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Connect VM(Virtual Machine)

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Connect VM(Virtual Machine)

Post by SadyJ »

I have UltraVNC viewer on my desktop Windows 10.
I install UltraVNC Server in my Virtual Machine on Windows Server 2019 using RDP.
I run VNC Server using service - the status of uvnc_service is Running.

Now I close RDP session.
Then, open VNC viewer from desktop.
I make connection to VNC server with proper password.

The viewer is opened as Service mode.
However, as soon as I sign in using my window domain and PW, the viewer is disconnected.
How can I connect the VM using the VNC?
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: Connect VM(Virtual Machine)

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Windows 10 only allow one connection, RDP or console.
It's not an RDP server where you can connect multiple different RDP sessions.

If vnc is on the console and you logon with RDP vnc disconnect and get the logon screen.
If you reconnect then the RDP session close.

VNC has the server option [v]RDP mode
-If an RDP session is active VNC ask if you want to connect to the RDP or console session.
Perhaps this is what you are looking for...

This way you can have multiple connection to the same screen, but multiple different connections wil fail.
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