I would like to improve one thing of UVNC.
When you create the ".exe" file for the UVNC SC, you put in the ".zip", only two icons:
One of them, for the instalation ".exe", and the other one for the tray icon. BUT..., any programs or games that you can find in the internet, they have many sizes of icons, for example:
16x16 - 256 color
16x16 - True colors
32x32 - True colors ...
Like you can see in this image:
So, you say that you have to put 32x32 icons files:
I would like to ask you if can I/you insert/introduce the rest of those icons types in the zip folder (so, in the ".exe" file)?Icons, standard window icons: only 32x32 standard is needed
The bigger the icons and bmp are, the bigger the final result, the final result is 166k + compressed zip file
SAME NAMES MUST BE USED logo.bmp icon1.ico icon2.ico
P.S: All types of icons are for the different sizes of the icon that you can see when you launch the ".exe" file. For example: in the tray icon (16x16), in the desktop (32x32), in a folder with the "view" on "Thumbnails" (48x48), and so on...