I have two accounts on my Windows XP SP2 machine - a guest account and an admin account. Would it be possible to have two different VNC accounts for each of the Windows XP accounts? ie. the password I type in to get the guest account is different than the password I type in to get to the admin account.
When I switch the user account over the guest account (from the admin account) and try to start VNC, I get the following message:
WinVNC Error wrote:No password has been set & this machine has been preconfigured to prevent users from setting their own. You must contact a System Administrator to configure WinVNC properly.
I don't know if this would do what I want, but I, never-the-less, don't know how to configure WinVNC to do this, properly, either.
[mod=494,1149803151]moved from General help to MS Logon[/mod]
Last edited by yawnmoth on 2006-06-08 21:45, edited 1 time in total.
I enabled the "Require MS Login" option and am able to login with any admin account, but I would also like to be able to login with non-admin accounts.
Any ideas how to do this?
The window that appears when I click the "Configure MS Login Groups" doesn't make any sense to me. There are three groups - VNCACCESS, Administrators, and VNCVIEWONLY. How do I add an arbitrary Windows XP user to one of these groups? And what do the Local / Domain checkboxes do?
I was having the same issue and I found a posting that suggested that I take my reg for vnc and export from a working station and import into the no-access station and that worked.
I just exported from my machine and then imported to my remote station and restarted vnc service and I was up and running. I did have to reset the login password via Admin first.
Hope this helps. -
It's weird, I found so many postings for this issue and many are unresolved, I would imagine that there would be a good posting on this subject. Perhaps I just miss the posting and had to look through several others to find the answer.
create a local group VncAccess and add the users that should have access.
On the mslogon authentication dialog, use the credentials of one of these users.
yawnmoth wrote:I have two accounts on my Windows XP SP2 machine - a guest account and an admin account.
When I switch the user account over the guest account (from the admin account) and try to start VNC, I get the following message:
WinVNC Error wrote:No password has been set & this machine has been preconfigured to prevent users from setting their own. You must contact a System Administrator to configure WinVNC properly.
I don't know if this would do what I want, but I, never-the-less, don't know how to configure WinVNC to do this, properly, either.
Yes, the same problem. I see this annoying message box when I log-in with a limited user account
I run WinVNC Server not as a service, but from the All users Start-up folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup)
I will try to run the winvnc.exe server as a service instead, to see if that will help.
I have written a short batch-file to solve this problem in a very fast and easy way. First you must be logged in as a user with admin rights. Just copy my code you can see below in an empty text file. Rename the file to "!!! install & start service !!!.bat". Then start the batch-file in the root directory from ultravnc. Create the passwort when/if UltraVNC asks you. Finished. If you can see now the UltraVNC-Icon in the system-tray then everything is fine. Now you can close and start ultravnc as admin & user with limited rights when ever you want. ...in addition, with this method you avoid a problem that is discribed at the end of the post.
... now my original german guide ...
>>> No password has been set & this machine has been preconfigured to prevent user from setting their own <<<
Man muss als Administrator den Service von UltraVNC installieren und starten um UltraVNC als User with limited rights starten zu können.
Man muss dazu WinVNC nicht extra deinstallieren und dann wieder installieren um dann dieses mal den Service mitzuinstallieren...
Man meldet sich als Administrator an und erstellt sich im Stammverzeichniss von UltraVNC eine Batch-Datei in die man dann folgendes einträgt:
Name der Batch-Datei: "!!! install & start service !!!.bat"
---------- Start ----------
@echo off
REM "winvnc -reinstall" - silently removes WinVNC service, then re-installs it
REM "winvnc -reinstall" - deinstalliert den Service von WinVNC (falls er installiert sein sollte) und installiert ihn gleich wieder
winvnc -reinstall
REM "net start WinVNC" - starts the service
REM "net start WinVNC" - WinVNC Service wird gestartet. Er fragt nun nach dem noch nicht gesetzten Passwort
net start WinVNC
REM next step: set password
REM nächster Schritt: Passwort im Menü festlegen
REM "net stop WinVNC" - stops the service
REM "net stop WinVNC" - WinVNC Service wird gestoppt
net stop WinVNC
REM "net start WinVNC" - starts the service. UltraVNC should not ask you after the passwort anymore
REM "net start WinVNC" - WinVNC Service wird gestartet. Jetzt sollte UltraVNC nicht mehr nach dem Passwort fragen
net start WinVNC
REM "winvnc -servicehelper" - starts systray icon
REM "winvnc -servicehelper" - WinVNC erscheint nun im SystemTray
winvnc -servicehelper
---------- End ----------
Batchdatei abspeichern und mit einem Doppelklick ausführen... dabei das Passwort für UntraVNC vergeben wenn man dazu aufgefordert wird.
Fetig !!! Wenn jetzt das UltraVNC-Icon im System-Tray steht dann ist alles in Ordnung.
Jetzt ist es möglich den Prozess winvnc.exe über das "UltraVNC-Tray-Icon"/"Close VNC" zu schliessen und den Prozess durch einen
Doppelklick auf WinVNC.exe wieder zu starten und das sowohl unterm Admin als auch unterm Benutzer mit eingeschränkten Rechten.
