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This server does not have a valid password enabled.

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This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by node808 »

Successfully performed a remote install using FastPush but when I attempt to connect to my test machine, I'm getting the error: "This server does not have a valid password enabled. Until a password is set, Incoming connections cannot be accepted."

I am using UltraVNC v1.0.5.6. I have followed the FastPush instructions to the letter but I cannot get around this error. Ive noticed others having the same problem, but no one seems to have a solution.

I have to install VNC on 100 new workstations....please help.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by Rudi De Vos »

the ultravnc.ini need to have password.
Make sure you create local a passwd in this file before pushing it.
Verify with fastpush if it also push this file
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by node808 »

Ultravnc.ini is now included in fastpush. Now when I run fastpush, it installs UltraVNC onto the remote machine, but the remote machine shows the "Server Properties" page. If I click OK, it brings up a windows credentials box which asks for a user account to run UltraVNC. If I click cancel, I get an error that reads "Running WinVNC without a password is a dangerous security risk...." I have exported the password from the registry and included it in the fastpush files, so I'm a little confused as to why this is happening.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by Rudi De Vos »

"server properties popup first run, when no password is set"

1) is ultravnc.ini on the remote machine in the same folder as winvnc.exe
2) does this file contain a password

registry ? ultravnc from 104 doesn't use registry, all is saved in a file, including password
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by node808 »

Ultravnc.ini is in the same folder as winvnc.exe on the remote machine and ultravnc.ini does have a password set. Unfortunately, ultravnc still prompts for a password.
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by node808 »

I removed ultravnc on the remote machine and started from scratch. Ultravnc.ini is not copied over by fastpush and fastpush uses the machine.ini file found in the "common" folder to make changes to the registry.

Since I am using the latest version of UltraVNC, these registry changes made by the machine.ini file are not needed, is that correct?

This is what fastpush copied to the remote pc:


I then manually copied over ultravnc.ini and restarted the winvnc service, and I was able to connect. Now I need to figure out how to add ultravnc.ini to the files that fastpush copies to the remote pc as well as what I should do about the machine.ini file.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by Rudi De Vos »

registry is not used, machine.ini should have no effect on the usage
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Re: This server does not have a valid password enabled.

Post by node808 »

Thanks for the info. Everything seems to be working the way it should.
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