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SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (7, 8, 10, 2k8+) 26/3/20

Single Click discussions / bugs
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by supercoe »

Outstanding Issues / Future features:
SCPrompt - Test and release the "Chunk" style GUI

Glad I could be such an inspiration. :D
Good to see someone is getting some code out the door. ;)
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by Iwo »

Generated exe fails to open under Windows XP - it is not Win32 application. It works under Win7. I choose iexpress.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

I have translated it to finnish! Can you add this to the next package. I can also translate it to swedish if you like?

GUI_MNU_FILE = "Tiedosto"
GUI_MNU_EXIT = "Sulje etayhteys"
GUI_MNU_ABOUT = "Tietoja"
GUI_MNU_SWAP = "Näytä pääikkuna"
MAIN_TAB_SC = "Jaa työpöytäni"
MAIN_TAB_VIEW = "Näytä työpöydät"
MAIN_TAB_SVR = "Aloita yhteistyö"
MAIN_DBGBOX = "Vianetsintä"
MAIN_DBGBOX_TIP = "Klikkaa esille vianetsintäikkuna"
MAIN_STATUS_TIP = "Näyttää ohjelman statuksen"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT = "Sulje etäyhteys"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Sulje ohjelma"
MAIN_SC_SSN = "Istunto koodi"
MAIN_SC_SSN_TIP = "Syötä istuntokoodi aloittaaksesi työpöydän jakaamisen"
MAIN_SC_BTN_START = "Avaa etäyhteys"
MAIN_SC_BTN_STOP = "Lopeta jakaaminen"
MAIN_SVR_SSN = "Istunto koodi"
MAIN_SVR_SSN_TIP = "Syötä istuntokoodi aloittaaksesi työpöydän jakaamisen"
MAIN_SVR_RND = "Istunto koodi"
MAIN_SVR_RND_TIP = "Luo satunnainen istuntokoodi klikkaamalla"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_START = "Aloita yhteistyö"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_STOP = "Lopeta yhteistyö"
MAIN_VWR_SSN = "Istunto koodi"
MAIN_VWR_SSN_TIP = "Syötä istuntokoodi nähdääksesi"
MAIN_VWR_RND = "Satunnainen"
MAIN_VWR_RND_TIP = "Luo satunnainen istuntokoodi klikkaamalla"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_START = "Näytä työpöydät"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_STOP = "Lopeta näyttäminen"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD = "Tuki osoite"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD_TIP = "Suoran yhteyden osoite suoraa yhteyttä UVNC vieweriä varten"
MAIN_UVNC_PORT_TIP = "Portti suoran yhteyden osoite suoraa yhteyttä UVNC vieweriä/repeateriä varten"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START = "Avaa etäyhteys"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_STOP = "Lopeta yhteys"
MAIN_UVNC_ID_TIP = "ID UVNC repeateriä varten"

MINI_BTN_EXIT = "S u l j e e t ä y h t e y s"
MINI_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Sulje ohjelma"
MINI_STATUS_TIP = "Tila ja tapahtumat"
MINI_SESSION_TIP = "VNC2Me istuntokoodi"

DEBUG_BTN_COPY = "Vianetsintä > Leikepöytä"

TRAY_MNU_SHOW_MAIN = "Pääikkuna"
TRAY_MNU_SHOW_DEBUG = "Vianetsitä"

# Added 20100627
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS = "Työkalut"
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS_FORCEEXIT = "Pakota ohjelman poistamine"
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS_CHECKUPDATES = "Tarkista päivitykset"

TRAYTIP_APP_START_LINE2 = "Cmdline väitteitä ei löytynyt"
TRAYTIP_CONFIG_DOWNLOAD = "Lataa konfiguratio teidostoa"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE1 = "SSH tunneli käynnistyy"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE2 = "Lähettää turvatiedot palvelimelle"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE1 = "Turvallinen yhteys muodostettu"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE2 = "Käynnistää VNC SSH tunnelin kautta"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_TITLE = "VNC2Me - Lisää vaihtoehtoja ..."
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE1 = "Nähdäksesi lisää VNC2Me vaihtoehtoja"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE2 = "Oikea klikkaa tätä ikonia"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE1 = "Käynnissä olevat prosessit suljetaan"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE2 = "Tilapäistiedostot poistetaan"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE1 = "Vianetsintä OutPut kopioitu"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE2 = "Avaa muistio ja muokkaa > liitä"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE1 = "Viewer käynnistetty"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE2 = "Odottaa yhteyttä"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE1 = "Viewer käynnistetty"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE1 = "VNC yhteys on avattu"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE2 = "Yrittää avata yhteyttä"

