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problem with secure connection

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problem with secure connection

Post by sm333 »

- i use win7 64 bit
- i download ultravnc 64 bit and SecureVNCPlugin64.dsm

i know how to compile file on site to get EXE (i wonna use UltraVNC SC) but dunno really what to do to get encrypted connection, can anyone tell me what to do ?

all the time i get info : "You have specified an encryption plugin, however the connection in
unencrypted! Do you want to continue?"

i get SecureVNCPlugin64.dsm and COPY it to ultravnc folder and what now ? i ask because all posts with similar problem was writed long time ago with older version

- how i get rc4.key ??
- i need to copy "SecureVNCPlugin64.dsm" to the zip file and rename it to "MSRC4Plugin.dsm" before make exe file ?
- what creator i need to use ??? (UltraVncSC based on RC23 (2005) or other ?)
- i need to copy auth keys from server config or from viever config ??

everyone write something else, i mean - "copy this ... / rename this ... / etc.)

can ANYONE tell how to do it FROM download custom.zip to be ready make encrypted connection ?? coz i spend last 2 days reading and fighting with it without any good result

please help me - i cant find ANY up-to-date FAQ for this

really big thanks to anyone who can help with it !
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by Rudi De Vos »

1) upload custom.zip
2) This give you a sc.exe that include the plugin
3) use 7zip the extract the sc.exe or run sc.exe and copy the latest folder in the %TEMP% folder, this has the extracted sc.exe (copy the files before closing sc.exe else they get deleted)
4) Copy this plugin in the viewer folder ( SC=32bit -> Viewer need to be 32bit)
5) Create the key via the viewer call it rc4.key and copy it in the server folder
6) test it with the local sc folder

SC is older then 10961, and can't work with the new plugins.
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by sm333 »

first at all - ty for answer :)

im not pretty sure that i understand this correctly,

- i need to upload prepared custom.zip by me ? with my helpdesk.txt ? what files need to be in this custom zip ? [ you dont mean that i need upload custom.zip that i download for site without any changes ? yes ? ]
- "copy the plugin in the viewer folder" - after installed ultravnc i have 1 folder with all files, dont have folder for viewer exacly...
- when i start "Run UltraVNC Viewer (Listen Mode Encrypt) i can create 2 key (for server and viewer (*.pkey and *.pubkey) - i need to rename one of them to rc4.key ? server key or viewer key ?
- "test it with the local sc folder" - what do you mean with that ?

sorry for all this question ;/ im not "idiot" even if it looks like this but i wonna make everything correctly ;/ im a graphic designer, not programmer or something :(

waiting for more specific info :( :)
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by Rudi De Vos »

1) unload unmodified custom.zip to get a sc.exe
The First goal is to get security plugin used by sc and create a local folder with all files
that can be used to test how it gonna look...

sc.exe is a self extracing archieve ( 7zip)
The best way is to install 7zip ( http://www.7-zip.org/), this allow you to unzip sc.exe

You will see that you get a folder with

Copy a win32 version of vncviewer.exe in this folder, and select to use MSRC4Plugin.dsm as plugin
config, this generate rc4.key

You can also test the changes you make by executing winvn.exe

Remove the files with* and vncviewer.exe before creating the zip for the fibnal upload.
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by sm333 »

ok, i do like you say :
windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
ultra vnc 32 bit - full instalation

1. download custom.zip

2. use UltraVncSC based on RC23 (2005) to make custom.exe file

7. copy vncviewer.exe from ultravnc installed folder to "help" folder (name of my sc.exe that i wonna prepair)

8. copy all files from custom.exe (open by 7-zip) to "help" folder (with MSRC4Plugin.dms)

9. use vncviewer from "help" folder to generate rc4.key (it make new_rc4.key - delete rc4.key and rename our key to rc4.key)

10. copy rc4.key to ultravnc folder

11. copy MSRC4Plugin.dsm from "custom.exe" to ultravnc folder

12. delete from "help" folder :

schook.dll* [ i dont have in "custom.exe" file with this name ]
and vncviewer.exe

13. configure helpdesk.txt and icon, logo etc.

14. make zip from "help" (will be "help.zip")

15. use UltraVncSC based on RC23 (2005) to make help.exe file

16. run UltraVNC Viewer (Listen Mode Encrypt)) (from start menu)

17. on second computer start help.exe file


on computer where i start "help.exe" (computer 2) i get information that i got connection, icon its in try but
on computer 1 i see "The Plugin cannot be loaded. Please check its name integrity."

when i close connection on computer 1 (press ok on this error window) i get message like this one :

"Connection failed - Invalid protocol !

Possible causes :
- You've forgotten to select a DSMPlugin and the Server uses a DSMPlugin
- Viewer and Server are not compatible (they use different RFB protocols)

when i click on icion in try (ultravnc viewer) on computer 1 and press "new connection" i see that dont have mark on
"use DSMPlugin"

whats the problem now ? :) where i make a misteake ?
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by Rudi De Vos »

The Plugin cannot be loaded. Please check its name integrity
The error tell that you are mixing 32bit dll's with 64bit exe or invers.

I guess you are using a 64bit viewer with the 32bit dll (plugin), use a 32bit viewer.
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by sm333 »

i think its impossible, i test it with 64bit and yesterday i uninstall 64 bit and install 32bit downloaded from official site ;/
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Just put the error "The Plugin cannot be loaded. Please check its name integrity" as search on top of the forum.
It's a 32/64bit issue...
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Re: problem with secure connection

Post by sm333 »

ok, then i try again, im sure you right, later after work i write how its going


- i download ultravnc from this link :
[ http://www.uvnc.com/downloads/ultravnc/ ... 10961.html ]
installer 32 bit - first option
- i download custom.zip from this link :
[ http://www.uvnc.com/pchelpware/sc/create.html ]

i try even download binary package 32 bit ultravnc to extract only vncviewer ... still the same misteake ;/

====> Still Doesnt WORK :) but after ....


i have read this article :

[ http://forum.ultravnc.info/viewtopic.php?t=7563 ]

and use :

C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe --dsmplugin MSRC4Plugin.dsm -listen 5500

its work PERFECT ! .... i dont have any error - its mean i got encrypted connection :)

in helpdesk.txt [ -plugin -connect xx.xxx.xxx.xx:5500 -noregistry ]

why is it working only after i start it from command line ? :) probly its my last question :P
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