As I understand the SC allows me to make a connection ready and configured. If clients execute the file we would connect. Is that correct?
The customer has no open ports that I have to have open ports 5500 and 5900 and led to my computer where I installed UltraVNC.
On my computer I have to have installed? The blue or green program?
My computer should receive a notice that a client attempts to connect?
This is my router. The is IP of my computer:
Whit this code i have the custom file.
Code: Select all
Internet support
-connect -noregistry
Dubble Click to make a connection
Before making a connection
Please Call 56 576896 to get your ticket
Kasteelpleinstraat 56
Ultravnc PC support
More Info
STOP test
Establishing connection ...
5 min try period
If it fails, the software will remove himself
from your system.
Connection active.
Warning, your desktop is remote visable
You can break the connection any time
by using the close button