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What am i doing wrong :-(

Simple, Free, Open Source UltraVNC Wrapper Supporting Windows and Mac OSX
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What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Hi 8)

I've been trying to get this to work but it wont connect. :cry:

first i start the repeater then i double click the viewer and enter all the numbers from the instant support .

After that i get this window:


Followed by this window:


The strange thing is that i tried using the "Ready To Run" edition and it worked perfectly.

Any ideas ? :|
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

After InstantSupport has been run did you check the repeater's log window to verify that it says Server Connected ID XXXXXX?

Are you trying to run InstantSupport on your local LAN or are you sending it to someone on the internet?

Did you port forward your router?
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

supercoe wrote:After InstantSupport has been run did you check the repeater's log window to verify that it says Server Connected ID XXXXXX?

Are you trying to run InstantSupport on your local LAN or are you sending it to someone on the internet?

Did you port forward your router?

Thanks for the quick reply ;-)

Do you mean that i should right click the repeaters icon next to the clock and click "log" ?

If so.... when i first tried to get chunkvnc working a few day ago . i was checking something on the repeater (i cant remember what) to find out the numbers from the instant support file, but now i cant see anything :

Ive tried both sending the file to someone on the internet and on my local lan.

And yes i forwarded my ports and have even tried without the router connected as well as turning off all my security (firewall, antivirus...etc)

Is there any reason why the "ready to run" files are working but the other files wont?

Thanks again ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Do you mean that i should right click the repeaters icon next to the clock and click "log" ?

To check the repeater you can either right click on the icon and choose log, or just double click on the repeater icon in the system tray.

If so.... when i first tried to get chunkvnc working a few day ago . i was checking something on the repeater (i cant remember what) to find out the numbers from the instant support file, but now i cant see anything :

Maybe your repeater crashed? Is the repeater even running? You can watch the log window and see whenever a server or viewer connects.

Ive tried both sending the file to someone on the internet and on my local lan.

LAN will only work if your router supports WAN loopback, most do.

Is there any reason why the "ready to run" files are working but the other files wont?

The difference would be that in the RTR versions someone else is hosting the repeater. It sounds like there is a problem with your repeater setup.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

The repeater log just looks like the one pictured here: http://walkernerds.com/chunkvnc/installationguide.html in step 1 and doesn't change when the instant support file is used.

I just re downloaded the chunk vnc zip folder and tried again with the new repeater and I'm have the same results.

When you say "It sounds like there is a problem with your repeater setup." . All I'm doing is double clicking the repeater file. Should i be changing any of the settings ?

Also if i open the settings.txt file in the repeater folder it just has "
| " Written in it.

Thanks again for getting back to me ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

From the Installation Guide:

step 3 first run!
Now that you've sucessfully compiled InstantSupport.exe let's test it!

1) Run InstantSupport on a customers computer, they will be greeted with an ID number.

2) Check repeater window, it will have a log entry that says "Server added to list ######".
NOTE: If this doesn't happen the problem is either with port forwarding or your WAN address.

3) Start \Viewer\ChunkViewer.exe, type in the InstantSupport ID number and click Connect

You should not be opening the repeaters settings.txt file, if you need to change the settings of the repeater you should right click on the tray icon and choose settings.

Try compiling InstantSupport by using the LAN address of the repeater and test it locally.

Good Luck!
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you :oops:

I found the problem ...

I've had the same ip address for as long as i can remember but it seems my isp thought it would be funny to change it on me....lol

I can now get it working (using my new ip address) and it seems very fast, but i now have a new problem.... :(

Once I'm connected to the remote computer i can move the mouse around the screen and double click an icon. but i cant click the red X to close a window . Also if for example i try and install some software on the remote pc, i am able to double click the setup.exe file but I'm then unable to click and of the buttons within the setup window (next, cancel, install...etc) .

Any ideas why that could be ? :|
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Sounds like you're running the setup executable on Vista/7?

If so you must install as service in order to control programs that require UAC.
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

supercoe wrote:Sounds like you're running the setup executable on Vista/7?

If so you must install as service in order to control programs that require UAC.
Your right its a windows 7 pc. 8)

How do i install it as a service?

Thanks for all the help so far :wink:
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

I've just had a bit of a read around the forum and it seems that once I'm connected to the remote computer i right click the instant support icon next to the clock and click "install service".... Is that correct?

Also how do i uninstall the service when i am finished or does it automatically do it when the instant support file uninstalls itself?
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Correct, use the install service tray option, you will have a desktop icon to uninstall.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Thanks for all your help ;)

I had a chance to try it today and it worked :)

There is just one thing....

After i installed it as a service , it put an icon on the desktop called something like "uninstall chunk vnc.exe". is there a way i could make it so the file it puts on the desktop was called something else (for example "clean up.exe" ...etc)

Thanks again ;)

BTW... how's the new version coming along?
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »


Edit SRC\ChunkVNC.au3

Line 16 and line 38 change the name of the link:
ChunkVNC Uninstall.lnk

The new version is coming along well, I've been running into plenty of problems but it just forces me to make it better.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Hi mate

I was just going to try out the new 3.2 but it seems that line 16 and 38 are bank in the 3.2 release.

