Code: Select all
Gui,1: -Caption +Resize +MinSize100x50 +LastFound +ToolWindow
Gui,1: Color, EEAA99
Gui,1: Add,Text,cred x0 y5, visible Text!!!
Gui,1: Show,x100 y100
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99 255
gui,1: -Resize
; second GUI is used later as a clickable area
Gui,2: -Caption +Resize +MinSize100x50 +LastFound +ToolWindow
Gui,2: Show,x100 y100
WinSet, Transparent, 1
gui,2: -Resize
This happens with the latest code(2011). The problem didn't occur with the former version I used (2006).
Do you know which part of the code has to be changed (I compiled winvnc myself)?