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Securing VNC

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Securing VNC

Post by Mike »

Once you have installed VNC on a server, how do you ensure that the configuration cannot be changed by anyone using VNC.

My problem is that as an administrator if I set a password and use encryption for communications I do not want anyone to be able to disable or change this configuration

Continued security - help needed

Post by Mike »

One thing I forgot to mention - we are talking Windows 2000 for the systems involved
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Post by Sir Nigel »

In the registry there are setting for disallowing the opening of the properties dialog. You can set it by default to be off. Like this:

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Post by RobH »

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Post by pimprich »

is there a way to enable only users with admin privleges to modify the settings?
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

TEST19 block settings for non admin users
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Post by pimprich »

I tried that but it only blocks users from changing default settings. they can still change their own user settings.
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

I tried that but it only blocks users from changing default settings. they can still change their own user settings
What settings can they still change ?
How ?
Can they change any other settings then the polling settings.

Running as service/application.
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Post by pimprich »

the user is able to change their own "user" settings but not the "default" settings. I figured after I reboot the system, the settings would go back to default but it didn't. the user was able to change incoming connection settings such as ms login, ports, and they were also able to force view mode and disable file transfers. I have to find a way to disable the users from changing these settings. I know how to do it in the registry but I wuold prefer a way to do it without disabling the admin permissions to configure it. HELLPPPP!
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

How is the user able to change the settings.....

Test19_8 does not have user settings when you run as service.
Service settings are used for all user connections.

The properties admin should be blocked for a normal user user.
Are the admin properties open ?
Please explain how the user is able to change the settings.
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Post by pimprich »

if the user logs in and either double clicks the icon in the system tray or accesses the properties through the start menu, they are able to change all settings in the "current user properties" dialog.
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Post by pimprich »

by the way, I am running in service mode
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Retested on XP (TEST19_8)

admin -> properties
restricted user->no properties, double click nothing
via start menu nothing....

OS ?
What are the local settings of the user....

The only way a user get access
1) 9.X, There exist no local admin, every user is local admin
2) NT> User has local admin rights.

Anybody else already tested the properties in TEST19_8
Can anybody confirm the problem, not able to repeat on my system.
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Post by pimprich »

I just noticed when I restart the machine with server running, the test_19.exe does not run automatically. I have to login as admin and run the .exe. after that, the non-admin user has no access to properties. is there a way to have the test_19.exe automatically run by default?
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Post by pimprich »

I also noticed that when I run the test_19 exe, it locks me out of the properties while I am logged in as admin. it seems like I am the only one with problems with this. maybe I downloaded a bad file.

test 19

Post by nolanv »

Pardon my ignorance but where do I get the test 19 files and is this a end user component.
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Re: test 19

Post by ipsec »

nolanv wrote:Pardon my ignorance but where do I get the test 19 files and is this a end user component.
Its under the category "News Announcements and Releases"

Depends on which version you want, and follow the links to that specific version.
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Rudi De Vos
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Post by Rudi De Vos »

Test 19 is just winvnc....
You need to install RC18 and replace winvnc.exe with the test version.

Just running test exe does not install winvnc, but start winvnc as application
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