MSG_HOST_TITLE = "Vastaanottaja ei ole välimuistissa"
MSG_HOST_TEXT = "Vastaanottaja ei ole tunnettu, haluatko lisätä tunnettuihin ?"
MSG_SSN_TEXT = "Syötä istuntokoodi ja yritä uudelleen"
MSG_VWR_TITLE = "Viewer"
MSG_VWR_TEXT = "Viewer yhteys tyyppiä ei valittu, käytetäänko SC ?"
MSG_TIMER_TITLE = "Yhteysaikalaskuri"
MSG_TIMER_TEXT = "Yhteysaika: "
MSG_PORTC_TITLE = "Virhe - Istunto hylätty"
MSG_PORTC_TEXT = "SSH Istunto tunneli hylätty, koitetaanko samalla istunto id'llä ?"
MSG_SSHSVR_TITLE = "Isäntä SSH palvelin"
MSG_SSHSVR_TEXT = "Mihin SSH palvelimeen otetaan yhteyttä ?"
MSG_SSHUSER_TITLE = "Käyttäjänimi"
MSG_SSHUSER_TEXT = "Syötä SSH käyttäjänimi"
MSG_SSHPASS_TEXT = "Syötä SSH salasana"

# Added 20100627
MSG_REMOTE_CFG_FAIL_TEXT1 = "Etämäärityksen lataus epäonnistui"
MSG_REMOTE_CFG_FAIL_TEXT2 = "Mahdooliset syyt: Yhteysongelmat / sivusto poiskytketty tai konfiguraatiotiedosto ei löydy. Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."

# Added 20100627
MAIN_SERVICEMODE_TIP = "Huoltotila joka sallii pääsyn UAC ikkunoihin, sekä käyttäjien vaihtamisen"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START_TIP="Käynnistä etäyhteysistunnon"
Posts: 8
Joined: 2007-05-30 07:39

Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

Swedish translation:

GUI_MNU_EXIT = "Avsluta"
GUI_MNU_HELP = "Hjälp"
GUI_MNU_SWAP = "Visa huvudföstret"
MAIN_TAB_SC = "Dela mitt skrivbord"
MAIN_TAB_VIEW = "Visa skrivbord"
MAIN_TAB_SVR = "Öppna kontakten"
MAIN_DBGBOX = "Felsökning"
MAIN_DBGBOX_TIP = "Klicka för att visa felsöknings fönstret"
MAIN_STATUS_TIP = "Visar programmets status"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT = "Avsluta"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Avslutar programmet"
MAIN_SC_SSN = "Sessions kod"
MAIN_SC_SSN_TIP = "Ange sessionskoden för att starta delningen av ditt skrivbord"
MAIN_SC_BTN_START = "Öppna kontakten"
MAIN_SC_BTN_STOP = "Stäng kontakten"
MAIN_SVR_SSN = "Sessions kod"
MAIN_SVR_SSN_TIP = "Ange sessionskoden för att starta delningen av ditt skrivbord"
MAIN_SVR_RND = "Sessions kod"
MAIN_SVR_RND_TIP = "Klicka för att skapa en slumpmässig sessions kod"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_START = "Öppna kontakten"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_STOP = "Stäng kontakten"
MAIN_VWR_SSN = "Sessions kod"
MAIN_VWR_SSN_TIP = "Ange sessions kod för att visa skrivbord"
MAIN_VWR_RND = "Slumpmässig"
MAIN_VWR_RND_TIP = "Klicka för att skapa en slumpmässig sessions kod"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_START = "Visa skrivbord"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_STOP = "Avsluta visningen av skrivbord"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD = "Stöd adress"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD_TIP = "Adress för direkt förbindelse till UVNC viewern"
MAIN_UVNC_PORT_TIP = "Port för direkt förbindelse till UVNC viewern / repeatern"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START = "Öppna kontakten"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_STOP = "Stäng kontakten"
MAIN_UVNC_ID_TIP = "ID för förbindelse till UVNC repeatern"

MINI_BTN_EXIT = "S t ä n g f j ä r r k o n t a k t e n"
MINI_BTN_EXIT_TIP = "Avsluta programmet"
MINI_STATUS_TIP = "Status & Händelser"
MINI_SESSION_TIP = "VNC2Me Sessions kod"

DEBUG_BTN_COPY = "Felsökning > Klippbord"

TRAY_MNU_EXIT = "Avsluta"
TRAY_MNU_SHOW_DEBUG = "Felsökning"

# Added 20100627
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS = "Verktyg"
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS_FORCEEXIT = "Tvinga avinstallation"
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS_CHECKUPDATES = "Kolla uppdateringar"
TRAY_MNU_TOOLS_INSTALLDRIVERS = "Installera tilläggsdrivrutiner"

