SCPrompt - Test and release the "Chunk" style GUI
Glad I could be such an inspiration.

Good to see someone is getting some code out the door.

Did some debugging:J0H4N wrote:Problems with Swedish and Finnish language with automatic language settings:
First i did add these lines to v2m_land.ini
And enabled swedish:
Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.
After building the executable the automatic language detection don't work. Some part is in finnish, some in english???
Have i done something wrong?
If i manually set the language to use swedish or finnish all is ok.
A bit more information please ... what OS did you use to create the EXE ?Iwo wrote:Generated exe fails to open under Windows XP - it is not Win32 application. It works under Win7. I choose iexpress.
OK, it looks like you have commented out the LANG_IDENT_X parts of the translation INI ... they are needed for this app, as scprompt reads each IDENT in turn, until it doesn't find one ... if you don't want any other translations in your INI, simply name yours as IDENT_0 & IDENT_1 ... that should solve your problem ... post back if it doesn't ...J0H4N wrote:LANG_NAME_10="Finnish"
Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_0, )
[5188] V2M - Language loopcount=0 & Lang Ident 040B NOT found in LANG_IDENT_0
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_1, )
[5188] V2M - Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B>
hmmm ... thats a weird one ... it may well be an autoit related issue ... have you tried to create some example code and post it on the autoit forums ??? that would be a good way to confirm that its related to autoit, rather than something within scprompt ... or the other way round ...vncg33k wrote:First i wanted to thank you JDaus! It's a really great tool and many of my customers love it.
But there is a problem i could not fix by myself: It is about the path that is used to call winvnc.exe.
WOW ... that sure was ALOT of things to digest ... if you can assist with ANYTHING ... NSIS builder stuff, whatever, that would be great ... PM on its way with my email address to post updates to (or register on the vnc2me site, and you can post into the ... -projects/ (requires approval from me, but as long as the files don't contain viruses, i will likely approve most uploads (especially modified files from any vnc related project).JonS wrote:I apologize in advance for the length of this post, and I don't expect this to be digested immediately or anything.
OK, it looks like you have commented out the LANG_IDENT_X parts of the translation INI ... they are needed for this app, as scprompt reads each IDENT in turn, until it doesn't find one ... if you don't want any other translations in your INI, simply name yours as IDENT_0 & IDENT_1 ... that should solve your problem ... post back if it doesn't ...J0H4N wrote:LANG_NAME_10="Finnish"
Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_0, )
[5188] V2M - Language loopcount=0 & Lang Ident 040B NOT found in LANG_IDENT_0
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_1, )
[5188] V2M - Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B>
WOOPS ... just looked at the translation side of things for the first time in a long time, and it looks like its broken ... don't have time at the moment to investigate why (as i only have a few minutes left in my morning break), but i will try to look at this shortly, and get it running as a priority ...J0H4N did not work.
Fixed ?Iwo wrote:Generated exe fails to open under Windows XP - it is not Win32 application. It works under Win7. I choose iexpress.
I rather think it is a windows-related issue. I tested it by creating a Directory called "C:\this is a path\with spaces" and copied a scprompt.exe from my development directory (just needed an exe-file to test, you can take every exe ;). Then i wrote the following one-liner:JDaus wrote:hmmm ... thats a weird one ... it may well be an autoit related issue ... have you tried to create some example code and post it on the autoit forums ??? that would be a good way to confirm that its related to autoit, rather than something within scprompt ... or the other way round ...vncg33k wrote:First i wanted to thank you JDaus! It's a really great tool and many of my customers love it. :)
But there is a problem i could not fix by myself: It is about the path that is used to call winvnc.exe.
Code: Select all
Run("C:\this is a path\with spaces\scprompt.exe", "C:\this is a path\with spaces");
Code: Select all
Run('"' & "C:\this is a path\with spaces\scprompt.exe" & '"', "C:\this is a path\with spaces");
You will get PM soon. :)JDaus wrote:all code updates are ALWAYS gratefully accepted ... as above, register on the VNC2me site, and upload the changes (or PM me a link to your code).
you got it. these languages need iso, wheras all others need utf-8vncg33k wrote:Why are there two extra language-files in the scprompt-directory (Lang_German.ini and Lang_Portuguese.ini)?
Is this some encoding thing (UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1[5])?
more information please, what do you use, builder or script ? if builder, what settings ? can you replicate on another computer ?forumator wrote:I am also getting the issue with a "not valid Win32 application" error when trying to run the IExpress build in Windows XP...any ideas on what might be causing that?