Can you let me know what lines i need to edit?

Also when the “instantsupport” file is clicked the firewall pops up saying “instantsupport is trying to connect to the internet” even when i did the edit in 3.1.

Is there a way of changing that?

Thanks mate and well done on the 3.2 release :wink:
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

To edit the link name in 3.2:

Line 355 of SRC\InstantSupport.au3

Code: Select all

	; Create uninstall link on All Users desktop.
	FileCreateShortcut( @ProgramFilesDir & '\InstantSupport\InstantSupport.exe', @DesktopCommonDir & '\Uninstall Instant Support.lnk', "", "-removeservice" )
firewall pops up saying “instantsupport is trying to connect to the internet”
Which firewall? Windows firewall? Can you provide a screenshot?
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Thanks mate ill give that a go :)

If i want to change the name of the instantsupport file would i need to change every instance of the word “instantsupport" in the instantsupport.au3 file or just some parts of it?

Thanks again mate ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Bump :oops:
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Why the bump? Are you still having trouble?
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

More of a question mate :wink:

"If i want to change the name of the instantsupport file would i need to change every instance of the word “instantsupport" in the instantsupport.au3 file or just some parts of it?"

What i mean by this is, the how would i change all the default names from instant support to something else.

Also if i open up the chat it says: chat with “my ip address” ultra@vnc. Is there any way to change that?

Thanks ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

You can find the language strings at the top of the SRC\InstantSupport.au3 file.

Can't change anything with the chat without recompiling UltraVNC.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Hi mate

I tried editing all the part you suggested but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

1.The compiler still creates a file called "instantsupport" and not the name i chose.

2. The firewall still pops up saying that “instantsupportvnc” is trying to connect to the internet, and not the name i chose.


Also I've noticed that its says “no encryption” now , is there something i need to do to sort this out or doesn't the new 3.2 have encryption?


Thanks again mate ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

InstantSupportVNC.exe is UltraVNC (winvnc.exe)
I rename it when InstantSupport.exe extracts files to a temporary directory.

ChunkVNC 3.2
LINE 114-125:

Code: Select all

; Extract files.
If $ExtractFiles Then

	DirCreate( $WorkingPath )
	FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\instantsupport.ini", $WorkingPath & "\instantsupport.ini", 1 )
	FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\logo.jpg", $WorkingPath & "\logo.jpg", 1 )
	FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\SecureVNCPlugin.dsm", $WorkingPath & "\SecureVNCPlugin.dsm", 1 )
	FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\ultravnc.ini", $WorkingPath & "\ultravnc.ini", 1 )
	FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\winvnc.exe", $WorkingPath & "\InstantSupportVNC.exe", 1 )
	FileCopy( @ScriptFullPath, $WorkingPath & "\InstantSupport.exe", 9 )

I still don't understand why you would need to rename this file?
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Thank for the reply ;)

So would i just need to edit the parts in red?

; Extract files.

If $ExtractFiles Then

DirCreate( $WorkingPath )

FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\instantsupport.ini", $WorkingPath & "\instantsupport.ini", 1 )

FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\logo.jpg", $WorkingPath & "\logo.jpg", 1 )

FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\SecureVNCPlugin.dsm", $WorkingPath & "\SecureVNCPlugin.dsm", 1 )

FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\ultravnc.ini", $WorkingPath & "\ultravnc.ini", 1 )

FileInstall( "InstantSupport_Files\winvnc.exe", $WorkingPath & "\Whatever_name_i_like", 1 )

FileCopy( @ScriptFullPath, $WorkingPath & "\Whatever_name_i_like.exe", 9 )


The reason i want to edit it is because on a few occasions I've sent the “instant support” file to someone and when they see that name (instead of mine) they block it. then i need to try and talk then through how to unblock it from there firewall .

Also does the new 3.2 not have encryption like 3.1 as I'm still getting the “(no encryption)” message ?


Thanks again ;)
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

You'll have to modify those file names in a few different spots, just do a replace all in the InstantSupport.au3 file.

The encryption in 3.2 uses SecureVNC instead of the previous MSRC4 and this is default behavior. The encryption starts when you enter the password as you'll see the viewer status window information change. It should also be mentioning SecureVNC in the title bar of the viewer.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

Thanks ill give it a go ;)

I have a new problem ......

For some reason I'm getting this message after i use the "instantsupport” file:


Any ideas?
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Was this a problem before modifying?
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

supercoe wrote:Was this a problem before modifying?

I dont think so :(
Last edited by gunsmoke on 2011-01-10 13:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by gunsmoke »

?? :-]
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Re: What am i doing wrong :-(

Post by supercoe »

Sorry gunsmoke, it appears something you've modified is causing these issues.

Unless you can follow the code and figure out where the problem lies you'll have to make sure your customers don't accidentally block InstantSupportVNC.exe with their firewall.

If you think it's useful I'll add a feature request for the ability to more easily modify the name of InstantSupport files but I don't see how this will really solve the firewall issue you have with your customers.
http://www.chunkvnc.com - ChunkVNC - Free PC Remote control with the Open Source UltraVNC wrapper InstantSupport!
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