Mit Hilfe dieser Batch-Datei kann man UltraVNC nun ganz einfach zum Laufen bringen besonders dann,
wenn man wie ich auf die PortableApps-Schiene aufgesprungen ist, bei der man am am liebsten garnix mehr auf dem PC installieren möchte.
Man downloaded sich UltraVNC-102-Bin.zip, entpackt es, kopiert dann die Batch-Datei ins Stammverzeichnis und führt sie einfach aus.
Zudem vermeidet man noch folgendes bei der Setup-Installation unter Umständen aufkommende Problem:
>>> Can't set password when running as service [solved] <<<
zuerst als Admin unter Windows wieder anmelden...
- Install VNC as a service.
- Start the service manually.
- Set the password.
The problem is that when the VNC service is started automatically, it will just complain about the missing
password and shut down before you get a chance to set a password. Starting VNC and setting the password there,
sets a separate password - almost drove me nuts before I found out that!
Summing up the pitfalls:
- The password you set when VNC is started as a regular application, is not the password that VNC uses when
started as a service.
- The first time you run VNC as a service, you must start it manually in order to set a password. After that,
it can be started automatically.
Last edited by vncready531 on 2007-02-26 03:10, edited 1 time in total.
I've got the same problem. Win2003 server, 1 admin account, 1 user account. Only the admin account can successfully start vnc. Got the same error message as others above.
Tried the batch file - no luck. This is a stubborn problem!
Is there a permission setting we should set for the non-admin account?? It seems like Windows is prohibiting the user account from starting the service...
windows probably is the user may have to have admin rights to use ultra vnc on a server..
Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,
I've been redirected to this page while I was searching for a solution about some other problem I'm encountering...
I solved the problem you describe here quiet easily, but here's what I get next when I try to vnc the last computer I configured...
While connecting, it says the vnc server I'm connecting to is refusing any connection until I've set a password... the thing is, I did set a password !
I installed this on several Vista computers and had no trouble at all, but on this one I just can't get connected because my password is not set, no matter how many times I set the password again, as admin, it just never accept my connections and the vnc server doesn't give any error when I set the password...
Anybody knows ? I use UltraVNC 1.0.2
Thanks in advance,
Last edited by Troma on 2008-07-24 09:56, edited 1 time in total.
Just another human being who has questions... and also answers
I have a newly rebuilt PC setup, with UltraVNC Server 1.0.2 installed, and a Client Viewer -listen installed on a separate PC as the Help Desk.
The intention to provide supervision and help for three Users, two quite young, another a novice.
I installed UltraVNC Server while logged in to a fourth Admin Account.
Run UltraVNC Server, connect to UltraVNC Client, and all is OK.
Log Off, and Log On to a User Account, and the UltraVNC Client follows.
And provided the User Logs Off, all is OK.
And what is nice, if I shut down the Server Computer, and restart it, UltraVNC restarts automatically, and connects to the Client automatically.
If the User decides to Switch Users, instead of Log Off, UltraVNC Client shuts down, and a new connection must be made at the Server for each User.
It all falls apart quite badly. And if I shut down the machine, and resart it, all the nice set up seems to be lost. I have to set it up again.
I have tried to create some .bat files to do this, and they work to an extent.
What I need is to do is automate the start up to handle the Switch Users mode, and to ensure the computer always starts up with UltrVNC Server properly set up for each User, regardless of how they Log Off...
Appreciate you thoughts.
I am almost there, just no quite, with a proper family supervisory and help facility.
UltraVNC 1.0.2
Apple MacMini 2GB OSX 10.5.5 Server,
Sony 1920x1080 KDL-40XBR (FullHD LCD TV) Display,
Sony VAIO PCG-XE17 XP Pro SP3 as Client.
uninstall uvnc 1.0.2 and reboot
install uvnc 1.0.5 + update should fix
special settings of ultravnc.ini from faq by Rudi
This solves a bug for fast user switching.
Logon user A
switch user B
Logoff user B
This cause logon screen to be unreachable ( MS bug), Settings kickrdp =1 solve it.
But kickrdp=1, kick RDP sessions.
Use it with Fast User Switching, don't use it with RDP
UltraVNC (built 20110518)
OS Win: xp home + vista business + 7 home
only experienced user, not developer
Thank you, but your suggestion of adding kickrdp=1 to the Version Server ultavnc.ini did not seem to make any difference to behavior [UltraVNC Server shuts down whenever a User Switches]...
I have implemented a very simple work around, that suits my needs perfectly...
Turn Off Fast User Switching on the UltraVNC Server...
Log on to an Administrator Account,
Select Control Panel, User Accounts, and
Change the way users log on or off, then
Uncheck Use Fast User Switching...
Two of my Users are very young [five and seven years] so enforcing a Log Off before handing over to another User is a good discipline...
Thanks, I will monitor progress to fix the Use Fast User Switching problem...
UltraVNC 1.0.2
Apple MacMini 2GB OSX 10.5.5 Server,
Sony 1920x1080 KDL-40XBR (FullHD LCD TV) Display,
Sony VAIO PCG-XE17 XP Pro SP3 as Client.