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SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (7, 8, 10, 2k8+) 26/3/20

Single Click discussions / bugs
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Re: Bugs

Post by JDaus »

JDaus wrote:Update FINALLY released ...
Can i assume from the lack of negative feedback, that the latest SCPrompt is a stable release ???

I would like to update the front page and the downloads section of the vnc2me site if this is the case ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Zyxyx »

On Windows 7 (32 bits / 64 bits) :

When SCPrompt is built with Build_SCPrompt.exe and the IExpress option, there is an error message when double clicking on the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe

SCPrompt Remote Desktop Control
Erreur de création du processus <C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\scprompt.exe>. Raison : L’opération demandée nécessite une élévation.

> In english : The requested operation requires elevation.

Is there a way to avoid this error message without being forced to run SCPrompt as an Administrator.

Thank you for this great (and still updated...) app !

Last edited by Zyxyx on 2010-09-12 22:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by tsume »

Zyxyx wrote:On Windows 7 (32 bits / 64 bits) :

When SCPrompt is built with Build_SCPrompt.exe and the IExpress option, there is an error message when double clicking on the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe

SCPrompt Remote Desktop Control
Erreur de création du processus <C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\IXP000.TMP\scprompt.exe>. Raison : L’opération demandée nécessite une élévation.

> In english : The requested operation requires elevation.

Is there a way to avoid this error message without being forced to run SCPrompt as an Administrator.

Thank you for this great (and still updated...) app !

Am experiencing the same issue :( Do not like having to right click and run as admin
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Frontier »

I have just tried the latest alpha, thanks for releasing it to us :)

When I start a newly built .exe file, I get a message in my tray saying "app_start_title". I have tried setting that entry in various ini-files, nothing helped. Where do I set that 1?

Also, I have gotten 2 new large buttons, saying "connect" and "exit". I used to be able to set the text in those...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Zyxyx »

Other problem with the Button GUI (same used for my previous bug report) :

If the manual option is selected when building the app, the Manual button is there but it's not possible to enter anything in the 'Support address' and 'Port' fields... so it's not working :-(

The 'UsePredefined' option in the settings manager doesn't change anything.

It's almost there, thank you for your work.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Frontier »

Something else that I have noticed: if one lets the end-user click "service mode", the only way of ending the session is to go to services on the user's computer and stop the service. If one selects "uninstall service", it still reappears...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:On Windows 7 (32 bits / 64 bits) :

When SCPrompt is built with Build_SCPrompt.exe and the IExpress option, there is an error message when double clicking on the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe
The requested operation requires elevation.
So its the builder thats having the problem is it ??? i will add the #requireadmin option when win_7 is detected ... that should then run as admin each time its run ...
Frontier wrote:When I start a newly built .exe file, I get a message in my tray saying "app_start_title".

I have gotten 2 new large buttons, saying "connect" and "exit". I used to be able to set the text in those...
What GUI version are you using ? what language is your system default ?
Zyxyx wrote:Other problem with the Button GUI (same used for my previous bug report) :

If the manual option is selected when building the app, the Manual button is there but it's not possible to enter anything in the 'Support address' and 'Port' fields... so it's not working :-(
Ah! ... i didn't develop the button GUI ... so i guess it has some bugs with some of the latest changes ... i will take a look
Frontier wrote:if one lets the end-user click "service mode", the only way of ending the session is to go to services on the user's computer and stop the service. If one selects "uninstall service", it still reappears...
Thats using the tools menu from the tray icon that isn't working ??? is that right ???
JDaus wrote:Can i assume from the lack of negative feedback, that the latest SCPrompt is a stable release ???
Guess not quite yet ... :P maybe next release :D
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Zyxyx »

JDaus wrote:So, its the builder thats having the problem is it ??? i will add the #requireadmin option when win_7 is detected ... that should then run as admin each time its run ...
I always start the builder as Administrator, so there should not be any problem when building the app (I do it with the IExpress option).

But the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe gives the error when started (only tested on Win 7 32 and 64 bits) on the computer I want to control.

The people I want to assist remotely have to right click the .exe and run it as Admin... if they can. With this version, it's impossible to start the program if the user doesn't have admin rights on his computer.