Code: Select all
GUI_MNU_EXIT = "Zakończ"
GUI_MNU_HELP = "Pomoc"
GUI_MNU_ABOUT = "Informacje"
GUI_MNU_SWAP = "Pokaż główne okno"
MAIN_TAB_SC = "Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_TAB_VIEW = "Pokaz pulpity"
MAIN_TAB_SVR = "Rozpocznij współdzielenie"
MAIN_DBGBOX = "Debugowanie"
MAIN_DBGBOX_TIP = "Wyświetl okno debugowania"
MAIN_STATUS_TIP = "Pokazuje status programu"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT = "Zakończ"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Zakończ aplikację"
MAIN_SC_SSN = "Kod sesji"
MAIN_SC_SSN_TIP = "Wprowadź kod sesji aby udostępnić swój pulpit"
MAIN_SC_BTN_START = "Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_SC_BTN_STOP = "Przestań udostępniać"
MAIN_SVR_SSN = "Kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_SSN_TIP = "Wprowadź kod sesji aby udostępnić swój pulpit"
MAIN_SVR_RND = "Kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_RND_TIP = "Zaznacz aby stworzyć losowy kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_START = "Rozpocznij współdzielenie"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_STOP = "Zakończ współdzielenie"
MAIN_VWR_SSN = "Kod sesji"
MAIN_VWR_SSN_TIP = "Wprowadź kod sesji aby zobaczyć"
MAIN_VWR_RND = "Losowy"
MAIN_VWR_RND_TIP = "Zaznacz aby stworzyć losowy kod sesji"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_START = "Pokaż pulpit(y)"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_STOP = "Przestań oglądać"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD = "Adres wsparcia"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD_TIP = "Adres bezpośredniego połączenia z przeglądarką UVNC"
MAIN_UVNC_PORT_TIP = "Port do bezpośredniego połączenia z przeglądarką lub repeaterem UVNC"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START = "Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_STOP = "Przestań udostępniać"
MAIN_UVNC_ID_TIP = "ID połaczenia z repeaterem UVNC"
MINI_BTN_EXIT = " Z a k o Å„ c z s e s j Ä™ z d a l n Ä… "
MINI_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Zakończ aplikację"
MINI_STATUS_TIP = "Status i wydarzenia"
DEBUG_BTN_COPY = "Kopiuj debug do schowka"
TRAY_MNU_EXIT = "Zakończ"
TRAY_MNU_ABOUT = "Informacje"
TRAY_MNU_SHOW_DEBUG = "Debugowanie"
TRAYTIP_APP_START_LINE2 = "Brak argumentów z linii komend"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE1 = "Otwieranie tunelu SSH"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE2 = "Wysyłanie informacji bezpieczeństwa do serwera"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE1 = "Bezieczne połączenie ustanowione"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE2 = "Uruchamianie VNC przez tunel SSH"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE1 = "Aby wyświetlić więcej opcji VNC2Me"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE2 = "Kliknij na tÄ… ikonÄ™ prawym przyciskiem myszy"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE1 = "Zamykanie uruchomionych procesów"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE2 = "Usuwanie WSZYSTKICH tymczasowych zmian"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE1 = "Skopiowano zapis debugowania"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE2 = "Otwórz notatnik i kliknij Edycja > Wklej"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE1 = "PrzeglÄ…darka uruchomiona"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE2 = "Oczekiwanie na połączenia"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE1 = "PrzeglÄ…darka uruchomiona"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE2 = "ÅÄ…czenie z serwerem"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE1 = "Połączenie VNC uruchomione"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE2 = "Próba połaczenia z przeglądarką"
MSG_HOST_TITLE = "Nieznay host"
MSG_HOST_TEXT = "Ten host nie został wcześniej zapamiętany, czy chcesz go dodać do zapamiętanych hostów?"
MSG_SSN_TEXT = "Proszę wpisać kod sesji i spróbować ponownie"
MSG_VWR_TITLE = "PrzeglÄ…darka"
MSG_VWR_TEXT = "Nie wybrano rodzaju połączenia z przeglądarką, użyć SC?"
MSG_TIMER_TITLE = "Limit czasu połączenia"
MSG_TIMER_TEXT = "Sesja ustanowiona na: "
MSG_PORTC_TITLE = "BÅ‚Ä…d - odmowa sesji"
MSG_PORTC_TEXT = "Sesja tunelu SSH odmówiona, ponowić z tym samym ID sesji?"
MSG_SSHSVR_TEXT = "Z jakim serwerem SSG połączyć?"
MSG_SSHUSER_TITLE = "Nazwa użytkownika"
MSG_SSHUSER_TEXT = "Wpisz nazwę użytkownika SSH"
MSG_SSHPASS_TEXT = "Wpisz hasło SSH"
MAIN_SERVICEBOX= "Tryb usługi"
I've only been testing this on virtual machines, so that may have something to do with it, but I've noticed that if I set UseSC_Prompt=1, then I get the prompt whether I (the listening viewer) want to accept the connection, but then the screen in the viewer is blank (all black). Don't know why, but maybe that'll steer you in the right direction.burnsy1882 wrote:I have another question for this program. I am liking it a lot more than the normal SC program, but unlike the SC program, this one is not prompting me to accept the connections. It's automatically accepting it. Is there a setting that needs to be changed in order to allow the prompting? Would hate to have an employee start a remote session while i'm not at my desk.
Please i cant figure out, how to enable autorun, as per the instructions, the testing builder never asks for command options.JDaus wrote:Iwo wrote:Are you using "upx -9" ? I think that best setting is: "upx --lzma --best".You can use the count-down-timer, otherwise try:Iwo wrote:Is there option to connect to viewer just after launching exe (w/o options and info screen) ?
- running the uvnc.exe with whatever arguments you want.
rename the build_7z.ini
execute builer app
locate the folder & file "scprompt\uvnc.exe"
when asked for commandline options, add the ones decided upon in step #1
When asked if you have tested the app, click no.No ... but download it, place the winvnc.exe in the scprompt folder, remove the uvnc.exe, & give it a test ... should work as expected ...Iwo wrote:Is the latest alpha based on UNVC ?