TRAYTIP_APP_START_LINE2 = "Inga Cmdline argumenter hittade"
TRAYTIP_CONFIG_DOWNLOAD = "Konfigurationsfil laddas"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE1 = "Startar SSH tunnel"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE2 = "Skickar säkerhetsdetaljer till servern"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE1 = "Säker förbindelse upprättad"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE2 = "Startar VNC genom SSH tunnel"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_TITLE = "VNC2Me - Fler alternativ ..."
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE1 = "För att visa fler alternativ för VNC2Me"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE2 = "Högerklicka denna ikon"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE1 = "Avslutar prosesser som körs"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE2 = "Tar bort temporära filer"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE1 = "Felsökningsdata kopierad"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE2 = "Öppna antecknare och 'Editera > Klistra in'"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE1 = "Viewer startad"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE2 = "Väntar på anslutning"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE2 = "Kontaktar servern"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE1 = "VNC anslutningen har startats"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE2 = "Försöker kontakta viewern"

MSG_HOST_TITLE = "Värden är inte cachad"
MSG_HOST_TEXT = "Värden är inte kännd, vill du lägga till den som känd ?"
MSG_SSN_TEXT = "Ange sessions koden och prova på nytt"
MSG_VWR_TITLE = "Viewer"
MSG_VWR_TEXT = "Ingen viewer anslutningstyp vald, använd SC ?"
MSG_TIMER_TITLE = "Anslunings tidur"
MSG_TIMER_TEXT = "Sessionens anslutningstid: "
MSG_PORTC_TITLE = "Fel - Sessionen avvisad"
MSG_PORTC_TEXT = "SSH sessions tunneln avvisad, prova med samma sessionskod ?"
MSG_SSHSVR_TEXT = "Anslut till vilken SSH server ?"
MSG_SSHUSER_TITLE = "Användarnamn"
MSG_SSHUSER_TEXT = "Ange SSH Användarnamn"
MSG_SSHPASS_TEXT = "Ange SSH Lösenord"

# Added 20100627
MSG_REMOTE_CFG_FAIL_TEXT1 = "Fjärrkonfiguration nerladdning misslyckades"
MSG_REMOTE_CFG_FAIL_TEXT2 = "Möjlig orsak: Anslutningsproblem / webbsidan inte tillgänglig eller konfigurationsfil hittades inte. Pröva igen senare."

# Added 20100627
MAIN_SERVICEMODE = "Service läge"
MAIN_SERVICEMODE_TIP = "Service läge som tillåter åtkomst till UAC fönster, och användarkontoväxling"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START_TIP="Starta fjärranslutnings session"
Posts: 8
Joined: 2007-05-30 07:39

Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

Problems with Swedish and Finnish language with automatic language settings:
First i did add these lines to v2m_land.ini

And enabled swedish:

Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.

After building the executable the automatic language detection don't work. Some part is in finnish, some in english???

Have i done something wrong?
If i manually set the language to use swedish or finnish all is ok.
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Joined: 2007-05-30 07:39

Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

J0H4N wrote:Problems with Swedish and Finnish language with automatic language settings:
First i did add these lines to v2m_land.ini

And enabled swedish:

Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.

After building the executable the automatic language detection don't work. Some part is in finnish, some in english???

Have i done something wrong?
If i manually set the language to use swedish or finnish all is ok.
Did some debugging:

[5188] V2M - FUNC - _Language()
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_0, )
[5188] V2M - Language loopcount=0 & Lang Ident 040B NOT found in LANG_IDENT_0
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_1, )
[5188] V2M - Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B>
[5188] V2M -
[5188] V2M - App Launch
[5188] V2M - Language - Determined Windows OSLang (040B) to be: Lang_English

But my os language is finnish and it should me 040b if in understand it ok.
Why doesn't it choose the finnish translation????
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by tigro11 »

You can change the image settings for scprompt?
if possible as
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

Did some further testing with the os language recognition. It seams that the language recognition dont work. I've tested on xp and vista. The result is the same.
"Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B> "

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by vncg33k »

First i wanted to thank you JDaus! It's a really great tool and many of my customers love it. :)

But there are a few things that are not perfect and i hope you can say something about that.

In service mode there should be an internal trigger that prevents scprompt from deleting the temporary files on shutdown of the whole system. Without that the service mode cannot start after rebooting, because the temporary files (winvnc.exe, ini-files and so on) are not there anymore. I fixed this by myself already and can mail you the changed source-code if you want.

