supercoe wrote:After InstantSupport has been run did you check the repeater's log window to verify that it says Server Connected ID XXXXXX?
Are you trying to run InstantSupport on your local LAN or are you sending it to someone on the internet?
Did you port forward your router?
Thanks for the quick reply
Do you mean that i should right click the repeaters icon next to the clock and click "log" ?
If so.... when i first tried to get chunkvnc working a few day ago . i was checking something on the repeater (i cant remember what) to find out the numbers from the instant support file, but now i cant see anything :
Ive tried both sending the file to someone on the internet and on my local lan.
And yes i forwarded my ports and have even tried without the router connected as well as turning off all my security (firewall, antivirus...etc)
Is there any reason why the "ready to run" files are working but the other files wont?
Thanks again