A way around this is to stay completely in userland. No installation and no UAC elevation are needed. The shipment to the help seeking user in a zip-file is:
- winvnc.exe from UltraVncSC update 2011
- SCHook.dll from same packet
- vnchooks.dll from same packet
- CallHelper.bat with code as follows
Code: Select all
@REM CallHelper.bat
ECHO off
SET remotehost=helpgivinghostname
REM The files SCHook.dll, vnchooks.dll and winvnc.exe need
REM need to be in the same directory as this batch file.
ECHO Check the connection
PING -n 2 %remotehost% | FINDSTR =
ECHO Establish the connection
START winvnc -connect %remotehost%:5500 -noregistry