I doubt you will see it againJorge Jimenez wrote:Thanks Marius,
I download Racfree and unzip on a new directory, run and here is where a window pops asking for a web (URL)...do I have to have one, or answer....at this, why is it for..?
thanks for your time and consideration,
The first TWO popups is your name (that you enter), the second the url IF you have one...otherwise just leave blank. If you entered a URL that was a boobie, or you entered something ELSE in as url, just delete the complete "BIN" directory (you will loose all your settings) and start RAC again WITHOUT entering anything in the url-section. Basically, the url only "shows" in the "clients-side"...so that IF you have a homepage, the client can then just click on the url and they will be taken to your homepage. The popups will ONLY be there ONCE (when you run RAC for the first time, OR if you click on "registered to (bottom left)", it will also pop up and can you make changes if you typed something in wrong or whatever...