JDaus wrote:sad to hear that business isn't going so well for you mate ...
hope things pickup soon.
Hi me 'ol friend...Glad you're still around

Yep...I live/stay in South Africa, and brother, keep your eyes and ears on the news and you'll see with what type of "sh!t" were living here

the whole country is going up for grabs!
I even compiled a utility that monitor's our ADSL lines as it's on..off..on..off....the whole freekin time.
Anyways, keep well mate and KEEP THEM PROGGIE ROLLIN!!!

Forgot 2 mention...My website is hosted in the USA as in South Africa...well...i'm not going to take that chance.
Ok, this is now OFF TOPIC, but to all the folks not living in this country...If you're coming this side for the world cup soccer, just ALWAYS look after your children...I emphasis this as I'm nearly 50 years old and was born here...so i know what's happening. Beautiful, country but VERY poorly managed. Lots of child-syndicates here too (so i have been told). Also, thieves, etc will pry on the weak and it will be easy for the BAD PEOPLE to spot a foreigner....the same as YOU can spot a foreigner...so just bare that in mind folks (I was mugged 4x already)...
Forgot 2 mention...If you come with family, try to "move" in groups...this might just save you from being robbed...