It would be nice if the server automatically detected the user's locale settings.
I've changed the language resources files show it compiles to locale specific names, for example:
- vnclang_es.dll
- vnclang_en.dll
- ...
Code: Select all
hInstResDLL = LoadLibrary("vnclang_server.dll");
Code: Select all
// Auto locales start
LCID lcid;
char langid[10];
char dllPath[128];
lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, langid, 9) != 0 ) {
sprintf_s(dllPath, 128-1,"vnclang_%s.dll", langid);
hInstResDLL = LoadLibrary(dllPath);
// Auto locales end
This code comes in handy for SingleClick style applications or SC_PROMPT as you can send a single file with the locales you wish to support and the user will get his locale automatically.
Best regards