I really hope you will soon find some of your precious time to fix these "little" problems remaining in your otherwise great piece of software.

In the meantime, I will try with another GUI and see if it works better.

Thank you,

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe gives the error when started (only tested on Win 7 32 and 64 bits) on the computer I want to control.
Ah ... i see ... i will try to work out why this is, if its related to iexpress or an application thing ... off to work now ... will try to look at it tonight ... also i made the builder require admin from vista up (win_7 & win2008 included)

hope that works for most people ... i figure if your building a remote support app, you should have local admin ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Elroy »

I love SCPrompt and it works almost perfectly. Unfortunately, there are 2 situations that cause me grief:

1. The person didn't listen and restarted their computer without first exiting SCPrompt, thus leaving the vnc service installed with no easy way to get rid of it. And the IExpress built executable deletes all files except winvnc.exe, so upon every system boot after that, they get warned about the dangers of not having set a password for vnc. Also, now SCPrompt tries to use this existing copy of winvnc.exe which doesn't have an ultravnc.ini, so it doesn't behave correctly.

2. The person has an old buggy version of uvnc installed, so SCPrompt uses the existing service and various problems occur. Since they usually don't know enough about computers to tell me there is an existing uvnc installation and talking them through figuring this out and uninstalling it takes way too long, I use the same solution as for (1).

My current solution:

a) Painstakingly talk them through starting Command Prompt as Administrator.
b) After many tries, get them successfully type the following commands:

sc stop uvnc_service
sc delete uvnc_service

I tried putting these commands in a batch file and getting them to download and run it, but various antivirus/internet security apps make this a nightmare.

A great solution would be to have a context/popup menu appear when they right click anywhere in the SCPrompt window. In this menu would be a single item "Delete existing uvnc_service", which would execute sc stop and delete commands.

I like the idea of the right click as opposed to a button, 'cause they won't know it's there unless I tell them, so they won't be asking questions about it or clicking it when they shouldn't.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by jeffik »

Hi JDaus,
Still having some issues making it work locally. I may have to many instances of VNC installed. I also am trying to figure out how to open port 5500 on my win 7 64 bit laptop. First it seems you have to choose a specific program from the list to allow traffic in through ports. Unlike XP where you just opened a port and gave it a name. Do you have an idea which one i should open port 5500? The twitpic link has a screen cap of my firewall listing. Many thanks for looking.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:the resulting scprompt_0.10.8.41_2010-09-xx_xx-xx-xx.exe gives the error when started (only tested on Win 7 32 and 64 bits) on the computer I want to control.
So what happens if you just zip up the files and extract them on the clients machine and run scprompt.exe ???

do you get the same error ???

I am unable to see the error, so i am trying to work out how i can fix something i cannot see happening ... does it happen on every win_7 machine you service ???

if yes to above, can you pm me a link to your file, so i can see if i get the error happening from your exe in my machine ...
Elroy wrote:1. (the suportee) ... restarted their computer without first exiting SCPrompt, thus leaving the vnc service installed ... deletes all files except winvnc.exe, so ... they get warned about the dangers of not having set a password for vnc.

2. The person has an old buggy version of uvnc installed
I have not actually used the iexpress version ... so i will have to test this these out ...

1) I will see if i can do anything about it, like copying the files from the extracted folder to somewhere else when scprompt is run, then running from there ...

this should then work well with making scprompt servicemode work in safemode ... hmmm ... just when i thought it was getting nearly finished :P

2) see below ... the force uninstall should help you out a little :D
Elroy wrote:sc stop uvnc_service
sc delete uvnc_service
Try right mouse clicking on the scprompt tray icon ... you should see a tools menu there now ... force uninstall does similar, but through WMI (i think). This should also be translation ready ...
Elroy wrote:A great solution would be to have a context/popup menu appear when they right click anywhere in the SCPrompt window. In this menu would be a single item "Delete existing uvnc_service", which would execute sc stop and delete commands.
this sounds good, but i am not sure how to do this with autoit ... if you find an example written in autoit (search the forums), let me know, and i will take a look at it ...
jeffik wrote:Still having some issues making it work locally ... trying to figure out how to open port 5500 on my win 7 64 bit laptop.
do you have an old XP machine you can test on ???

