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ultravnc - the best, but not stable

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ultravnc - the best, but not stable

Post by guest »

I did use UltraVNC because it has sooo many features compared to any other similar available products. It was also very fast and had many refreshes per second. It is still the same, but crashy :(.

It does crash other applications now and i cannot use it. Also, it uses very much CPU.

I tried realVNC ... this one does not use much of the cpu, but it does not detect few changes on the screen and is slower. Also, not enough features.

I really need this kind of apps. Which should i use? I'm on LAN (i need only for LAN).

When more big stable updates? I mean ... something like .. less cpu usage would be good and fewer crashes.

I almost forgot ... there's a problem with all the VNC apps i used. When i login to the server, the server monitor reduces the refresh rate, why? I have set 140hz and i see the screen like it's 60hz. In Windows the setting is the same (Desktop Properties > Display). It does not change the refresh rate like other apps (it does not do a big screen refresh - like when you manually change the resolution/refresh rate). What it does is nothing special, just you see the screen "flickering" like it's 60hz. When i quit it goes back to normal. Why? I know it sounds weird, but it's true.

I have win2k pro, sp4, nvidia geforce 4 mx 440. Monitor: iiyama vision master pro 451 19inch (i use it at 1024x768, 140hz).
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Post by Oliver »

Hi we use RC14 in a PC pool and we are fully content with its stability. Furthermore we used RC11b before - was the same.

Although RC16 did not crash on my private machines I did not dare to use it in the PC pool, yet. Furthermore the installation is more complicated due to the separate driver setup.


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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Can you provide more info....
+Applications Crash , are they using opengl or other hardware accelerated stuff? Name application.
+Did you try with or without the driver, does it make a difference
+Are you already using some other mirroring software
(nview ?)
+Is it a Multi-processor or HT ? AMD INTEL
+What version are you using ? RC11 RC16
+Does vnc crash or the applications ?
+How are the polling settings? Full screen polling can take a lot of CPU?

To solve bugs we need to be able to repeat the problems.

Post by guest »

My single cpu is AMD Athlon XP 1800+. I don't use nview, but i have the official nvidia driver.

I never tried disabling the driver.

The application which crashes is Mathematica 5.0.0. It does not seem to use any 3d stuff :).

Vnc rarely crashes, it crashes sometimes when i play with the resolution while some client is connected :).

Update handling settings:
- poll fullscreen (checked)
- poll foreground window (checked)
- poll window under cursor (checked)
- system hookdll (checked)
- video hook driver (checked)
- low accuracy (unchecked)
- poll console windows only (unchecked)
- poll on event received only (unchecked)

Speed problems were since RC 11, including RC 14 and RC 15.

Mathematica crashes with the RC 15 and ... also crashes with the latest Real VNC. Seems weird ... something general to VNC?

Applications i have running: PS Tray Factory, Zone Alarm, Ad Muncher, Exaware WindowTool and Yahoo Messenger :). I ocasionally also have Geometer's Sketchpad running.

Another question ... are you guys kinda busy? Updates seem "slow" :).

Post by Guest »

1) If you select driver, don't use polling...only use cpu
2) Try to enable driver or hookdll, this way you controle
what is being used..

nvidia driver is used on my test machine, OK for driver.

3) Try without Zone Alarm active, if Zone Alarm is checking
all outgoing data, can take some cpu.

4) Crash on display change should be solved in >RC15

5) Check with taskmanager how many cpu goes to vnc
and other applications, while cpu is in red.

You could also play with the thread priority (use taskmanager to change) to in/decrease vnc priority

6) Mathematica push the cpu to the limit while runnning.
There where reports that some activeX programs had trouble
with the hookdll, but don't think Math. use it.


Post by Guest »

i'll try what you recommended. ... so what you said is ... uncheck all "polling" features and let only the video hook driver or system hookdll?

mathematica is used here only for editing mathematic formulas (for my school homeworks). i rarely calculate with it :). and when i calculate ... i do simple calculus (8th grade) which runs in less than 2 seconds.

crashes come mostly when document is not saved. Also it happend once or twice for me to have mathematica started on both computers (server and client) and when i tried to run vncviewer to see the server... both mathematica apps crashed on both computers. ... weird.

Post by Guest »

i forgot something .... mathematica 5 is itself buggy ... but not soo buggy. i mean ... it crashes sometimes when i use undo or when i copy images to clipboard.... but other than that nothing bad.
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