I tried this with a friend in australia (germany here) and it was just great..
Although we had a little problem at one point..
I set up the server with
-direct -autoreconnect
My friend remembered other days when we used singleclick and she started the server again which resulted in lots of icons loading in the taskbar, the pc slowed down pretty ugly and she was just able to reboot it..
now my idea was to write a little script in autohotkey (www.autohotkey.com - scripting language to automate common stuff) that checks if the process already runs, if not, it starts the server, if it runs it just closes the script and does nothing.. heres the code for that:
Code: Select all
IniRead, runfile, default.ini, run, exefile, PcHelpWare_server.exe
Process, exist, %runfile%
If errorlevel = 0
run, %runfile%, %A_ScriptDir%
Code: Select all
this surely isnt a real solution but it would be nice to have such a feature in setting up servers as i have to deliver 2 exe files now (the server and my compiled script)
anyways i hope this helps somebody.. this gets pretty serious when the server is run twice and both try to connect automatically..