if not, then you need to make sure that the application that you are using to listen (ie the viewer.exe that you started with -listen commandline arguement) is setup in the firewall to allow this.

you do seam to have a few vnc applications in that list ... that may be getting you confused beyond what you need ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by jeffik »

I removed all the ports relating to any VNC and put in a exception for port 5500. Here is a screen cap of my settings manager. the .225 is the Win 7 laptop lan IP. [ http://twitpic.com/2rgat0] . Thanks for your continued replies. I have to make this work as I have users i support remotely.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

jeffik wrote:I removed all the ports relating to any VNC and put in a exception for port 5500. Here is a screen cap of my settings manager. the .225 is the Win 7 laptop lan IP.
that address should work fine for internal pcs, but its not an internet address, so you cannot support external clients ...
jeffik wrote:I have to make this work as I have users i support remotely.
if you need it desperately ... I can always set it up for you, at a small cost ... otherwise, read through some setup guides for getting sc running, but just skip the parts about setting up the actual program ...
Last edited by JDaus on 2010-10-03 07:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:The requested operation requires elevation.
Finally found the problem with this ...

when SCPrompt is built with AutoIT, The following ExecutionLevel can be chosen:
  • None
If option #2 is chosen, the application will run correctly as a normal user, however even if user is admin, service mode is unavailable.
If option #3 is chosen (as is in current version 41) then it always requires admin (this causes error when using iexpress)

solution ...

I will build the Application (starting at v42) with AsInvoker executionLevel.

If you want service mode always (no usermode at all) build a 7zip version.

If you want user mode (with right mouse click, run as admin, for service mode), build as iexpress.

this way, we get around the error found in 41, but still allow usermode and service mode ... not ideal i know (as some people may require two different downloads), but it is a quick resolution to the problem (i will look for a long-term solution soon)

will work on the other problems this afternoon, and see what i can solve
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by CPC »

Great tool
I’m experiencing the following issue.
Visual Effects change crashes/disconnected with no reconnect.
Support Viewer on Windows XP pro admin account.
Scenario…. Connect to Vista PC admin user (or Win7 64bit admin) to provide support. Go into System Properties…Advanced…Performance…Settings to change visual effects.
Change setting from “Let Windows Choose what’s best” to “Adjust to best performance” and hit OK or Apply.
The support viewer looses the connection.
The host machine applies the changes and keeps running. SCprompt and WinVNC are still running. No reconnect happens.
Support person must call and walk user through the task manager to end winvnc.exe. (Other attempts to R click and force or exit do not close winvnc.exe)
Occasionally I’ve been able to change the setting without the crash. However, if I change it back and forth a few times it will eventually crash.
*Just as a note to help diagnose, if it helps, I don’t have the same problem when using the TeamMC UVNC-Helper 3.1.5

Thanks for the current product and future improvements.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by Zyxyx »

JDaus, sorry I didn't test what you asked me to at that time.

Did you solve some of the remaining problems with SCPrompt ?

Do you want me to test anything at this point that could help you complete the next stable release ?

I'm sure I can find some time in the next couple of days... just ask.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

CPC wrote:I’m experiencing the following issue. Visual Effects change crashes/disconnected with no reconnect (on vista / 7).
thanks, i will add this to the bugs list, also, thanks for good explanation and stating where else it does actually work ... should make troubleshooting a little easier ...
Zyxyx wrote:Did you solve some of the remaining problems with SCPrompt ?
mostly yes, but i am realy strugling with the button gui manual selection ... have had to change ALOT of code to try to get it working ... still cant get it going ... think it will have to stay as a bug for a while longer ...

I also found a new problem with builder that i have not had time to investigate.
Zyxyx wrote:Do you want me to test anything at this point that could help you complete the next stable release ?
nope ... Just need to find spare time to get the 42 version built and tested ...