My customers wanted to see their company logo as background, so i changed the code to something like "if there is a background.jpg, use it =)". I could give this to you too. :)

But there is a problem i could not fix by myself: It is about the path that is used to call winvnc.exe. It seems not to be correctly encapsulated in "".
You can simply test this by creating an extensionless file on C: that is called Documents (English Windows) or Dokumente (German Windows). Then Scprompt is unable to start winvnc.exe.
I checked this problem with procmon and why ever, what ever, when ever it ends when scprompt tries to start winvnc.exe in C:\Documents. Normally - without a file C:\Documents - in procmon it seems to assemble the path in the following steps: C:\Documents, C:\Documents and, C:\Documents and Settings\ and so forth word by word. I believe this is a Windows-made technique, but it happens only because scprompt is not encapsulating the path correctly (i think).
Is there a way to fix this? Deleting the file C:\Documents is not an option, because the file is created at boottime for some magic company-internal and selfmade program.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by forumator »

kudos JDaus, thanks for keeping this updated, looking forward to more revisions :)
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by JonS »

Greetings all. I've been using UltraVNC + SC variations for a couple years now, but this is my first post to these forums. I wanted to give some feedback on this nifty project. I started jotting down random thoughts about it as I was working with the latest alpha build, and over several days ended up with quite a list. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, and I don't expect this to be digested immediately or anything. I believe at least a little of it is unintentional redundancy of things other people have already mentioned. So, here's my notes. I hope they're at least a little useful:

* capitalization/grammar/punctuation/readability in general
* maybe reduce verbosity of builder output?
* & symbol used in first echo line is a special character for cmd.exe and needs to be escaped: put a ^ in front of it
* word wrap for fixed first line
* could I just make another post including this file in a code block for all the changes I did to this, for your convenience? Maybe there's a better way than spamming this already lengthy forum topic like that? I saw [post=70835]one or more links[/post] to some other sites for this project a ways back, but they didn't work for me...

* folder not completely emptied on exit, perhaps a delay so the server as service can quit, or a timed double-check that the folder really gets emptied/removed, or a runounce registry entry for the uninstaller after their next reboot (and the uninstaller removes itself, too?)
* overwrites output file without backing up old builds, not even a warning
* normal close cleanup doesn't match uninstaller cleanup - removes non-existant start menu shortcuts instead of desktop shortcuts
* "Warning: using RMDir /r $INSTDIR in the uninstaller is not safe." (from nsis documentation site)
* warning about missing uninst page?
* I ran into the same problem with changing "!define PRODUCT_NAME" that Zyxyx mentioned in an earlier post. too bad I didn't remember his post until after I had fixed it myself the hard way, doh!
* curious, why $localappdata?

* has inet update and update url enabled by default?
* Use_Existing_sc_prompt=0, what's this? seems undocumented
* feature request: allow each connection to have customized command line to pass to the server. for example, I usually want to use autoreconnect, but occasionally, for troubleshooting problems with connecting, I might prefer to not use autoreconnect and try -multi, to see if that lets it work. I usually avoid -multi because I don't want to spawn a thousand processes, but I want the option at least.

* automatically minimize unwanted and unused cruft in final file. for example, with radio button style, QC_* doesn't appear to get used, I don't use the numbered logo?.jpg files, scprompt_example.ini, non-english languages, nor does scprompt use the translation lines related to the build process in the remote-running process
* ask about resource hacker earlier, to cut down on repeat of questions traversed. why ask first question, anyway? I always want to work with it if I launch it. maybe just use a third button on other question screens to cancel at any time.

ultravnc.ini defaults:
* capture alpha blending = 0? seems = 1 is needed, or you miss Avira virus warning popups, and can't see system tray tooltips when hovering mouse over tray icons, but I guess some people would prefer performance over loss of information, so I dunno
* secundary vs secondary, typo that may have been fixed in 1.9.*... maybe have both lines so that drop in replacement of winvnc.exe will work with all versions.

* create temp admin account for reboot/auto-relog, when password is unknown and user isn't available? is there a way to delete account when done, when you're logged into it, like some runounce thing that could be added? (I don't know how to programmatically make or delete a user account)
* survive combofix + reboot, auto-reconnect when it finishes, which may require above suggestion; watch for combofix log window to pop up and only then reconnect, assuming combofix allows autoit to run at all? it tends to kill lots of processes during scanning. maybe use task scheduler, assuming task scheduler is running ok?
* "use session codes" in translation file, how is this used/documented, or is it just for a future feature?
* scprompt task cpu usage, seems more than an autoit script should need, polling things too frequently?
* startup balloon tip removal? I think other balloon tips when connection is made are more than adequate to draw attention to the icon

misc. thoughts/feature requests:
* settings_manager.exe is partially unreadable on high DPI display settings (like I have), and scprompt.exe's buttons look bad, too. although this article isn't exactly for autoit, it's still somewhat relevant: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx

* front forum post still points to old RTR?
* include vidhook driver, no separate download? give *option* to try and auto-install it before connecting?

