem ... this is not related to scprompt, it appears to be a bug in the uvnc server ...

Code: Select all

service_commandline= -sc_prompt -autoreconnect -connect
the following doesn't cause the problem, but doesn't prompt for the connection on the viewer side ...

Code: Select all

service_commandline= -autoreconnect -connect
you need to be running the viewer in listen mode on the same machine, and restart the service after editing the INI ...

i have added a post to the [post=68366]1.0.8.X forum, stating the possible bug with -sc_prompt[/post]

as a work around for this bug, please try editing the scprompt.ini and making "UseSC_Prompt=0" (in the [Common] section) ... this will fix the problem, but remove the viewer prompt for new connections ... so it is obviously not a permanent solution ... but should help you out if you need to use service mode ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by yts_jim »

ProPeace wrote:I saw that Windows 7 official virtual file needs some new hardware and software ... it needs Windows 7 (to virtualize another one on same machine)
typical MS ... force us to use the "latest" OS to virtualise the latest OS ... thanks for trying anyway ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by faba »

yts_jim wrote:
faba wrote:I had a similar bug (displaying special characters) and it could be fixed through saving the language file with Notepad and ANSI encoding instead of UTF-8.
this is a strange one ... without knowing what i am looking at, i don't know if i am seeing the right or wrong simbols ... can you give me exactly which characters aren't being displayed correctly, and what languages they are, so that i can test, and get a solution (or ask on the autoit forums), and get it sorted for good.
I have posted a Image .
The above part should be "Ãœber" instead.
yts_jim wrote:
faba wrote:If I close SCPrompt with service mode I get every time a message if I want to delete all files which is not recommend. Could this be changed? I mean it doesn't look professional and if I remember it right it wasn't translated.
the prompt is on a timeout (cannot remember how long), and was obviously missed on the translation front ... i can add it to the language file, so you can ask whatever you want ... i will consider removing it in the future, but for now, translation is easy :)
Why not just remove the files without asking like in case of the normal mode?
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by B »

JDaus, any chance of the mods here giving you your JDaus account back? It does make things a little confusing.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by yts_jim »

faba wrote:I have posted a Image .
The above part should be "Ãœber" instead.
awesome, can you upload your lang INI, pm me a link, and tell me what language it is, so that I can work out a way to get it working with UTF-8
faba wrote:Why not just remove the files without asking like in case of the normal mode?
i previously made it ask, so that on reboot, the files and everything would still work. now that I know how to check for application exiting due to shutdown, the way you mentioned, will work good.

I'll add it to the list :)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

Hello, great project but its getting me a little fustrated now.
I have been working with this for a few days and I though I had it sorted.

I have come here from using RealVNC (Sorry is that swearing) to get a reliable and free solution for remote control on XP, Vista and Win 7. With the added bonus of File Transfer and chat this option looks really appealing.

I have read this thread many times and have fixed most of my issues and had it all working XP (Viewer) Win7(Server) when the Win 7 PC is logged in as adminstrator.
However when I log in as a standard user I can only run the compiled EXE file when I have logged in as an administrator even though I have noticed that I can run the builder and test settings etc prior to compilation without admin login.
Why is that ?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by B »

I would guess it's because the builder is just creating a file, while the VNC-based executable is trying to take over the screen/kb/mouse.

Are you getting UAC elevation prompts? What exactly happens when you run the compiled SCPrompt as a nonprivileged user?
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

Yes its UAC elevation prompt.

The building project asks to test the settings before building which I would have though would require the same UAC prompt.
The test works fine without UAC then when I exit it builds the exe which requires UAC.
Thats what is puzzling me.
Did that make more sense?

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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by B »

Oh... yes that does sound a bit odd. Both iterations you describe actually <b>work</b> even if you've run the compiler as a non-privileged user? And yet the build-time test doesn't require UAC and the resulting EXE does?

Well, I think the answer may lie in where the temp file is built during compile -- perhaps it's using a %temp location you have rights do, but you don't have rights to the output file directory?

But that doesn't sound right either.

Question: Why is it relevant? I mean, you're going to create the EXEs as an admin anyway, right? I would think the only issue is whether or not the "end user" can successfully run that compiled EXE, right?
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

Well yes it's not really relevant except that I'm trying to build an EXE for distribution to users that wont have admin rights and I am unable to do that!!

Even the Ready-to-Roll version from page 1 of this thread requires admin rights in Win7 :(

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your input.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by B »

Huh. Not sure. I thought it worked OK with Win7, as long as users answered the UAC prompts. Are you trying to avoid the UAC prompt altogether?

