Sorry for my english, I'm not english spoken
![Ooops :-]](./images/smilies/_icon_redface.gif)
I've using the GREAT tool of Supercoe, ChunkVNC ([topic=15764][/topic]) but I've found some things that does not works as I need, probably I want too much mods to the original ChunkVNC so starting with 3.1 version I've changed some things, so if anybody wants to try, just download from (+/- 2.7Mb)
These are the principal mods:
- New Settings.ini, this file contains your data (language, ports...) so you can recompile the app without configure again the repeater adress, ports, language... or make a backup of this file, update the tool, restore and recompile with all your previous settings. Some tips:
Settings.ini general vars:
Language=EN ;this set the language, you can define your own [EN] section
Settings.ini language:
[ES] ;spanish
TX_Compile=Compilar! ;text for Compile
TX_Repeater_Ports=Puertos del Repetidor ;text for Repeater ports
First of all edit this file and set Language to EN, because my Settings.ini is in spanish. All texts and names can be localized and all EXE names can be personalized. If you put Language=EN all the texts are presets to ChunkVNC defaults, anyway you can (but not must) define your own inside the [EN] section.
-Encryption optional (smaller EXE tool):

- The Viewer has a new look and functions, now you can assing a name for each ID, see a list with the recent connections and when they was used, it works as a log and a recent list to reconnect:

Some minor bugs have been solved from original ChunkVNC, and no Mac Support, anyway that part can be used from original ChunkVNC. If anybody has any new idea, will be welcomed!