This is now fixed as long as you switched to fullscreen mode using maximize-button or CTRL+ALT+F12, but using double-click (on title bar) still results in lost last window position = window will be positioned top left on the screen. (It doesn't matter how SavePos/SaveSize are set)Skyfighter wrote:If you are in fullscreen-mode and use the minimize-button (title bar, 3rd from the right) the window-position (of the fullscreen-viewer) should NOT be saved/NOT overwrite the last saved window position of the viewer. (Currently: If you bring back the minimized fullscreen-viewer and switch to window mode the last window position is lost = window will be positioned top left on the screen.)
Stumbled about another one: "viewer window does not utlitize available free space in heigh/y-axis and shows vertical scroll-bar"
(Viewer: AutoScaling disabled - instead: fixed Scaling, e.g. 100% or 150% ; easier to reproduce with SavePos=0 & SaveSize=0)
If the remote screen does not fit local screen (single-monitor) in horizontal dimension/x-axis (e.g. remote server by default shows/presents two remote monitors): the viewer not only shows a horizontal/x-axis scroll bar (this is ok & needed) but a vertical/y-axis scrollbar, too (not ok: viewer window height could be bigger to show full height of remote screen -> there is enough free space and thus no need to reduce window height and show a vertical scrollbar).
Not sure why the viewer does not show the full height of the remote screen although it could (= enough unused local free space in height)!?
Edit 31/07/21 09:35: Tried to describe the new point better, hope it is understandable!?