Any news for the next version of ChunkVNC or "ChunkVNC Fork" or, hopefully, a combination of these great tools ?
Good news, even Duke Nukem Forever is coming out!
Is there any specific reason why the Google Code initiative didn't work so well after all for a better centralization of the efforts of the ones involved ?
It came down to time with me, business is a priority.
Some developers were added to the project because of their experience in adding new features to customize for their specific needs. Since my vision is to remain simple and elegant most of those features couldn't be added.
I was really hoping for someone to step up and take over the project while I could just oversee it. Many offered, none came through. It had nothing to do with lack of ideas or motivation, it's always about the limited hours in a day.
Maybe I expected to much, the original idea was for people to be able to customize ChunkVNC themselves as they saw fit. Then again even batch files scare some techs.
I've always made sure to take time out of my day to come here and answer questions so until that stops consider ChunkVNC work in progress.
Do you plan to release this ChunkVNC 3.2 maintenance release to fix a few known bugs and remove the need for closed source files... and maybe integrate the new UltraVNC 1.9.0 ?
I don't make plans anymore as they just seem to lead to broken promises but I'm checking out 1.9 today as I didn't even realize it had been released.