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VNC Help re: Failed to Connect

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Joined: 2005-11-04 18:05

VNC Help re: Failed to Connect

Post by orange »

Posted this on the wrong section of the site...

Already looked at the FAQ and documentation for this question, but it didn't answer my question so I thought I'd pose it here...

Basically, I am trying to access my home computer while at work. I have the VNC server running on my home computer, and try to run the viewer at the office while on my laptop. I have brought the laptop home and connected just fine, but at work I can't seem to. I have checked the firewalls on both my computer and the main computer which accesses the router/internet, and they are not active.

I'm not sure what the problem would be, but whenever I try to connect I get the 'failed to connect to server' message.

Thoughts on what I might be overlooking?

Is your computer at home on a public IP and not protected by any kind of NAT?
I believe so, how can I check to be sure?

Update - I can't seem to access it from my girlfriend's house either.
Sorry, I didn't see that there was another section of the forum for 'help' issues.

I did some reading through that forum to see if I could solve my problem, but I didn't find anything that applied to my situation...

I did notice, however, a lot of talk about Verizon DSL and DLink Routers causing problems. My home computer accesses the internet through the Verizon DSL service, and through a DLink router...might this be the cause of the problem?
Posts: 2168
Joined: 2005-08-03 14:07
Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Post by bevtech »


Dlink maybe.. Verizon I would doubt. Some of the DLink Firmware for some reason are not letting the ports forward correctly. There has been a lot of talk about that on the forum. I am not super familiar with dlink configurations, you can see if they have a DMZ zone and try that. How old is your Verizon DSL box? Most of the Wintell have a router built into them and you might be able to configure it to do you port forwarding..:D

Hang in there I know Ultra VNC is sometimes difficult to get working but once you figure it out I am sure you will like it..

Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,

User not developer..;)

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the reply bevtech

The Verizon DSL modem is not more than a year old, but the reason we use the router is because it is a wireless router. I have a wireless card for my laptop, as does my brother's desktop...this is really the best (and only?) way at the moment to set our house up for multiple computer access to the internet. So I'm afraid I'm stuck with the D-Link (plus, it was free with the DSL service)

I'll have to do some more reading on the DLink issue and see if I can fix it. Any idea why it works at my house but not over the internet (Still utilizing the router to access UltraVNC) Thanks for letting me know about this though.

As for liking the product - my friend had showed me VNC a while ago, and I had forgotten about it until recently. Definitely confident that I will like it once I get going with it :)
Posts: 2168
Joined: 2005-08-03 14:07
Location: Pennsylvania, United States

Post by bevtech »

Orange, That was posted a few weeks ago that some of the d-link router with the newest firmware wouldnt work with and some of the users going back a version to keep vnc working.. I am not why it was giving them grief I just read a few posts on it. I would try to change the port forwarding and use common ports if nessary as the vnc listening port.

The reason it works locally and not by the internet is that you are using a router (Dlink) that uses non-routable Ip's or 192.1681.1 etc.

You have to port forward the Verizons DSL IP's to the corresponding Lan IP

Are non routable and can not route over the internet they are for use in private neworks. Almost all Cable /DSL routers use no routables for security then use Network Address Translation (NAT) to provide more security by changing the ports from the actual to another and send it out over the Router Wide Area Network (WAN) Ip. Then when they come back in it retranslate them back and sends data back to the IP in the LAN it came from.

That is why you can work on the LAN and not the internet..:D

Windows XP Home, Pro SP2, Windows 2003 SBS server SP2(EN), Windows Media Center Editon 2005,Windows Vista Home Prem.,Fedora Core 6,Win9X, PChelpware Rel 1.0,

User not developer..;)
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