
I'll check it out, might have forgot toupdate the installer or it's a chached version.menasci wrote:Tried the Beta and not bad!
However, I don't think I would use the 1cToolBox tool.
It would make the download pretty big. I would just stick with the regular "tools" method. Nice though.
btw, When installing the version it says on the Welcome to Advantig... screen.
I have the installer set for OnlyIfDoesntExist so it shouldn't but I'll test it.christ0pher wrote:I think you have forgotten to upload the latest version of the file on the webpage because it overwrites the icon.dll file in the SC Source folder.
/Christopher :-D
I'm not getting this option, and I know I installed the beta 2. I'm also now getting the "Goodbye.vbs" message on a Vista test machine.pgmoney wrote:Version Beta 2
- You now have the option of creating a Self-contained pre-populated
technician viewer that needs no installation and no user input other
than entering the ID code (as in the customer module). For those that
need more flexibility, there is an Advanced button that will let you
enter or change any settings before connection to the repeater. It can
be used from anywhere without installing software.
The technician's portable viewer is named "Repeater Viewer.exe" and
is placed in the Customer Modules folder (after you create a module).
You only see the tech viewer prompt if you have the repeater option. selected.kberg31974 wrote:I'm not getting this option, and I know I installed the beta 2. I'm also now getting the "Goodbye.vbs" message on a Vista test machine.pgmoney wrote:Version Beta 2
- You now have the option of creating a Self-contained pre-populated
Is it possible for them to steal my paid license that way? If so, you might want to prevent that.
That's a polite way to put it. I think it's a time consuming, labor intensive pita... already have plans to fix it. The wizard method explains each option and cuts down on the calls we get but if you have to build more than one or two it's painful.spm wrote:Never being satisfied :) I have another feature request ...
With all the extended options introduced lately, building the customer module has become an interactive and error-prone business.
I always use the repeater when I am away from the office and have had no problems. I actually have two repeaters setup in case one fails. That is one reason I like using the menu setup. I use a direct connection while in the office.menasci wrote:On a side note...
What do you guys like better:
1. Using the Repeater option to connect into your Main PC from a secondary PC to assist customers thru OneClick
2. Using Remote Desktop to connect from a secondary PC into your Main PC to assist customers thru OneClick
So far I've just been using Remote Desktop.
I can be in front of any PC in the world and just use my DynDNS address to connect to my PC at my office and then connect to my customer thru OneClick.
Is the repeater method better/worse?
It's where you will put the Voice Chat, Draw on Desktop and other plugins...menasci wrote:Tried the New(er) beta.
So far I'm not a fan of the "1cToolBox Tools" thing.
I just think it's a bit of a waste. (unless I'm missing something)
Also, the folder that it creates on the Customer's desktop does not remove itself when I disconnect from the customer.
Also, even when I create a new Customer Module and choose not to create the 1cToolBox it seems to create the folder anyway. (empty of course)
Now I see.It's where you will put the Voice Chat, Draw on Desktop and other plugins...
I find that the timer on the right top gets in the way of minimizing or closing the web viewer since most calls are initiated from a web page.menasci wrote:Ok, 2 quick requests.
1. Can you make the Timer appear at the upper right hand corner of the Customers screen by default. (my personal selfish request)
2. Since the Timer has the "Quit", "Boot", & "Tools" options built in,
Do not create the "Stop", "Boot", and "Tools" icons on the customers desktop when opting to use the Timer.
(Less clutter, file size, and less confusion for my "less than brilliant" customers)
The bat kills it before it gets to the uninst.exe which is where the reboot question is. Direct mode in service mode should work, it's just a necessary evil in menued mode since the uninst.exe couldn't kill the process. A better solution is still being worked on.kaldag wrote:In the newest version the Re-Boot feature won't work. XP workstation.
Version is now available for download:menasci wrote:2. Since the Timer has the "Quit", "Boot", & "Tools" options built in, Do not create the "Stop", "Boot", and "Tools" icons on the customers desktop when opting to use the Timer.
Yes, wrote:Are you running the newest version??
It's a v1.8.6.* customer module, rebuild the customer module with wrote:I'm still getting the 'Can not find script file "C:\Users\KEVINB~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Goodbye.vbs".' error on Vista machines. When I run it again, it finds the previous attempt, kills it, and then displays two goodbye windows. Any ideas?
I did build it with wrote:It's a v1.8.6.* customer module, rebuild the customer module with wrote:I'm still getting the 'Can not find script file "C:\Users\KEVINB~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Goodbye.vbs".' error on Vista machines. When I run it again, it finds the previous attempt, kills it, and then displays two goodbye windows. Any ideas?
It doesn't look for Goodbye.vbs in v1.8.7.0, it looks for OneClick.vbs. Send me your customer module so I can do some testing.kberg31974 wrote:I did build it with
That capability is already in it, it's part of the viewer.PersonalPCPro wrote:I saw a feature in another remote control/screen sharing program that I would like to request for OneClick-- while connected it allows you to select whether you would like the connection to be "optimized for speed" or "optimized for screen picture quality"
Version wrote:The newest version (v1.8.7.0) do not restore Aero after disconnecting /../ I am using the non-service with menu (all worked perfect in v1.8.6.6).
Apparently the module was partially running when I tried to build it with and it couldn't be overwritten (no error from the builder program, however). Once I figured that out and rebuilt the module with, the error went away. However, in my LAN tests, the new module doesn't contact my support machine when run from a Vista machine. It works fine on XP. Older modules work fine...just tried it.pgmoney wrote:It doesn't look for Goodbye.vbs in v1.8.7.0, it looks for OneClick.vbs. Send me your customer module so I can do some testing.kberg31974 wrote:I did build it with