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Is SC using encryption?

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Is SC using encryption?

Post by Guest »

I want to use SC for giving my customers remote technical support, but I am worried about the encryption of the program. I don't want to expose my customers pcs and information to the internet, so I need secure encryption. I tried generating my own encryption key using UltraVNC but everytime I click on the "Gen Key" button, I get an error message saying: "An unrecoverable error occured. GenerateKey Failed"

I am still a little vague anyhow on this encryption plugin. Such as once I do successfuly generate a rc4.key file, it will get saved on my computer which is running the VNC server software on it. But now when I use my work computer which has ONLY the UltraVNC viewer installed on it, how does it use encryption? I don't understand what exactly to do with the rc4.key file and how I can verify that my connection is indeed using encryption.

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Post by redge »

read ALL about dsmplugin

and especially FAQ dsmplugin

SC20.3 use dsmplugin 1.1.6
so, you must use same plugin at viewer side
prefer use vncviewer RC206 http://www.uvnc.com/RC206
Last edited by redge on 2005-06-24 19:07, edited 1 time in total.
UltraVNC (built 20110518)
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Post by squale »

yeah I did what it says, but it won't let me generate that key?

also, I tested out the SC and it works good, BUT I can't do the file transfer... when I go to the file transfer window, it says "Server does not allow file transfer", why is this?

I noticed that SC is using the same UltraVNC viewer with all the same options, just that some of the options don't work right?

can people legally using SC for providing remote tech support to customers for money?
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Post by squale »

okay just uninstalled 18 and put on UltraVNC 20.3
I can generate the key file using the included .dms plugin in the 'Plugins" directory of the install. But when I try to use this key file and when I load the UltraVNC server, it gives me an error saying it can't find the key file.

I am really getting frustrated with this encryption, I don't know why it's so complicated getting a little .key file to be created and working... I might just scrape this whole idea because without good reliable encryption I can't use the product..
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Not a solution but hint(s)

Post by hbilke »


I tested SC on my setup, where UVNC 203 was already installed on both sides and there was no problem to utilize rc4.key.

SC obviously has problems finding the rc4.key (which I put in the zip to upload), using it and/or looking for it inthe temp or whereever it's running from on a box where no UVNC was ever installed.

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Found some solution (?)

Post by hbilke »

Hi out there,

I've found a workaround (?) to use encryption. I did the following:

1. RC203 installed to default location
2. Copied both MSRC-plugs to program path
3. Created key w/MSRC4plugin_noreg.dsm (new_rc4.key)
4. Renamed "_noreg.dsm" to MSRC4plugin.dsm b4 packing the zip to upload it
5. Added the renemad "new_rc4.key" as rc4.key to the upload-zip

Tested on a box where no UVNC (or another VNCish program) was ever installed: Bingo!

Hope this helps, but: YMMV

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Post by scovel »

It is VERY important that you use the "NoReg" version with SC. It was written with SC in mind.

The "regular" version requires configuration information in the registry to work. "NoReg" looks in a few default places for the key file, and can usually find it on its own.

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Post by hbilke »

Yep, you are right - but I had to rename it to get the encryption working. It plain didn't find the rc4.key even having the MSRC4plugin_noreg in the archive. I was using the _noreg version but renamed it for the upload.

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Post by scovel »

I agree. I don't (and haven't ever really) use SC, but I think the name of the plugin is hard-coded in there somewhere.

There used to be only 1 version of the msrc4 plugin, so that name was safe. I think Rudi wrote a custom version of the MSRC4 plugin for SC at one point (with the same name... :o ), but I added SC support when I found out what was needed.

Someone should probably add some documentation to SC, and maybe my plugin website, that explains the situation...

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Post by squale »

what I find difficult is how do you know for sure you are using encryption.. lets you you put the keys where they need to be, that's all well and good, but how do you actually confirm you are really using encryption?
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Post by scovel »

This is an age-old problem. I don't have any fool-proof way to prove you are using encryption, but here are a few hints:

1. If the plugin is working, you CAN'T connect without the plugin. You get a protocol error.

2. The VNC window should say something like UltraVNC + MS RC4 Plugin-vX.X.X.X

3. If you click on the Show Status Window button, you should see the plugin mentioned there too.

4. You could always put a sniffer (Ethereal is a good one) on the line and watch the initial exchange betweeb the viewer and server. The first 2 messages are easy to recognize when the connection is NOT encrypted. (The viewer and server exchange RFB version information. You'll see something like "RFB 003.006") With encryption on, you won't see anything recognizable.