Let me know if there's any questions about any of that, as I'm sure my notes are more readable to me than to others. I look forward to trying out new versions in the future.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by JDaus »

Iwo wrote:Generated exe fails to open under Windows XP - it is not Win32 application. It works under Win7. I choose iexpress.
A bit more information please ... what OS did you use to create the EXE ?
J0H4N wrote:LANG_NAME_10="Finnish"

Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.

[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_0, )
[5188] V2M - Language loopcount=0 & Lang Ident 040B NOT found in LANG_IDENT_0
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_1, )
[5188] V2M - Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B>
OK, it looks like you have commented out the LANG_IDENT_X parts of the translation INI ... they are needed for this app, as scprompt reads each IDENT in turn, until it doesn't find one ... if you don't want any other translations in your INI, simply name yours as IDENT_0 & IDENT_1 ... that should solve your problem ... post back if it doesn't ...

BTW, thanks for the translations ... do they require UTF8 or ANSI encoding ???

vncg33k wrote:First i wanted to thank you JDaus! It's a really great tool and many of my customers love it. :)

But there is a problem i could not fix by myself: It is about the path that is used to call winvnc.exe.
hmmm ... thats a weird one ... it may well be an autoit related issue ... have you tried to create some example code and post it on the autoit forums ??? that would be a good way to confirm that its related to autoit, rather than something within scprompt ... or the other way round ...

all code updates are ALWAYS gratefully accepted ... as above, register on the VNC2me site, and upload the changes (or PM me a link to your code).
JonS wrote:I apologize in advance for the length of this post, and I don't expect this to be digested immediately or anything.
WOW ... that sure was ALOT of things to digest ... if you can assist with ANYTHING ... NSIS builder stuff, whatever, that would be great ... PM on its way with my email address to post updates to (or register on the vnc2me site, and you can post into the http://vnc2me.org/downloads/vnc-general ... -projects/ (requires approval from me, but as long as the files don't contain viruses, i will likely approve most uploads (especially modified files from any vnc related project).
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
SCPrompt - OpenSource Free Remote Screen\Desktop Sharing Solution
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by J0H4N »

J0H4N wrote:LANG_NAME_10="Finnish"

Then I created
[Lang_Swedish] and
[Lang_Finnish] and pasted the translations there.

[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_0, )
[5188] V2M - Language loopcount=0 & Lang Ident 040B NOT found in LANG_IDENT_0
[5188] V2M - FUNC - _IniReadWrite(C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\7zS4174.tmp\scprompt\v2m_lang.ini, , LANG_IDENT_1, )
[5188] V2M - Language - Current language not detected, defaulting to english <@OSLang = 040B>
OK, it looks like you have commented out the LANG_IDENT_X parts of the translation INI ... they are needed for this app, as scprompt reads each IDENT in turn, until it doesn't find one ... if you don't want any other translations in your INI, simply name yours as IDENT_0 & IDENT_1 ... that should solve your problem ... post back if it doesn't ...

BTW, thanks for the translations ... do they require UTF8 or ANSI encoding ???

UTF8 works fine for the translations.

I did not get the languages to work. Dont know if i did understand i ok.
I tried modifying the ini like this:

But it did not work.

How should this be written so that i uses finnish or swedish?
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by JDaus »

J0H4N wrote:...it did not work.
WOOPS ... just looked at the translation side of things for the first time in a long time, and it looks like its broken ... don't have time at the moment to investigate why (as i only have a few minutes left in my morning break), but i will try to look at this shortly, and get it running as a priority ...

unfortunately, the only option at present is to use one language at a time (and put your translations into the lang_english section of the v2m_lang.ini file ...)

sorry for this broken code, but i am glad you picked it up for me ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by Iwo »

Iwo wrote:Generated exe fails to open under Windows XP - it is not Win32 application. It works under Win7. I choose iexpress.
Fixed ?
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by vncg33k »

JDaus wrote:
vncg33k wrote:First i wanted to thank you JDaus! It's a really great tool and many of my customers love it. :)

But there is a problem i could not fix by myself: It is about the path that is used to call winvnc.exe.
hmmm ... thats a weird one ... it may well be an autoit related issue ... have you tried to create some example code and post it on the autoit forums ??? that would be a good way to confirm that its related to autoit, rather than something within scprompt ... or the other way round ...
I rather think it is a windows-related issue. I tested it by creating a Directory called "C:\this is a path\with spaces" and copied a scprompt.exe from my development directory (just needed an exe-file to test, you can take every exe ;). Then i wrote the following one-liner:

Code: Select all

Run("C:\this is a path\with spaces\scprompt.exe", "C:\this is a path\with spaces");
By running this script it starts the exe-file correctly.

