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More explicit help for new Repeater

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More explicit help for new Repeater

Post by josephgreenberg »

I've been using the older version of Repeater successfully for quite some time, in Mode 1. I'm trying to get the new version to work and the graphics are not worth 1000 words. Can anyone help with the settings please?

My setup is as follows:

router with 1 external IP, FQDN is "something.domain.com" (using IP forwarding service), with port 443 forwarded to SERVER. ports 5900, 5800, and 5500 are not defined (so they are blocked).

SERVER has repeater running, listening on 443, and vncserver running, listening on default ports (5900).

Other machines on local subnet are A, B, C, D, all running vncserver, listening on default ports (5900).

All machines can use viewer to get to SERVER directly (using default port), and can also reach SERVER using "something.domain.com::443", meaning they go through the repeater correctly.

Also, a machine (Z) behind a very locked firewall elsewhere (only 443 is open) can get to any machine on the network, using local server name (A, B, C, D) and "something.domain.com::443". All works beautifully.

I upgrade to 19.4. Now everything but the external machine (Z) can get to the local servers.

So the question is, what settings do I use in the new Repeater? Those graphics are not helpful to me at all, unfortunately. What is the Listen box for? It appears that I have to put an IP into the "Allow connection to Server" box, but can you use server names that the Repeater machine can resolve? How do you enter multiple servers? What's that "restrict access to server port" box? And it seems that whenever I try to make this external connection, "Searching old connections" shows up in the Repeater log. What's that?

If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be much obliged.
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

"graphics are not worth 1000 words" perhaps not for the repeater, but a drawing of your network setup would make it a lot easyer. :wink:

**Listen -> Mode II, not needed.

**Allow/Refuse: allow to block connection (ip based)

Allow: not used
Deny used:
You can connect to all servers except

Allow used:
Deny not used:
You can only connect to server

Don't put anything in it until your connections work.

5900: You are only allowed to connect to servers that run vnc on port 5900
0: No port restriction.

In your case, it is possible the port parameter that cause trouble, put a 0 in it and restart the repeater

Check the repeater log, normal he indicate the cause off the error.
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Post by josephgreenberg »

thank you. i'm going to start from scratch.

so if you leave allow and deny blank it will allow any server?

it would be nice if the allow/deny worked with machine names, so the repeater could resolve them also. also IP wildcards, like 192.168.1.* .
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

allow/deny blank -->any server

You can use

The check is done on string base, with ; as seperator
If sting (192.168.1.) found in ip adress

Dont use less then 3 and add the dot at the end.
192.168.1 -> 192.168.1XX.XX and XXX.192.168.1
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Post by josephgreenberg »

one last thing (for now): if i want the server to still listen on the default port (5900), I obviously have to make the repeater listen on 443. Is that change in only one place, the first text box? and if don't want mode 2, i can uncheck the enable box for listen?
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Accept 443 (listen for viewer)
Listen unchecked (listen to server)
Restrict port access 0
Allow unchecked
Refuse unchecked

Identical to previous version (Mode I)
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Post by josephgreenberg »

beautiful, it all works now. Thank you very much.

i think that 2 things happened: 1) i installed Norton Antivirus 2005 and had their "internet worm" functionality active, and although i gave permission to Repeater to go through it, I don't think it listened to my instructions; and 2) I checked the box for Allow and Deny, but had no entries there, so it didn't let anything in. Maybe change this code so that there is only a text box, if it has an entry then it works if not then it ignores it - why do you need the checkbox also?

One question: in the log, it keeps saying "Searching old connections". What is this? it's just filling the log. Also for the log, can you add a data and time stamp to the connecting, start relaying, and EOF lines? And also the remote machine's IP address?

Some suggestions for the Repeater interface (whenever you get to it, I know you have many things going on):

Instead of Accept, say "Repeater listens for server requests on port:".
Instead of Listen, say "Repeater listens for viewer requests on port:".

For Allow connection to server, say "Repeater allows requests from ONLY the following IP addresses or ranges: (separate by semi-colon, can specify xxx.yyy.zzz. for a full class C range). If blank all requests are allowed.".

For Refuse connection to server, say "Repeater denies requests from the following IP addresses or ranges: (separate by semi-colon, can specify xxx.yyy.zzz. for a full class C range). If blank no requests are denied.".

For restrict access, only change the second line to "0 allows all ports".

It would be nice if there was a restart service menu choice or button on the interface. Not sure if Windows would allow this.

I think the graphic belongs in a document that is part of the distribution, not part of the program (IMHO). It doesn't really provide any guidance how to set it up.

Again, thank you.

WHERE is this GUI / Application?

Post by Emagin »

I've searched all the forums for an hour...WHERE is this application?

I have installed the latest RC18 from the main website.
I launch RunUV Repeater dos application

I see 4 lines ending with "waiting for connection....."

This is most frustrating. And for all your Repeater II images of network setup etc, you don't explain how to launch the thing, where the executable is stored, what it's called, what version to use, etc. etc.
Sorry for the frustration here, but I'm trying to follow along and there's not enough info.

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Post by ipsec »

This repeater they are talking about I beleive is repeater version 2.

Which has a little graphic icon ect and some kewl stuff about it.

If you go here -

http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... e_id=60914

download RC194 setup.exe

Install this version - You can upgrade RC18 and also install the new repeater version.. .which you can then invoke from the start menu - program files - ultra vnc dir.
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