Hope that helps!

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Post by dlb »

I spent some hours as well setting up encryption for SC until I found out how which is easy. Problem is that documentation "How to use encryption ?" at http://sc.uvnc.com/index.php?section=15 is misleading because it speaks of MSRC4Plugin.dsm. Instead MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm must be used for encryption as mentioned in this thread.

A quick rundown script for using UltraVNC SC with encryption could currently (UltraVNC-100-RC203) be

1. Download MSRC4Plugin118.zip from http://home.comcast.net/~msrc4plugin/.
2. Download UltraVNC from http://www.uvnc.com/ and choose "viewer only" as install option.
3. Copy file MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm from MSRC4Plugin118.zip to directory where UltraVNC Viewer was installed (default is C:\program
4. Start UltraVNC Viewer, select MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm in the dropdown list and check "Use DSM Plugin". Click the
config button and then Click the "Gen Key" button, close the viewer. A file named new_rc4.key should be created in the directory where UltraVNC Viewer is installed. Rename this file to rc4.key.
5. Download the custom.zip from http://sc.uvnc.com/index.php?section=13 (How to create my own version?). Extract it to a directory and copy MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm and rc4.key to this directory. Rename MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm to MSRC4Plugin.dsm. Follow the instructions to customize your version and upload it using http://sc.uvnc.com/index.php?section=19 (creator).
6. Launch the viewer with commandline vncviewer -dsmplugin MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm -listen (not possible yet to start in listen mode from gui).
7. Launch UltraVNC SC and doubleclick connection
8. UltraVNC Viewer should show Desktop of PC running UltraVNC SC
9. Clicking "Show Status Window" in UltraVNC Viewer should reveal a window stating a line like "Status: Connected(MS RC4 NoReg Plugin-v1.1.8.0)" indicating that the plugin is actually in use.

As many already found out encryption with UltraVNC SC even works over repeater (great!). File transfer works great also but I could not find Directory transfer yet to work.
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Post by scovel »


Nice HowTo!

1 question: Did you look at the plugin site when you were trying to figure it out? The reason I ask is that I was wondering if adding your HowTo to the FAQ section of the plugin site might help someone in the future? If it didn't even occur to you to look there, then I guess it might not help...

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Post by dlb »

Hello Sean

No I did not expect anything else than the latest version of the plugin. In fact I completely overlooked first that there are two versions of the plugin. From a pseudo technical point of view my guess is that one version should be enough. Although the dsmplugin site may not be first choice for placing an instruction it might help anyway.

regards, Daniel
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Post by redge »

dlb wrote:File transfer works great also but I could not find Directory transfer yet to work.
you can add unzip32.dll and zip32.dll to your customized.zip and rebuild your SingleClick v1.00 based (30.06.2005) to obtain the missing feature directory transfer and lot feature and fix are done.
Last edited by redge on 2005-11-20 10:08, edited 1 time in total.
UltraVNC (built 20110518)
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by sure »

I followed the instructions as mentioned here, but the generated exe (RL100 TEST) only works when I have [DEBUG] in the helpdesk.txt?
Very weird. I have two executables now.

One with and one without [DEBUG] in the txt.
Unencrypted no problems with both, but when using encryption at the viewer-side I read something about the protocol being false.

What vncviewer version should I use to have the RL100 SC connection?

Here's my helpdesk.txt :

Oom jult's singleclick support

Connect to jult.net (standard)
-connect jult.net:6969 -noregistry

Connect with encryption (shielded)
-plugin -connect jult.net:6969 -noregistry

DNS-free connection (
-connect -noregistry

DNS-free with encryption (shielded)
-plugin -connect -noregistry

Connect to julius.ma.cx (shifting IP)
-connect julius.ma.cx:6969 -noregistry

^ op dubbel-klikken om te verbinden

Maak voordat u wilt verbinden

een afspraakje via @


Contrôle-centrum Lindenstraat

Oom Jult UltraVNC support




Establishing connection ...

