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viewer will not start

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Posts: 4
Joined: 2008-03-05 15:00

viewer will not start

Post by Handy-man »


i`m trying to use the pchelpware rel. 1.0 so ik can help other people from my pc. it worked fine for me in my network but i want to use it over the internet.
in my network i used the repeater setup and as host repeater i used the IP adress of the computer where the viewer has to open.
The ip was that worked fine. because when i wanted to contact from an other computer in my network i was able to see the desktop on my computer with the viewer.
but now i want to connect with my computer from outside my network so i used my outside ip as host repeater but when i want to start the viewer i will get a screen that says faild to connect.
what am i doing wrong here?

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Re: viewer will not start

Post by redge »

over internet, you can't use private ip address,
you must use public ip adress or FQDN

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Re: viewer will not start

Post by Handy-man »

Thanks but i tried it another way.
i used my dyndns name in the helpdesk file instead of a private adress.

like myname.mine.nu and that name is linked to my outside ip.

and on the viewer pc i used my internal ip.
now the pchelpware program works internal and also over the internet.

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