Now go to c:\ and create a file called c:\this (yes, without extension). It wont work anymore and seems to not do anything at all.

If I change the above one-liner to the following (encapsulating):

Code: Select all

Run('"' & "C:\this is a path\with spaces\scprompt.exe" & '"', "C:\this is a path\with spaces");
It works again. :)
The very interesting thing with that is, that it runs not if i encapsulate the workingdir too.

So the problem is that all the paths to the exe-files in the run-calls in scprompt are not encapsulated in "".

JDaus wrote:all code updates are ALWAYS gratefully accepted ... as above, register on the VNC2me site, and upload the changes (or PM me a link to your code).
You will get PM soon. :)
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by vncg33k »

Another bunch of questions... :)

Why are there two extra language-files in the scprompt-directory (Lang_German.ini and Lang_Portuguese.ini)?

Are they necessary?

It seems that these files override the language-settings from v2m_lang.ini. Because if I create a Lang_English.ini the values from this file are used instead of the values from v2m_lang.ini.

Is this some encoding thing (UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1[5])?
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by forumator »

I am also getting the issue with a "not valid Win32 application" error when trying to run the IExpress build in Windows XP...any ideas on what might be causing that?
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by JDaus »

vncg33k wrote:Why are there two extra language-files in the scprompt-directory (Lang_German.ini and Lang_Portuguese.ini)?
Is this some encoding thing (UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1[5])?
you got it. these languages need iso, wheras all others need utf-8
forumator wrote:I am also getting the issue with a "not valid Win32 application" error when trying to run the IExpress build in Windows XP...any ideas on what might be causing that?
more information please, what do you use, builder or script ? if builder, what settings ? can you replicate on another computer ?
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by burnsy1882 »

I have another question for this program. I am liking it a lot more than the normal SC program, but unlike the SC program, this one is not prompting me to accept the connections. It's automatically accepting it. Is there a setting that needs to be changed in order to allow the prompting? Would hate to have an employee start a remote session while i'm not at my desk.
Last edited by burnsy1882 on 2010-12-15 21:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by arv »

Hi all - first time posting ;)

Thanks a lot for the amazing tool SCPrompt is. I've been tinkering with it for a few hours and now it almost works the way I want (with dsm encryption and autoconnecting). ;)

I've got a few issues. I admit, I haven't read the whole thread, but I've googled it intensively and I can't find the answers, so...

1. If I use automatic connecting to a predefined host ("-c 0") it works great, but I can't find a way to translate the timer GUI - is it possible?

2. What I would like is to use the timer GUI and hide the SCPrompt tray icon, because I can't find a way to make it use my own icon instead of SCPrompt icon. The problem is, when I did that, I can't find a way to exit SCPrompt (other than killing it) - it just keeps restarting uvnc server.

So what I'd love to see, is either:
- a way to use my own icon for the blinking tray icon,
- or even better, the timer GUI to stay open during connection with an "exit" button (and possibly the connection status)

Also, after SCPrompt closes it shows a dialog asking whether all files should be deleted (in English) - any way to remedy that? It's a miner annoyance, but my non-English-speaking, non-computer-savvy clients might get confused by it.

And here's my contribution - the Polish translation of v2m_lang.ini. I needed to translate SCPrompt anyway, so I did the whole file. The only problem is, if the file is in UTF-8 it doesn't show Polish letters correctly, so the file has to be in windows-1250.

Hope it'll be useful and will make my questions seem less stupid. :D

Code: Select all

GUI_MNU_FILE =			"Plik"
GUI_MNU_EXIT =			"Zakończ"
GUI_MNU_HELP =			"Pomoc"
GUI_MNU_ABOUT =			"Informacje"
GUI_MNU_SWAP =			"Pokaż główne okno"
MAIN_TAB_SC =			"Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_TAB_VIEW =			"Pokaz pulpity"
MAIN_TAB_SVR =			"Rozpocznij współdzielenie"
MAIN_DBGBOX =			"Debugowanie"
MAIN_DBGBOX_TIP =		"Wyświetl okno debugowania"
MAIN_STATUS_TIP =		"Pokazuje status programu"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT =			"Zakończ"
MAIN_BTN_EXIT_TIP =		"Zakończ aplikację"
MAIN_SC_SSN =			"Kod sesji"
MAIN_SC_SSN_TIP =		"Wprowadź kod sesji aby udostępnić swój pulpit"
MAIN_SC_BTN_START =		"Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_SC_BTN_STOP =		"Przestań udostępniać"
MAIN_SVR_SSN =			"Kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_SSN_TIP =		"Wprowadź kod sesji aby udostępnić swój pulpit"
MAIN_SVR_RND = 			"Kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_RND_TIP =		"Zaznacz aby stworzyć losowy kod sesji"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_START =	"Rozpocznij współdzielenie"
MAIN_SVR_BTN_STOP =		"Zakończ współdzielenie"
MAIN_VWR_SSN =			"Kod sesji"
MAIN_VWR_SSN_TIP =		"Wprowadź kod sesji aby zobaczyć"
MAIN_VWR_RND =			"Losowy"
MAIN_VWR_RND_TIP =		"Zaznacz aby stworzyć losowy kod sesji"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_START =	"Pokaż pulpit(y)"
MAIN_VWR_BTN_STOP =		"Przestań oglądać"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD =			"Adres wsparcia"
MAIN_UVNC_ADD_TIP =		"Adres bezpośredniego połączenia z przeglądarką UVNC"
MAIN_UVNC_PORT_TIP =	"Port do bezpośredniego połączenia z przeglądarką lub repeaterem UVNC"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_START =	"Udostępnij pulpit"
MAIN_UVNC_BTN_STOP =	"Przestań udostępniać"
MAIN_UVNC_ID_TIP =		"ID połaczenia z repeaterem UVNC"