Give Oom Jult 5 minutes..

If connection fails, the software will remove itself

from your system.

YES! Oom Jult is listening.

Your desktop can now be remotely visible !

You can terminate the connection

by using rightclick Close in the systray

Last edited by sure on 2006-09-17 15:41, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by redge »

Connect to jult with encryption (shielded)
-plugin -connect jult.net:6969 -noregistry
Prerequired for encryption plugin for vncviewer:
the MSRC4plugin_noreg.dsm need to be on same folder of vncviewer and not inside subfolder plugin

* Launch the viewer from Start... Run...
"%programfiles%\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe" -dsmplugin MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm -listen 6969
other example:
d:\mydrive\vncviewer.exe -dsmplugin msrc4plugin_noreg.dsm -listen 6969

(with dsmplugin, not possible to start vncviewer as listen from menu)
only possible from command line or create your own shortcut with above example.

copy rc4.key exactly same filename/content for SingleClick and vncviewer

with encryption,
only one connection allowed between vnc viewer and vnc server
trying multi connection encrypted between vnc server and vnc viewer fail
Last edited by redge on 2006-06-28 22:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by sure »

redge wrote:
Connect to jult with encryption (shielded)
-plugin -connect jult.net:6969 -noregistry
Prerequired for encryption plugin for vncviewer:
the MSRC4plugin_noreg.dsm need to be on same folder of vncviewer and not inside subfolder plugin
Yes, I have NO subfolder plugin at my viewer side.
Trust me:
It works WITH [DEBUG] and does NOT work without [DEBUG] in the helpdesk.txt
no other difference between the two. Viewer side uses the same rc4.key on both sc versions. Try it.

Like I wrote: I followed the instructions to the letter.

Again: WHAT viewer version should be used with the RL100 SC compile?
What's the difference between the RC23 and the RL100 TEST versions?
Last edited by sure on 2006-06-29 00:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by redge »

WHAT viewer version should be used with the RL100 SC compile?
vncviewer 1.0.1 or tabbed_vncviewer
What's the difference between the RC23 and the RL100 TEST versions?
UltraVNC SC RC23 is UltraVNC 1.0.0 RC20.3 (before build 1.0.0) old one
UltraVNC SC 1.0.0 is actual
+difference between the RC20.3 to 1.00
tranparency (alpha-blending) work with SC1.0.0

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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by sure »

redge wrote:
WHAT viewer version should be used with the RL100 SC compile?
vncviewer 1.0.1 or tabbed_vncviewer
OK, I'm using the recent 1.0.2 viewer.
I'll test if it works with 1.0.1
---- UPDATE ----
Actually it does! So it's a matter of using the right viewer-version. The new one is incompatible now (june 28 2006).

Will the SC compile be updated to the 1.0.2 code-updates soon? I'd really love that!
Last edited by sure on 2006-06-29 12:17, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sure »

scovel wrote:4. You could always put a sniffer (Ethereal is a good one) on the line and watch the initial exchange betweeb the viewer and server. The first 2 messages are easy to recognize when the connection is NOT encrypted. (The viewer and server exchange RFB version information. You'll see something like "RFB 003.006") With encryption on, you won't see anything recognizable.
I recommend http://ettercap.sourceforge.net/ for that. You'll see it confirmed immediately, even the guessed depth of the key(s) used if you'd like that.. ;-)
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Current SC version require the use of the DSM plugins.

Next version will have embedded 254bit encryption.
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by sure »

Rudi De Vos wrote:Current SC version require the use of the DSM plugins.

Next version will have embedded 254bit encryption.
When will it be ready, you think?
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by redge »

name change to pchelpware and work different way
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Re: Is SC using encryption?

Post by Offerlam »

Brilliant guide

Got the link to this thred from the faq :)

I have one problem though

I have installed the viwer only

I have copied the MSRC4Plugin_NoReg.dsm file to my VNC programs dir NOT in any subfolders as you stressed :)

I open my VNC mark of using the plugin and the plugin shows in the viwer, I choose config and choose Gen key

but when i go to the VNC folder no new key has ben genereated

Can it have something to do with me using vista? Allso I have tried both the versions and non of them genereated the key?
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