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Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

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Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by jftuga »

I have written an AutoIt script that emulates the Alt-PrintScreen key press sequence. This executable program has to be located and run on the remote system. Once you run it, you could launch mspaint on the remote system to paste in your window capture.

The stand-alone executable program is here...
or if you are not permitted to download .exe files...

Here is the AutoIt3 source code...

Code: Select all

MsgBox(0, "Alt+PrintScreen", "This program will send 
Alt+PrintScreen in 5 seconds, after you click the OK button." & @CR &
 "This should give you time to move focus to the correct window." & @CR
 & "Another dialog box like this one will appear after the Alt+PrintScreen
 has been 'pressed'.")
MsgBox(0, "Alt+PrintScreen", "Alt+PrintScreen has been 'pressed'.")

[mod=494,1149119090]moved to feature request and leaving a shadow to General Help[/mod]
Last edited by jftuga on 2006-05-31 23:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: Athens, GA

Post by jftuga »

Does anyone know if this functionality will be built into the next version of UVNC? It would be nice if it were incorporated into the viewer's toolbar.

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Joined: 2006-05-16 08:49

Post by roytam1 »

I think upgrading "Send Custom Key ASCII" to "Send Custom Key Code" is better. Or making an option in "Send Custom Key" dialog is good.

Then we can send ALT + KeyCode 44 to send a [Alt]+[Print Screen] to server.
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by seier »

Hi John,

Thanks for posting the AutoIt source code I'm sure that'll prove helpful for a lot of people. I happen to also be an AutoIt programmer and I just thought I should note that the !{PRINTSCREEN} is broken in the current version 3.2.10. I have posted a bug to their new bug tracking system regarding this very issue:

UltraVNC seriously needs to add the exact same ability that the send command provides so you can simulate virtually anything. That being said there needs to be special key button that when you click on it you can choose from among the most common choices: Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Esc, Windows + D, Printscreen, and Alt+PrintScreen.

Christian Blackburn
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by jstalewski »

seier wrote:UltraVNC seriously needs to add the exact same ability that the send command provides so you can simulate virtually anything. That being said there needs to be special key button that when you click on it you can choose from among the most common choices: Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Esc, Windows + D, Printscreen, and Alt+PrintScreen.
I would add to the list, ctrl+break. When remote-supporting various programs (most frequently MS-Access "applications") it's important to be able to stop the currently-executing macro or VBA process.

The "Send Custom Key" viewer toolbar feature would be further enhanced by adding the ability to have more than one modifier key selected at the same time - either by adding more radio buttons or changing them to a checkbox-type control. That still doesn't assist people in choosing the appropriate key codes to append to those modifier keys. Also, some just wouldn't work anyway as it's written, because they either do require multiple modifier codes or would be special-case multiple-codes-in-sequence keys like "break."

Perhaps it would be better to change that option to a graphical keyboard control that you could select multiple keys on, and click a "send" button? Food for thought.

Regardless, it would be kind of nice to at least have some explanation of the "experimental" Send Custom Key viewer toolbar tool - it's conspicuously missing from the documentation on the main site, and searching doesn't turn up much of anything. It's been "experimental" for quite a long time... Maybe I should go visit the project pages?
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by redge »

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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by jstalewski »

Thanks for that. I didn't see that at all - I'm surprised it isn't mentioned more prominently.

What I'm talking about is the effect of "scroll lock" as shown on the page your link goes to:

"When SCROLL-LOCK is activated, all key combinations (except CTRL+ALT+DEL) are directly sent to the remote computer"

Makes you wonder why there's the "ABC" button at all, when all you need a button for is CTRL-ALT-DEL.

All I noticed there previously was that there was no explanation of the "ABC" button, because that's explicitly what I was looking for, not knowing about the effect of "scroll lock." Perhaps that page should have a blurb about the "ABC" button not being necessary - use "scroll lock" instead...
Last edited by jstalewski on 2008-02-01 19:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by kriegaex »

But the manual page does not mention how to find out the ASCII key code of the desired key. Can somebody point me to a description of how to do that and also add the corresponding information to the manual page?
Alexander Kriegisch
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by poutnik »

Just tried, using even non english keyboard settings.
After set Scroll Lock ON, I am able to send ALT + nnn character code
to a server, as I have just sit there.
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by kriegaex »

Good to know, but you still have not explained how to find out the "nnn" of "Alt-nnn". I guess no normal user knows by heart all key codes, if any at all.

Anyway, if the Scroll-Lock feature obsoletes the menu/button action "send custom key", it might be a good idea to remove that feature from UVNC altogether and instead document in more detail how to send special keys otherwise.
Alexander Kriegisch
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by X3 »

have a look


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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by kriegaex »

Well, in the ASCII table decimal 108 is lower-case "L" ("l"), for instance. but sending key code 108 via UVNC seems to trigger "Alt-H" on the server. so I guess a key code is not the same as an ASCII code.

Any other (tested) hints? As you can see, the topic is not as trivial as it may seem.
Alexander Kriegisch
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by X3 »

thats why I posted the suggestion ;)

and the feature is experimental so if any issues please report here


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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by royknapp »

There is a key combination which will allow you to take a snapshot of the screen. I found this back when I was on XP but now I'm on Vista and it was not working, I thought. It still down but with using a different shift hey.

How to Screen Print or Snapshot in VNC:
1. In the OPTIONS \ INPUTS tab, uncheck the "Pass special keys directly to the server" option.

2. To get a Screen Print press the following keys:
In XP: Shift + ALT + Print Screen
In Vista: right SHIFT + right ALT + Print Screen

(in Vista, if you try the left Shift key, it brings up a Vista high resolution option, you probably don't need the right ALT in Vista but the key combo is hard to hit trying to use it.)

Before I figured this out in Vista, I was just using the Vista built in "Snipping Tool" which works very well.

Thank you VNC for a great product!
My first post:
Roy Knapp
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Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Post by onedeej »

jftuga wrote:I have written an AutoIt script that emulates the Alt-PrintScreen key press sequence. This executable program has to be located and run on the remote system. Once you run it, you could launch mspaint on the remote system to paste in your window capture.

The stand-alone executable program is here...


or if you are not permitted to download .exe files...


Here is the AutoIt3 source code...

Code: Select all

MsgBox(0, "Alt+PrintScreen", "This program will send 
Alt+PrintScreen in 5 seconds, after you click the OK button." & @CR &
 "This should give you time to move focus to the correct window." & @CR
 & "Another dialog box like this one will appear after the Alt+PrintScreen
 has been 'pressed'.")
MsgBox(0, "Alt+PrintScreen", "Alt+PrintScreen has been 'pressed'.")



moved to feature request and leaving a shadow to General Help
I know the post is really old, and hate to revive a dead thread, but...

Your exe file is infected with what is possibly malware, although the AV scanner may just not like the way it is compressed, it also may be genuine. I recompiled with Autoit from the source you posted, and get no warnings from my AV scanner. Heres a link to the PAK_Generic 001 description page...

http://about-threats.trendmicro.com/Arc ... ENERIC.001
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