I managed to get it to work, though, and I'd like to share it so that you can either
- profit from it or
- warn me if I'm doing something that is terribly wrong.
- first compile 3.3.1 as before with the old version of winvnc.exe intact. This causes ultravnc.ini to be configured correctly. Ignore the resulting InstantSupport.exe, we will create another one shortly.
- Replace winvnc.exe in SRC\InstantSupport_Files with the version you want included (I used
- Repackage everything by creating a subfolder Compiled (parallel to SRC) and executing the following in a command line in the directory directly above SRC:
Code: Select all
src\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in src\InstantSupport.au3 /out Compiled\InstantSupport.exe /icon src\InstantSupport_Files\icon1.ico
Best regards