I think there went something wrong:Rudi De Vos wrote:Update
scan options
[v]auto 5 minutes
[v]scan on refresh
- if both options are enabled + hit reload button -> launcher seems to be in a "online-check-loop" (it iterates through the server and starts again from the beginning...)
- if only "scan on refresh" is enabled + hit reload button -> launcher doesn't check the online status
- if only "auto 5 minutes" is enabled: sometimes (not always) it scans at launcher-start...it does not seem to scan every 5 minutes (not sure about that)
(for the short test: I changed the settings and restartet the launcher...then observed the above described)
I think it should be that way:
"auto 5 minutes" = 1 -> scan online-status at launcher-start and every 5 minutes
"scan on refresh" = 1 -> scan online-status on reload-button (if reload button is hit and "auto 5 minutes" = 1 perhaps timer should be reset to freshly countdown 5 min to the next online-check)