MINI_BTN_EXIT = 		" Z a k o Å„ c z   s e s j Ä™   z d a l n Ä… "
MINI_BTN_EXIT_TIP = 	"Zakończ aplikację"
MINI_STATUS_TIP =		"Status i wydarzenia"
MINI_SESSION_TIP =		"Kod sesji VNC2Me"

DEBUG_BTN_COPY =		"Kopiuj debug do schowka"

TRAY_MNU_EXIT =			"Zakończ"
TRAY_MNU_ABOUT =		"Informacje"
TRAY_MNU_SHOW =			"Pokaż"
TRAY_MNU_SHOW_DEBUG =	"Debugowanie"

TRAYTIP_APP_START_LINE2 =		"Brak argumentów z linii komend"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE1 =		"Otwieranie tunelu SSH"
TRAYTIP_SSH_START_LINE2 =		"Wysyłanie informacji bezpieczeństwa do serwera"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE1 =	"Bezieczne połączenie ustanowione"
TRAYTIP_SSH_CONNECTED_LINE2 =	"Uruchamianie VNC przez tunel SSH"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE1 =	"Aby wyświetlić więcej opcji VNC2Me"
TRAYTIP_APP_GUISWITCH_LINE2 =	"Kliknij na tÄ… ikonÄ™ prawym przyciskiem myszy"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE1 =		"Zamykanie uruchomionych procesów"
TRAYTIP_APP_EXITING_LINE2 =		"Usuwanie WSZYSTKICH tymczasowych zmian"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE1 =	"Skopiowano zapis debugowania"
TRAYTIP_DEBUG_COPIED_LINE2 =	"Otwórz notatnik i kliknij Edycja > Wklej"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE1 =		"PrzeglÄ…darka uruchomiona"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSC_LINE2 =		"Oczekiwanie na połączenia"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE1 =	"PrzeglÄ…darka uruchomiona"
TRAYTIP_VWR_STARTSVR_LINE2 =	"Łączenie z serwerem"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE1 =		"Połączenie VNC uruchomione"
TRAYTIP_SC_START_LINE2 =		"Próba połaczenia z przeglądarką"

MSG_HOST_TITLE =		"Nieznay host"
MSG_HOST_TEXT =			"Ten host nie został wcześniej zapamiętany, czy chcesz go dodać do zapamiętanych hostów?"
MSG_SSN_TEXT =			"Proszę wpisać kod sesji i spróbować ponownie"
MSG_VWR_TITLE =			"PrzeglÄ…darka"
MSG_VWR_TEXT =			"Nie wybrano rodzaju połączenia z przeglądarką, użyć SC?"
MSG_TIMER_TITLE =		"Limit czasu połączenia"
MSG_TIMER_TEXT =		"Sesja ustanowiona na: "
MSG_PORTC_TITLE =		"BÅ‚Ä…d - odmowa sesji"
MSG_PORTC_TEXT =		"Sesja tunelu SSH odmówiona, ponowić z tym samym ID sesji?"
MSG_SSHSVR_TEXT =		"Z jakim serwerem SSG połączyć?"
MSG_SSHUSER_TITLE =		"Nazwa użytkownika"
MSG_SSHUSER_TEXT =		"Wpisz nazwę użytkownika SSH"
MSG_SSHPASS_TEXT =		"Wpisz hasło SSH"
MAIN_SERVICEBOX=		"Tryb usługi"

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by arv »

burnsy1882 wrote:I have another question for this program. I am liking it a lot more than the normal SC program, but unlike the SC program, this one is not prompting me to accept the connections. It's automatically accepting it. Is there a setting that needs to be changed in order to allow the prompting? Would hate to have an employee start a remote session while i'm not at my desk.
I've only been testing this on virtual machines, so that may have something to do with it, but I've noticed that if I set UseSC_Prompt=1, then I get the prompt whether I (the listening viewer) want to accept the connection, but then the screen in the viewer is blank (all black). Don't know why, but maybe that'll steer you in the right direction.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by faba »

I have tried the latest build and it works great most of the time but I have found some bugs.