Wife has banned me from pc this weekend & next due to family commitments ... So time will be hard to come by ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

new version is in the works right now ...

it has the following additions:
  • AsInvoked is now the default for running scprompt.exe, this means it will work in usermode fine, but servicemode requires some work (see previous posts)
    New NSIS installer allows for greater flexability than iexpress does (i think i can get it to leave files on computer restart, but remove on "normal" application exit)
    New "Tools" icon menu has a "Mirror Driver" option to allow download and install of mirror drivers (it will download the zip, extract it, and open the folder - please test and report troubles)
    Fixed various other things as i went
  • Button GUI is still not working with manual ... i will have to basically re-write the whole GUI to get it working ... (so not something that will be done quickly i am afraid)
    Builder has some hickups with the iexpress way of doing things (hence the reason for looking at NSIS ... and i needed it for another project also :D)
i am just working out some kinks in the NSIS stuff, and then i will post an update ... but it may be in just a few hours time or a few days ... hard to tell with me :P
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 23/8/

Post by JDaus »

Updated Alpha released ...

new NSIS installer works well, but only as a batch file install at this point ...

please test NSIS builder script thouroghly, so that i can be sure it will work when i code it into the builder.exe


Please test the "Tools>Mirror Driver" icon menu ... i want to make sure it works on various OS's and Languages (i know its not translated yet ... sorry)

please give me feedback to let me know if things have improved or gone backwards ...

the NSIS installer looks good ... i have tested that if you exit normally, the application uninstalls properly.
If you reboot while scprompt open, the application leaves two icons on the desktop for launching on reboot.
Also NSIS installs app into ApplicationData, so it will be more likely that it can work perfectly from there (no removing files by accident, permission trouble, etc)

enjoy ... and please give feedback
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by Zyxyx »

NSIS builder script / Button GUI / Windows 7 64bits

To bad for the manual mode :-(

Here are some observations concerning the 'build_via_batch_nsis.bat' :

When changing the software name (!define PRODUCT_NAME "Remote-Assistance"), I also had to make some changes to make it work :

First, I had to rename the "scprompt.exe" (in the .\scprompt subfolder) with the name I chose... here : "Remote-Assistance.exe". If I don't, the shortcut created on the desktop is looking for the following file : .\AppData\Local\Remote-Assistance\Remote-Assistance.exe

... and this file doesn't exist !
There is one Remote-Assistance_Uninst.exe and one scprompt.exe, but no Remote-Assistance.exe ... so the shortcut on the desktop is not working (the one pointing to the uninstaller is ok).

Then, in ".\build_resources\scprompt.nsi", I changed :

- line 67
Icon "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Logo.ico" > Icon "..\scprompt\Logo.ico"

- line 68
UninstallIcon "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Logo.ico" > UninstallIcon "..\scprompt\Logo.ico"

- line 70
LicenseData "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\License.txt" > LicenseData "..\scprompt\License.txt"

- line 82
File "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\*" > File "..\scprompt\*"

After that, when I try a loopback connection, it's working fine... if I start "Remote-Assistance_0.1.1.1.exe" with admin rights (Right click / Run as administrator).

If I don't, I get an error message from UltraVNC : 'Failed to open service control manager'.

SCPrompt.exe (or Remote-Assistance.exe) is not starting automatically after running "Remote-Assistance_0.1.1.1.exe" ; I have to start it manually via the shortcut created on the desktop (not very user friendly > three manipulations : download, install, run).

I also changed the 'Logo.ico' but it's only used for the uninstaller (and its shortcut on the desktop) ; not for the SCPrompt / Remote-Assistance.exe, still using the SCPrompt logo.

Other cosmetic details :
When you leave your mouse over the SCPrompt icon in the traybar, you see the SCPrompt version '' and not the custom version set in the scprompt.nsi (!define PRODUCT_VERSION "").

+ when starting = 'SCPrompt 2010' baloon/tooltip in the traybar
+ when exiting = 'VNC2Me Prompt 2009' baloon/tooltipin the traybar

One more thing : in the 'SCPrompt2010_roll-your-own_0.10.11.43\scprompt' subfolder, I think that the scprompt.exe shortcut can safely be removed for the next build.

FYI, when running "build_via_batch_nsis.bat" with the above modifications, here is what I get :

Total size: 998150 / 2221016 bytes (44.9%)

13 warnings:
Uninstall page instfiles not used, no sections will be executed!
Variable "mui.Header.Text" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Header.Text.Font" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Header.SubText" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Header.Background" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Header.Image" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Branding.Text" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Branding.Background" not referenced or never set, wasting memory
Variable "mui.Line.Standard" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Line.FullWindow" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Button.Next" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Button.Cancel" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Variable "mui.Button.Back" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!

