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RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

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RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »


Sorry for my english, I'm not english spoken :-]

I've using the GREAT tool of Supercoe, ChunkVNC ([topic=15764][/topic]) but I've found some things that does not works as I need, probably I want too much mods to the original ChunkVNC so starting with 3.1 version I've changed some things, so if anybody wants to try, just download from

http://www.werbees.com/files/RTechTool.rar (+/- 2.7Mb)

These are the principal mods:

- New Settings.ini, this file contains your data (language, ports...) so you can recompile the app without configure again the repeater adress, ports, language... or make a backup of this file, update the tool, restore and recompile with all your previous settings. Some tips:

Settings.ini general vars:
Language=EN ;this set the language, you can define your own [EN] section

Settings.ini language:
[ES] ;spanish
TX_Compile=Compilar! ;text for Compile
TX_Repeater_Ports=Puertos del Repetidor ;text for Repeater ports

First of all edit this file and set Language to EN, because my Settings.ini is in spanish. All texts and names can be localized and all EXE names can be personalized. If you put Language=EN all the texts are presets to ChunkVNC defaults, anyway you can (but not must) define your own inside the [EN] section.

-Encryption optional (smaller EXE tool):

- The Viewer has a new look and functions, now you can assing a name for each ID, see a list with the recent connections and when they was used, it works as a log and a recent list to reconnect:

Some minor bugs have been solved from original ChunkVNC, and no Mac Support, anyway that part can be used from original ChunkVNC. If anybody has any new idea, will be welcomed!

Last edited by tbote on 2010-01-30 09:19, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »


Great work!

I like how you've implimented languages and a log.

Your screenshot is a bit confusing, at first it led me to believe that it was for Mac.

Keep up the great work, I'm really happy that others have found ChunkVNC to be useful and modify it for their needs! :D
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by guinness »

The log is good and the ID to Name association.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by redge »

better to work together (tbote and supercoe) for update chunkvnc, what you think than another mod ?
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by nebulink »

I am uncertain how the name and ID will really work. Doesn't the id change everytime the customer runs InstantSupport.exe
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

Supercoe, the screenshot is from a WinXP with LeopardXP installed, that's the reason for the Mac look.
redge wrote:better to work together (tbote and supercoe) for update chunkvnc, what you think than another mod ?
I asked Supercoe in the ChuckVNC thread if he wants to take a look to my mod but probably he is working in another way, for that reason I started to make my own mod based on ChunkVNC 3.1. Anyway I'll be happy if Supercoe and me work together.

I've a new release with some language bugs and optional encryption (not to much secure, but smaller exe), gonna make some test and will post it later.

Last edited by tbote on 2010-01-29 22:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

nebulink wrote:I am uncertain how the name and ID will really work. Doesn't the id change everytime the customer runs InstantSupport.exe
Sometimes I install InstantSupport as service and make the job in more that one session or day. Also I have some guys using the same viewer with other customers, so with original ChunkVNC we must remember the ID that we want to reconnect. With this I can assing a name to that ID so I can reconnect later, until the service is uninstalled, it's just a small help to my tired brain :D Anyway it's optional so you can work as ChunkVNC does just leaving empty the Name field.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

Small update:
- Now you can choose if want encryption, reduces 100Kb the client exe.
- Fixed some language bugs in the client exe (not important if you use English version)
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »

redge wrote:better to work together (tbote and supercoe) for update chunkvnc, what you think than another mod ?
I'm new to open source but isn't this the point of an open source project? If others want to take the base code, modify and release it as their own project that's ok with me. I only request a link back and code credit which has been done here.

Some people have contributed code to the ChunkVNC project and others have given their ideas and suggestions. I believe that it's impossible to satisfy everyones specific needs and that's why I released the code.

It's nice to see what tbote has done here as others could benefit from his design.

I'm not opposed to working together, I'm just not quiet sure how. This is my first open source project and I've never worked on a project with others before. Suggestions would be greats as to how we could go about doing this while keeping my original vision for ChunkVNC.

The issues that might come up is if people get confused as to which thread they should ask for help or post suggestions for future ChunkVNC releases.

ChunkVNC 4.0 is humming along slow and steady and the major change is to have user/id managment. So it's possible this mod could be dated soon?
Last edited by supercoe on 2010-01-30 01:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by redge »

I'm not opposed to working together, I'm just not quiet sure how
this tool should help you.
create your own project to sourceforge.net :-) or on your own website.
Last edited by redge on 2010-01-30 03:57, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

At this point ChunkVNC and RTechTool are very similar, I don't know what's going to have 4.0, this can be a mod to give some ideas, or can be a new way to a different tool, not too much different because it's based on ChunkVNC, but who knows how it's going to finish.

