I´m installing many computers, make install.bat the code is :
@echo off
echo. "Se procede a instalar el Ultra VNC"
\\Server_name\Install_Setup_vnc\UltraVNC-102-Setup.exe /silent /log /dir="c:\progra~1\ultravnc"
(install Ultra VNC Very Silent)
echo. "La instalacion fue exitosa"
c:\progra~1\ultravnc\mslogonacl /i /o \\Server_name\Install_Setup_vnc\prueba
(add of "prueba" the users or user groups of the server, to local computer)
echo. "Se agregaron los grupos de usuarios"
c:\progra~1\ultravnc\winvnc.exe -run
echo. "Se inicio el server VNC"
(start VNC server)
the problem is after the install the compueter, is not activate default
- MS logon User/pass/domain
- Ms Logon be multiple doomain
I need activate this option

What command activate this option on CMD (command Window) dos?
OS Windows XP
Service pack 2
Firewall off
Antivirus Symantec