SCPrompt building complete.

Do you plan to use the new UltraVNC with the next SCPrompt build ?

Anyway, thank you for this alpha release, I will check more of it later.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:To bad for the manual mode :-(
Its not dead yet ... but it may take some time to work out (i basically coded myself into a knot trying to work this out ... changing hundreds of lines of code ... and spending the majority of my project coding time on this bug ... in the end, i have taken it back to where we were last release, efectively trashing all that time)
Zyxyx wrote:'build_via_batch_nsis.bat' :
Zyxyx wrote:When changing PRODUCT_NAME "Remote-Assistance"), I also had to make some changes to make it work :

First, I had to rename the "scprompt.exe" (in the .\scprompt subfolder) with the name I chose... here : "Remote-Assistance.exe". If I don't, the shortcut created on the desktop is looking for the following file : .\AppData\Local\Remote-Assistance\Remote-Assistance.exe

... and this file doesn't exist !
There is one Remote-Assistance_Uninst.exe and one scprompt.exe, but no Remote-Assistance.exe ... so the shortcut on the desktop is not working (the one pointing to the uninstaller is ok).

Then, in ".\build_resources\scprompt.nsi", I changed :

- line 67
Icon "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Logo.ico" > Icon "..\scprompt\Logo.ico"

- line 68
UninstallIcon "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\Logo.ico" > UninstallIcon "..\scprompt\Logo.ico"

- line 70
LicenseData "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\License.txt" > LicenseData "..\scprompt\License.txt"

- line 82
File "..\${PRODUCT_NAME}\*" > File "..\scprompt\*"
Ok ... thanks for the feedback ... looks like i need to add some more variables at the top, to allow for foldername changes, product name changes, and application name changes ... thanks
Zyxyx wrote:After that, when I try a loopback connection, it's working fine... if I start "Remote-Assistance_0.1.1.1.exe" with admin rights (Right click / Run as administrator).

If I don't, I get an error message from UltraVNC : 'Failed to open service control manager'.
OK .. this is a problem ... what OS are you using for this ... i tested it on 7, and had no problems
Zyxyx wrote:SCPrompt.exe (or Remote-Assistance.exe) is not starting automatically after running "Remote-Assistance_0.1.1.1.exe" ; I have to start it manually via the shortcut created on the desktop (not very user friendly > three manipulations : download, install, run).
With all the changes you made above, i think something got broken ... try downloading and building what i supplied without any modifications ... think this is your problem here ... above added vars should fix this.
Zyxyx wrote:I also changed the 'Logo.ico' but it's only used for the uninstaller (and its shortcut on the desktop) ; not for the SCPrompt / Remote-Assistance.exe, still using the SCPrompt logo.
Hmm ... don't understand this one ... will have a look locally to see if i can get it to work
Zyxyx wrote:Other cosmetic details :
When you leave your mouse over the SCPrompt icon in the traybar, you see the SCPrompt version '' and not the custom version set in the scprompt.nsi (!define PRODUCT_VERSION "").
Yes ... as this is set within scprompt.exe ... not within the "Builder" ... the builder version should reflect the real scprompt version ... when i roll these into the builder, this will work fine, as the version will be taken from scprompt rather than manually editing in the NSI
Zyxyx wrote:+ when starting = 'SCPrompt 2010' baloon/tooltip in the traybar
+ when exiting = 'VNC2Me Prompt 2009' baloon/tooltipin the traybar
LOL ... thanks, haven't gone through the translations and revised them ...
Zyxyx wrote:One more thing : in the 'SCPrompt2010_roll-your-own_0.10.11.43\scprompt' subfolder, I think that the scprompt.exe shortcut can safely be removed for the next build.
Thanks ... i forgot it was in there ... :-]
Zyxyx wrote:FYI, when running "build_via_batch_nsis.bat" with the above modifications, here is what I get :
13 warnings:
yes ... they are setup in the NSI includes, and i am not sure how to disable it at the moment ... NSIS is a massive beast of a thing, and i spent hours learning what i needed to get the script to run as it does ... as time goes on, i will learn more, and improve it more ...
Zyxyx wrote:Do you plan to use the new UltraVNC with the next SCPrompt build ?
SCPrompt is built so that the latest server / viewer version can be used, simply by replacing the winvnc.exe (in the scprompt sub folder). your welcome to update to the latest beta of UVNC ...

