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installation help

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installation help

Post by AmyC »

I am trying to install pchelpware on a server. I was redirected to this software from a UVNC forum. Are there installation notes I can use. Basically I have downloaded and extracted the files. The applications is not doing anything currently. I could also use some configuration assistance. My goal is to get this set up so I can remotely assist clients through this server or from my PC. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Amy Chalifoux
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Re: installation help

Post by mattice06082 »

[topic=5890]PcHelpware Step by Step[/topic]
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Re: installation help

Post by AmyC »

Thanks I will start with this.
Amy Chalifoux
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Re: installation help

Post by AmyC »

I have been using the instructions to try and set up PChelpware. I believe I am having some problems or I may be missing some steps. I walk through the viewer setup and it detects the external IP of the server. The Upnp does not work with my router but it still lets me save the fshelp.phw configuration I have set up. However, I'm not sure what I need to do with this or how to configure it to work on the client's mahcine. Am I supposed to be configuring the viewer to run on the server? If so, what is the next step? Thanks.
Amy Chalifoux
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Re: installation help

Post by mattice06082 »

[topic=9663]"Zero Configuration" PcHelpWare_viewer[/topic] shows an example of how to set up the viewer for use with a repeater. I've never used the Upnp setting so I can't vouch for it working.
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Re: installation help

Post by AmyC »

I have everything working with the zero configuration software. The refresh rate is slow. I'm pretty sure most of the people I need to support will be behind NAT. Is there a way I can set up my own repeater rather than using the ultravnc one? If so could you point me in the right direction? Thanks. I really appreciate all the help.
Amy Chalifoux
FirstSearch Tehcnology
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: installation help

Post by Rudi De Vos »

You don't need a repeater when the person you want to support is behind NAT.
You only need to use a repeater when your PC is behind NAT and you can't forward the port to your PC.

user -->NAT-->internet -->NAT (port forward)--> viewer OK

Repeater is only needed when server and viewer are behind a nat that
can't be configured to forward a port.
user -->NAT-->internet--> repeater<-internet<--<NAT<--Viewer NOK
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Re: installation help

Post by AmyC »

I am behind a NAT and the people I need to support will most likely be as well.
Amy Chalifoux
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Re: installation help

Post by bevtech »

The zero configuration is only for testing.:)

You need to setup your own repeater to speed it up.

It uses TCP/IP and the endpoints can not change. So if you want speed you put the repeater on the edge of your network. Then only the server is out on the internet increasing your screen refreshing

Also use lower video settings will help speed issues running full colors takes alot more bandwith then running med or low. (found on the viewer configuration)

The repeater is included in the pchelpware download package it is only an exe that you should have running when you do support..:)

Test with default ports first then once you get it running then you can change them. it uses port 443 for proxy settings option so if you need that you can not share it ..:( Mostly you never need the proxy setting unless you are trying to connect to a pc that is behind a Proxy server

Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,

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Re: installation help

Post by AmyC »

I wanted to thank you all for the help. I managed to get my own repeater and viewer running today. I still have some testing to complete but I think I'm pretty close. Thanks again for everything.
Amy Chalifoux
FirstSearch Tehcnology
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