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Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

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Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by IceAIM »

I have a Macbook with Mac OS X Tiger and it has Apple Remote Desktop setup with VNC support enabled.

The Macbook is remotely administered by my Windows Vista PC where I am running the UltraVNC client. Actual remote administration is very smooth and my PC using UltraVNC can admin my Macbook with ease.

One huge problem: Clipboard sharing does not work. If I copy something on my PC for example by highlighted some text and pressing Ctrl+C, it immediately kills my Ultra VNC connection and causes UltraVNC to close itself.

This is very annoying, especially if I copy something to my windows clipboard by mistake.

On top UltraVNC closing itself, clipboard sharing between my Macbook and my PC does not work. If I copy something on my PC, it kills the connection (Unless I disable clipboard transfer which I do not want). If I copy something to my Mac's clipboard using remote administration, it DOES NOT transfer it to my Windows clipboard.

This is very frustrating, does anyone have a workaround to fix this?

I would rather not use non VNC tools like Teamviewer. Actually Teamviewer has clipboard sharing down right between mac and pc, but there are some many other things it does wrong.
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by B »

I had the same (very frustrating) problem! Apple's built in OSX VNC server kind of sucks, perhaps intentionally.

The only good solution I found was to turn off the built in VNC server and install the free open-source Vine Server.


Copying now works just fine. No more lockups.
Last edited by B on 2010-08-09 14:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by IceAIM »

Very cool B! Thanks! :-D
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by B »

You're welcome -- everything's working for you now?
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by IceAIM »

Yep! Great community you got here!
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by boris_net »

Hi all,

I have got the same problem while using ARD on the MAC side, copying from Windows will make the VNC session stops immediately.

Disabling the clipboard, there is no more issue but franlky without the clipboard being usable it's not that useful.

I tried vine which is horribly slow compared to ARD... I looked at the various command line options to pass to vine server on the mac side, no luck.

Summary of my attempts:
Over the gigabit LAN, in comparison, I can access a BSD server running either x11vnc or vncserver and it's all snappy.

1- ARD + Uvnc to beta:
Results: speed - OK - clipboard makes the session stops instantly when something is copied from the windows side

2- Vine server + Uvnc to beta:
Results: speed - Slow even by tinkering the vine server options as well as the uvnc viewer options

Has anybody managed to come up with a satisfactory setup to access MacOS X from windows using VNC?

Define=satisfactory : which is not very slow for a LAN connection.
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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by redge »

if you need feature from ultravnc to mac, you should try x11vnc
but i never experienced since my knowledge is zero pointed on mac unix/linux

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Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by boris_net »

Excellent advise, thanks a lot !

Now for dumb people like me, instead of compiling x11vnc on MacOS which requires download of Xcode to get gcc, just go to the latest build available on sourceforge. It works instantly.

http://x11vnc.sourceforge.net/dev/x11vn ... win_8.11.1

Clipboard works flawlessly and it's almost as snappy as ARD, a lot faster than vine server anyway.

Thanks again for the speedy support/help, much appreciated !

Posts: 2338
Joined: 2009-09-09 14:05

Re: Clipboard issue betwen PC + MAC. UltraVNC closes itself.

Post by B »

Except that, I believe, x11vnc requires OSX 10.4 or higher, and is CPU dependent (no universal binary), and is therefore unsuitable for some.

Vine Server doesn't have those limitations (in fact they have an OS 9 version as well.)

But I just noticed that the latest version of Vine (3.11) DOES require OSX 10.4. They say "Previous versions of Vine Server support earlier releases of the Mac OS" but no longer have the older version for download.


Looks like 3.0 and maybe 3.1 (not 3.11) still support OSX 10.39, but they're hard to find. MajorGeeks carries 2.2...

http://sourceforge.net/project/shownote ... _id=563363

I think SourceForge may be the best bet, but their file downloads are giving me trouble today.
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