thanks for your feedback ... much of this was stuff created by your editing the NSI build script without editing it completly ... but it was all useful, thanks heaps for your feedback.
Last edited by JDaus on 2010-11-07 02:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by Zyxyx »

Thanks for your reply...

I tested an unmodified version of SCPrompt (build_via_batch_nsis.bat / Radio GUI) and here are some conclusions for further development :

The 'Failed to open service control manager' error appears... but only on Windows 7 64 bits (tested OK on Windows Vista 32 bits and on Windows 7 32 bits > no error message). Same error after replacing the winvnc.exe from UltraVNC (and using the latest viewer, of course).

I can confirm that the 'Logo.ico' is only 'applied' to the uninstaller (and its shortcut on the desktop) but not for the SCPrompt main program.

I hope you'll find some time to fix/adapt and then implement this NSIS script in your builder... it's going to be a great instant support solution for many people waiting for a reliable one for a long time.

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:The 'Failed to open service control manager' error appears... but only on Windows 7 64 bits (tested OK on Windows Vista 32 bits and on Windows 7 32 bits > no error message). Same error after replacing the winvnc.exe from UltraVNC (and using the latest viewer, of course).
awesome, great work, i should have solved this one, i will build a version in the next few days, and get you to test it further
Zyxyx wrote:I can confirm that the 'Logo.ico' is only 'applied' to the uninstaller (and its shortcut on the desktop) but not for the SCPrompt main program..
hmmm ... will have to look into this one. as logo.ico should be the default for all GUI windows (but it does not replace the icon in the exe file...)
Zyxyx wrote:I hope you'll find some time to fix/adapt and then implement this NSIS script in your builder... it's going to be a great instant support solution for many people waiting for a reliable one for a long time.
i have already updated the NSIS script to have additional variables at the start. this will get posted with the next update ...
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by Zyxyx »

Logo.ico should be the default for all GUI windows (but it does not replace the icon in the exe file...)
I can see that but is it the expected behavior for future releases too ? Will it be possible, at some point, to automatically replace the icon in the exe file or will we still have to use a resource editor like this one ?

Thanks for your work... can't wait...

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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by Blizzard1234 »

this is a stupid question - how do I setup and configure SCPrompt

I tried following all the instructions however still cannot get it to work
running Windows 7 Ultimate x64
previously using the SCII to do remote support with Host on XP and Server on XP - worked perfectly
now on WIn 7 x64 and many times cannot get it to work properly
so I am trying to configure a similar setup using Win 7 but cannot get anything working
on Win 7, I just run the Viewer (which is uvnc viewer and testtech.exe) while customer runs remote.exe (the server end). router port is configured to forward port 5500 to my system
tried to set up tortoiseSVN but not working at all - getting missing file error re: license.txt
all I need is a setup using my existing dyndns.org account with the server running on a client PC (single executable file is downloaded from my website); not using server or viewer as a service is nice since it will not add overhead to my system
can someone help me out or at least point me in the right direction with east to follow instructions - many many TIA!
feel free to email me at blizzard1234 @hotmail.com if that works for you
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by JDaus »

Zyxyx wrote:Will it be possible, at some point, to automatically replace the icon in the exe file or will we still have to use a resource editor like this one ?
Anythings possible ... but unlike chunkvnc and others, the application is "Build" when shipped ... you just "zip" or "package" the directory to allow the client to run an EXE, and it extract and run scprompt.