I didn't want to open a new thread because really this is ChunkVNC but I wanted some features that I wasn't sure if Supercoe will add (like localized texts and ID+Name), so I want to share some practical ideas with the community, not only a post when you ask for a feature or talk about that. This is a ChunkVNC 3.1 mod, I've changed the name to prevent confusions.

Now I'm working in new features in the viewer, specially time control, very useful for me.

Last edited by tbote on 2010-01-30 09:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by guinness »

I think too many MODS will get confusing for the average user. I find it easier to just add what I would like and send it supercoe to see if it will be implemented in the next release (which has happened already!) :)

I vote for Subversion Control!
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »

SVN it is then!

I'll get everything setup today.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »

SVN is now up on google code!

http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

Small update, fixed error with installaton as service.

About the SVN, tell me how can I help with the code (if you want).

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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »

This is my first time using subversion (SVN) but I think I've got it down. Basically you would need a google account and I'll add you to the list of developers. I will then create a branch for your project, this will give you the ability to work in your own folder and me the ability to merge your code into the main project.

This guide helped me learn subversion:

I use TortiseSVN:

PM me your google account when you are ready.

It might be a good idea for you to put a version number on your .zip file so people know when you've made a change.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!

Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by fredfred »

compile Error line 144
Last edited by fredfred on 2011-02-18 06:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

fredfred wrote:compile Error line 144
I've downloaded the tool and compile without errors ¿?
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by B »

Ah, so <b>this</b> is the "other fork" supercoe was talking about!

I missed it entirely because I was sticking to the ChunkVNC subforum here.

Nice move on the Google Code and subversion hosting, supercoe. I love your attitude and enthusiasm on the project. Hope you're having a good vacation.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by guinness »

There is a 3rd but I will let you guess where it is?!
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

B wrote:Ah, so <b>this</b> is the "other fork" supercoe was talking about!

I missed it entirely because I was sticking to the ChunkVNC subforum here.

Nice move on the Google Code and subversion hosting, supercoe. I love your attitude and enthusiasm on the project. Hope you're having a good vacation.
I started this because ChunkVNC was a great find but I need some changes to do it more useful for me. Since that I've make more changes but really I have no experience in SVN and now don't have time to learn it so I've don't publish new releases :(
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »


Don't worry about the SVN, guinness and I have that covered. Please keep posting your work, I'll credit you with any code I use from this project. :D
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

supercoe wrote:tbote,

Don't worry about the SVN, guinness and I have that covered. Please keep posting your work, I'll credit you with any code I use from this project. :D
I've wrote a lot of new code but really we are very limited with the actual repeater. The client side is basically the same but my viewer has more options like name, time, duration, comments and thinks like that.

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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by guinness »

I would like to see your included features :)
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by Zyxyx »

Yes, me too... sounds great.

tbote, why don't you join the ChunkVNC development team at : http://chunkvnc.googlecode.com ?

I guess you could easily upload the code changes you made so they (involved developers) could have a look and maybe use some of your work.

And if you wanted to, you could most probably help this project to evolve faster.

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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

I don't think that RTechTool or ChunkVNC can do much more things without a new repeater, all features that I've added are just for better control in the server side (basically a log, assign names to connections, etc), but the client is very very limited. For me the tools is working ok, I use it a lot of times every day, but really don't figure how can I improve the tool with this repeater.

Sincerily I'm looking other tools now because UltraVNC+Repeater are very, very slow if you compare it with LogmeIn (and also it works with firewalls), I dream with a tools like that but freeware and full control (activex server using 80 port+repeater+viewer)...
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »


Which is what I'm in the process of doing. I call it ChunkServer and it will allow me to pass much more information between InstantSupport and the Viewer. Hopefully in the future the code can be merged with the repeater itself but currently it's a separate executable.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by tbote »

supercoe wrote:tbote,

Which is what I'm in the process of doing. I call it ChunkServer and it will allow me to pass much more information between InstantSupport and the Viewer. Hopefully in the future the code can be merged with the repeater itself but currently it's a separate executable.
I thought about that, it's a way to add features but also another exefile (really two exes, host&client), more weight... that's not sound a good idea for me, anyway I'll take a look to ChunkServer when you release it, may be this give me a new way to explore.

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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by B »

Also, take a look at shadowfax's idea at [topic=17940][/topic]

He or she is talking about redirecting and repositioning repeater connections to act like regular VNC target sessions. It's a great idea.
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Re: RTechTool-A ChunkVNC Mod

Post by supercoe »


Only one executable would be added, InstantSupport and ChunkViewer will have the ability to communicate directly to ChunkServer.

I agree with you about executable bloat but I currently don't have the skills to merge what I want to do into the repeater. Hopefully some day!


I really like shadowfax's idea of a repeater that gives the viewer a session in which it can choose an ID but it sounds like a ton of work... :(
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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