The EchoVNC team has released version 1.32 of their open-source, secure remote-access tool for Windows. This is a minor bugfix released to improve the connection reliablity of earlier versions.
Source and binaries are available here: ... _id=133100
EchoVNC supports the following features:
o Secure connections to VNC servers behind unconfigured firewalls and routers
o A "dynamic-DNS" capability for VNC Servers without static IP addresses
o A startup wizard to assist with initial setup
o An option to automatically start EchoVNC at startup
o OpenSSL is automatically detected to enable the 128-bit AES encryption option
What do you think?EchoVNC is a secure remote-access tool based on VNC. With it, a Windows PC can be remotely accessed regardless of firewall or router configuration. EchoVNC makes standard VNC installs "firewall friendly" with no port-forwarding requirements. EchoVNC is built upon the open-source echoWare SDK developed as part of the Kaboodle project. With echoWare, any peer-to-peer or client-server Internet application can interconnect via a 3rd-party relay server, making all data traffic appear to be "outgoing" to any client-side firewalls or routers. Via the OpenSSL library, connections between the two applications can have their data content secured with a Diffie-Hellman key-exchange and 128-bit AES encryption. The relay-server supported by echoWare clients is a shareware application called "echoServer" -- together with EchoVNC, it provides an overall remote-access solution that is "firewall-friendly", highly secure, and extremely low cost.
For more information on EchoVNC please visit
Is it possible to enhance UltraVNC with EchoVNC features replacing/enhancing Nat2Nat-features?
- Novallis