i am not sure if it will be possible to do what you want ... and frankly im not sure its needed, as how many clients are going to look at the actual EXE (once extracted into the "Temporary" directory).
Blizzard1234 wrote:this is a stupid question - how do I setup and configure SCPrompt
There are no stupid questions ... :D

her is a "Basic" how to ...
  • get two computers connected on a network (We will call them A & B from here on)
    Install UltraVNC (current SCPrompt is built around
    Test that you can connect between both computers over VNC (A > B & B > A)
    Disconnect all VNC sessions
    Start a listening Viewer on A
    "Add new client" on the UVNC server of B (Right Click on the UVNC servers tray icon > "Add new client"), and enter the IP address A
    if all going well, A should show B's screen.
    *** Failing at this point is somthing you should ask on the general UVNC forums ... not here ***
Now you get to the SCPrompt / SC connection stuff.
  • Dowload the RTR version of SCPrompt to computer B
    Start Listening Viewer on A (if not already started)
    On B, Enter the address of computer A (port 5500, no -ID), into SCPrompt window and click connect
    You should get a prompt on A, asking if you want to accept connection
    Selecting Yes, will open viewer on A, showing desktop of B
You have now confirmed SCPrompt will work on your computers.

The following is probably best to do on B ...
  • Download SCPrompt RYO version, start "Build_SCPrompt.exe" and follow the steps to configure
    when asked if you have run the settings manager, click no
    Settings manager allows you to setup the basic settings for SCPrompt, the "scprompt\scprompt.ini" file contains the actual settings, and "scprompt\scprompt_example.ini" explains most of the custom settings (which you likely will not need)
    Entering the IP address of A, Port 5500 and NO ID into one of the "User Defined Connections" will get you started (rename to your name for the moment)
    Once Settings Manager is closed (after clicking apply, then clicking close), the builder continues to ask questions (selecting the default advised for the moment)
    When the application is finished "building" (Packaging), it will run the built (packaged) EXE
    Clicking on your name and clicking connect should establish a connection to A (from B), and A will then display the connection request prompt as before
    You should now see Screen B from the viewer on A
to get connections from the outside world, you will need to setup port forwarding & use your static IP address of your router or a dynamic DNS address that points to you ... but thats beyond the scope of this quick how-to

hope this helps
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by J0H4N »

Is it possible to configure the Manual button so that a user is able to write the adress in the field "Support address" when he starts the program?

Thanks for this great program.
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by JDaus »

J0H4N wrote:Is it possible to configure the Manual button so that a user is able to write the adress in the field "Support address" when he starts the program?
Yep ... thats the purpose of the manual button ... if all you want is manual mode ... download the latest RTR, extract
browse to scprompt\scprompt.ini, and change "usepredefined = 1" to "usepredefined = 0", save then build using the build_via_batch_nsis.bat script in the main directory ... and have fun ...

Button GUI has troubles with manual button ... see previous page of posts ... other then that, all good
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Re: SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (2K, XP, Vista, 7, 2008) 4/11/

Post by JDaus »

New download available at a new location ...
http://www.securetech.com.au/downloads/ ... /SCPrompt/

This release adds / fixes the following:
  • PACKAGER - changes to scprompt.nsi should make manual customisation of the NSIS script easier for those who need/want it.
    Fixes a fault which made the app access the local IP of the computer (rather then the loopback IP) when running exit functions.
    Fixes the isadmin fault discussed previously (application now re-lauches itself escalated if launching user is a member of administrators group). thus allowing iexpress version of builder to be used without hassle.
    various other fixes and tweeks
Outstanding Issues / Future features:
  • Create a GUI for the Packager (Builder) which allows selection of packing type, Folder to compress and EXE to run on extraction.
    Add NSIS method to the Packager
    SCPrompt - Fix Manual selection fault with Button GUI
    SCPrompt - Test and release the "Chunk" style GUI
    SCPrompt - Add tools repository and allow download from traymenu > tools
    SCPrompt - Update Button GUI to include Service Mode Checkbox
    Settings Manager - Version 3.0 is in the works which allows for much easier customisating setups and has all updated features of INI available (basically its a full rewrite)
i moved the SCPrompt application to its new home for two reasons:
  • 1) to try to drive more traffic to my website (hey ... i have to make a living you know) :D
    2) to try to save some confusion that is created by two similar applications being on the vnc2me website. I will eventually make a new home for it, but for now, this is as good as any ...
as always, please test thoroughly, and report any trouble. it would take me hours to test every variation of GUI on every OS ... time better spent adding features (or spending time with my family).
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without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
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