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Fastpush / Remote VNC Install

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Posts: 4
Joined: 2004-09-12 02:15

Fastpush / Remote VNC Install

Post by srogers »

I thought I would give some help on using fastpush. It has taken a while to tweak it just right. This will uninstall vnc and the registry settings and install UltraVnc. There are many ways to install and this is how I have done it.
1. Download fastpush and psexec.exe. Unzip both and put psexec.exe in the utils folder.
2. Delete all folders except common, ultra, and utils.
3. Copy from an existing install of Ultravnc\*.* to the fastpush\ultra\ folder. This will ensure you have all the required and latest files.
4. This is my machine.ini file in the common folder. The only things changed were the password(read the fastpush docs) and the mslogon entry - 0x00000001 for on 0x00000000 for off.
AllowProperties = REG_DWORD 0x00000000
AllowShutdown = REG_DWORD 0x00000000
AutoPortSelect = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
InputsEnabled = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
OnlyPollConsole = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
OnlyPollOnEvent = REG_DWORD 0x00000000
Password = REG_BINARY 0x00000008 0xba7e4b1b 0x2e7eb406
PollForeground = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
PollFullScreen = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
PollUnderCursor = REG_DWORD 0x00000000
SocketConnect = REG_DWORD 0x00000001

MSLogonRequired = REG_DWORD 0x00000001
5. I created a batch file "UltraInstall.bat" in the fastpush dir.
"for /F "tokens=1" %%i in (workstations.txt) do call vnc %%i /user administrator ****** /log /ultravnc"
Change the password.
6. Create a file called workstations.txt in the fastpush dir. and add the workstations names.
7. I also changed the path that it is installed to in the vnc.cmd file, so it installed to the ultravnc folder instead of the vnc folder.

I also created 2 batch files to toggle mslogon on and off. -
@echo off
regedit /s \\server1\vol1\win95app\updates\nt\vnchelp.reg
net stop winvnc
net start winvnc
@echo Your password is *****. Please lock your vnc account when finished.

Hope this helps.

Post by Guest »

You're instructions worked great in my newbie confusion! Thanks. I couldn't figure out the mslogon portions though. I used your notes to uninstall TightVNC and install UltraVNC remotely.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2004-09-12 02:15

Fastpush MSLogon

Post by srogers »

I have 2 batch files to toggle the mslogon(which uses the members of the administrators group username/password). The batch file just toggles "MSLogonRequired"=dword:00000000 for off and "MSLogonRequired"=dword:00000001 for on. After the execution you have to restart the vnc service.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@echo off
regedit /s \\server1\vol1\win95app\updates\nt\vnchelp.reg
net stop winvnc
net start winvnc
@echo Your password is *****. Please lock your vnc account when finished.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2004-09-12 02:15


Post by srogers »

I think the versions will be important as this post ages.
Ultravnc v1.0.0 RC 18
Fastpush ver. 7.1
PsExec v1.55


Post by georgec »

Could you tell me where in the vnc.cmd file that I change the install location from vnc folder to a Ultravnc folder?


It worked for me....mostly.

Post by japogr »

Hey guys, I have the same question as the previous post, but also wish to recount my test installation results for some possible feedback.

Having never worked with batch files before, I decided to test on one machine from another within my network. All went well, with the following exception. The machine I ran the install from gave me an error message saying that the regini.exe generated errors and would be closed. Also, the target machine has a working installation of UltraVNC, however, I cannot view/edit the default settings, nor can I VNC into it (I can successfully VNC from it though). Any thoughts?


Getting closer

Post by japogr »

Well, I know this is a fairly old thread, but in the hopes it helps or I get a response I will update my progress.

I resolved my problem regarding the inability to access the default properties. After reading through the script above, I realized that I could most likely just change the value for Allow properties from 0x00000000 to 0x00000001. This indeed, did the trick.

I found that I need to restart the target machine in order for the Winvnc service to restart (attempting without restarting still fails) and then change the password in the properties dialog box. I will post a copy of the script as I am running it soon for review and hopefully, suggestions. This is considerably better than the status at the time of my last post. However, my ultimate goal is to be able to run this seamlessly for multiple workstations in one of our offices overseas that has no tech staff. I just wish to be able to avoid having to ask the guys over there to have to do anything (apply any viable aversion to newbie tech support here) hehe.
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