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Need to secure VNC

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Need to secure VNC

Post by vnchelp »

I need to secure VNC so only the administrator can make changes. At the moment all users can change the settings. I am running version 18. I have tried to changed the regedit settings as suggested, but now when other users logon it says no password has been selected, but I had already done this. Is there a later version where VNC runs as a service? How can I get this?
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Re: Need to secure VNC

Post by lenisham »

vnchelp wrote:I need to secure VNC so only the administrator can make changes. At the moment all users can change the settings. I am running version 18. I have tried to changed the regedit settings as suggested, but now when other users logon it says no password has been selected, but I had already done this. Is there a later version where VNC runs as a service? How can I get this?
Running as a service requires NT, 2000, XP or 2003. and is supported in RC 18.

Windows 95 or 98 has no facilities to run as a service.

Need to secure VNC

Post by vnchelp »

I am using VNC on XP, but I dont see VNC running as a service. Also how do I stop other users from being able to change the password. At the moment the VNC icon is in the taskbar and when any user logs on they can double click and change the password. How can I stop this? I would like only the administrator to be able to change the password.
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Post by Sergio »

You have 2 options:

1) RC18 - Remove the tray icon - Read de FAQ: [topic=43][/topic]

2) Use TEST19_8 (beta) -
Rudi de Vos wrote:+++Properties box is split
-User settings (only poll settings, access all)
-Admin settings (all other settings, access need admin right)
Read: [topic=777][/topic]

Download VNCTEST_19_8.zip from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfile ... p_id=63887

Hope this helps

Need to secure VNC

Post by vnchelp »

Thank you. I installed VNC beta 19-8 and this is working much better. Users cannot changed any settings. I have another problem though. I want to be able to dial into the computers when others users are logged on and it tells me that the password needs to be set. I have set this as the administrator. Does the password have to be set for each user?
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

I will check it, possible 2 causes
1) Password is still read from user settings
2) Password is read from default settings, but user don't have
permission to read it. (policy)

If it was working before, the policy is possible blocking the
The default behaviour for registry is read/write, but with the current changes, it should try w/r and witch to read if user does not havre write permission..

Thanks for teh feedback

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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Are you running as service or application ?

Post by vnchelp »

I believe I am running it as an application. I just ran the setup and installed vnc this way. Nothing about VNC is listed in the services running on the computer. If it ran as a service would this fix my problem? How do I achieve this?
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

TEST19 is just the winvnc.exe, you need to install it manual
from a dosbox

winvnc.exe -install (install as service)
net start winvnc (start service)
winvnc.exe -servicehelper (to get an icon in the tray)


net stop winvnc (stop service)
winvnc -remove (remove service)

Post by vnchelp »

Thank you. Running as a service has solved all password problems. One new one though. Now when non administrators logon they get the following error:

Error loading nview.dll
The specified module could not be found.

How can I remove this error from appearing? Sorry about all the questions. VNC is a great program!
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Post by ipsec »

You dont happen to have a Nvidia video card on each of the clients computers do you?

It could be something with that... nview.dll rather than the WinVNC...?
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