If you choose the GUI_TYPE button instead of radio there is no possibility to activate vnc running as a service.

Parameters like autoconnect or service mode doesn't seem to be forwarded to Scprompt if the alternative to 7z is used. Using 7z is no option atm since you get asked all the time if the installation has worked fine on Windows Vista and newer.

Is there a possibility to remove the files and service if the system gets shutdown or restarted?

And like someone else has asked some time ago it would be great if a confirmation dialog is displayed before initiating file transfers.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - SC or Server 1/1

Post by mojotaker »

JDaus wrote:
Iwo wrote:Are you using "upx -9" ? I think that best setting is: "upx --lzma --best".
Iwo wrote:Is there option to connect to viewer just after launching exe (w/o options and info screen) ?
You can use the count-down-timer, otherwise try:
  • running the uvnc.exe with whatever arguments you want.
    rename the build_7z.ini
    execute builer app
    locate the folder & file "scprompt\uvnc.exe"
    when asked for commandline options, add the ones decided upon in step #1
    When asked if you have tested the app, click no.
Iwo wrote:Is the latest alpha based on UNVC ?
No ... but download it, place the winvnc.exe in the scprompt folder, remove the uvnc.exe, & give it a test ... should work as expected ...
Please i cant figure out, how to enable autorun, as per the instructions, the testing builder never asks for command options.


am i missing something, what is the "test builder" ?

I am using the default builder "Build_SCPrompt.exe".
When i run the "Build_SCPrompt.exe" and follow the questions, it never prompts me to enter any command arguements.

Thanks in advance
Last edited by mojotaker on 2011-01-08 16:32, edited 1 time in total.
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how to use gui 5(auto connect)

Post by mojotaker »

Personally for me, the instructions on enabling gui 5(auto connect),

was not clear.

I have now figured it out and would like to share it, with my own understanding.

Locate the Build_exe.ini file
and make the following changes

change :
Application=scprompt.exe to Application=scprompt.exe -c 0
UseCMDline=0 to UseCMDline=1

thanks JDaus for such hardwork and excellent solution.

I hope this helps .
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by praveen3232 »

Hi ,

how it will connect through repeater ..
I was create one exe .But which server we want to use

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by faba »

I don't know if it is a Scprompt or a vnc problem but I can't see the task bar submenu when clicking on a running program.
This makes it (nearly) impossible to switch to another window of the program from remote.
Aero is disabled so what could be the reason and more important how can I circumvent this behavior?
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by Mr.Reds »

Hi all,
for the last 5 years I've used SC with a repeater. Now, many customers have vista/7 and I moved to scprompt. I use it from few days on a testing pc and I found it great.
The button gui allow to have big button and it 's great for the customers which have tactil pc with no keyboard and mouse (retail).
I've a problem for the uvnc and scprompt coexistance.

my testing pc is:

- xp pro sp3
- ultravnc server
- sc prompt

when Ultravnc server is running and I launch a scprompt connection I can't control remote pc.
If I stop or remove the ultravnc service (from the tools/force uninstall menu) the connection goes on and I can establish a remote control session.

What are the correct parameters in scprompt.ini file to allow the connection without stop or remove ultravnc server? Many of my customers have a ultravnc server already installed (for LAN support purpose) and I don't want to remove it.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by gumbo »

Hi there. This is a great solution! Just two questions please if you don't mind:

Using a 7-zip exe RYO version, the user downloads the .exe runs it:

i) Non-admin users are asked to enter an administrator username/password to run it. Is there any way that I can enter these details for them get it to run for non-admin users some how? This might be a chicken and egg problem.. I just don't like to give the users the administrator details..

ii) If I give the user the admin credentials anyway and connect, when finished and exited, UAC stays turned off on the user's PC, even after reboot. Is this expected?

Thanks again!
Last edited by gumbo on 2011-01-28 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 13/11

Post by Zyxyx »

Hello JDaus,

Just a quick post to see if you are still around and if there will be an update to SCPrompt anytime soon ?

I hope that everything's ok for you and that you'll find some time for your great soft.

ChunkVNC Fork 4.0.0 by Rat
Windows 7 Professional (32 / 64 bits)
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