By the way, the developer is JDaus a.k.a. yts_jim, and he would have the definitive answer, if there is one. I don't even have Win7. :)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

B wrote:Huh. Not sure. I thought it worked OK with Win7, as long as users answered the UAC prompts.
It does, as long as you know an Admin password because that seems the only way to accept a UAC prompt!
B wrote: Are you trying to avoid the UAC prompt altogether?
Not really, I would imagine to turn off UAC you need admin rights...
So if you are a user without rights you have to put up with UAC popping up occasionally!
Having said that there seems to be no way to run a compiled scprompt EXE file without admin rights.
B wrote: By the way, the developer is JDaus a.k.a. yts_jim, and he would have the definitive answer, if there is one. I don't even have Win7. :)
Thanks for your input, and looking forward to a User level Win7 solution from JDaus if possible ;)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

I think I've sorted out what is going on but I still dont have a solution yet.

The UAC problem is caused by the 7zip program trying to unpack a self extracting EXE file...At Test time this is not performed and executes without UAC requirements.

It seems Windows 7 detects the type of EXE file and applies UAC Admin only rights to zip type Exe files if you see what I mean.

So can anybody suggest a way around this?

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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by etheesdad »

Quick question for people using this app for remote support of customers - would you recommend it? - sounds like 7 support is flakey and judging by the last few posts of the thread its development is not quite there yet. Would I be correct in assuming this?

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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by JDaus »

kerching wrote:Even the Ready-to-Roll version from page 1 of this thread requires admin rights in Win7 :(
kerching wrote:The UAC problem is caused by the 7zip program trying to unpack a self extracting EXE file
bugger ... does the standard sc built with the online creator do the same ?

if no, then I will work out how how it gets round this (maybe because the app is signed)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

JDaus wrote: does the standard sc built with the online creator do the same ?
I just tested it and ....Yes it does the same. :(

So what options does that leave?

Edit -
I just tried UVNC-Helper and that works for user level without UAC admin prompt. Apparently JohnMC Packs the file in a different way!
Is there anyway that you could move the same direction as your interface rocks?
Did JohnMC ever get back to you about merging projects?

Last edited by kerching on 2010-04-23 08:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by faba »

yts_jim wrote:
faba wrote:I have posted a Image .
The above part should be "Ãœber" instead.
awesome, can you upload your lang INI, pm me a link, and tell me what language it is, so that I can work out a way to get it working with UTF-8
I haven't got any mail notification about this topic. :/
Just save the language file with Notepad as ANSI. This should do the job.

The language is German. Thanks.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by JDaus »

faba wrote:I haven't got any mail notification about this topic. :/
ah ... so its not just me ...
faba wrote:Just save the language file with Notepad as ANSI. This should do the job.
true, but finding a permanent solution is always the best in he long run ... what if you wanted to use russian and german from the same client app (presuming that it is russian that needed UTF-8 to display correct)
faba wrote:The language is German.
thanks, I will try it out ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by JDaus »

kerching wrote:
JDaus wrote: does the standard sc built with the online creator do the same ?
I just tested it and ....Yes it does the same. :(

So what options does that leave?
you can tell all your clients to switch to Linux instead of Windows ... :D

on a more serious note ... not much ... I will see what others have come up with, in the interim, I can make a basic installer that will not actually install, but just extract & run ...

leave it with me :p
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by JDaus »

kerching wrote:The UAC problem is caused by the 7zip program trying to unpack a self extracting EXE file
think I might have found a solution... didn't have time to test it, but it should be a workaround for the windows 7 7zip problem. (by not using 7zip, but a simple installer package that comes standard with windows)

also, had a brain storm on how to get around the problem with needing the language files to have different encodings for different languages. the next update will contain code to allow the problem languages that don't render properly with UTF8 encoding, to have their own file ... the filename will be the same as the existing section name, if the file exists, it uses that for translations, otherwise the default language file.

ie german language file would be Lang_german.ini ... this file will either be located in Lang sub directory or in same directory as scprompt. and will only contain Lang_german section ...
Last edited by JDaus on 2010-04-25 08:57, edited 1 time in total.
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without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by kerching »

Hello JDaus

Thats good news :)

If you want it testing in win 7 user mode send me a copy.

I sent you a PM with my email address.

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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by ProPeace »

Same here... :wink:
Happy to see that.

I'll be here, if you need people to test in Service mode.

This topic is in my favorites... :D
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by JDaus »

ok, i have tested iexpress installer in user mode with standard (limited) user type on win7, and it works without asking for the admin privileged ...

i can confirm that i get a popup asking for admin password when using the 7zip version.

i have started updating the builder to use iexpress in an automated way - with similar prompts as before (infact it now asks whether you want to use iexpress or 7zip methods).

i will complete this in the next day or two (am lite on work at present, so this shouldn't take long ... i hope :P )

in the interum, try opening iexpress and adding all your files from the scprompt directory, and making the "install application" scprompt.exe ... should get you up-and-running quickly
Last edited by JDaus on 2010-04-27 03:58, edited 1 time in total.
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
SCPrompt - OpenSource Free Remote Screen\Desktop Sharing Solution
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