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UltraVNC RC3 - Download links

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Rudi De Vos
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UltraVNC RC3 - Download links

Post by Rudi De Vos »

XP disabletrayicon should be back OK
split save pos/size
When set it read and save the position/size or both.

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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Prisma »

Yeah, sorry, had overseen this post this morning. I did a first test with RC3.

test.vnc and options.vnc both:

Code: Select all

The viewers position is always saved = OK, but position is ignored on startup = NOK . Or by design?
In other words: The viewer always opens at the calculated standard position on the main screen. Pulling the window to a second monitor has the no effect (beside saving this new position, but ignoring it on startup).
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Prisma »

Hiding trayicon is confirmed OK under XP.
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »

This is how it's implemented or should be.
Savepos [v]
-save when you press [x]
-read on startup
-doesn't save anything
-doesn't read the saved value on start

ok, i messed up paras, to many "if then and or"... need to correct it again
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »


1° commandline
-position x y w h
-position x y 0 0
This overwrite the savepos/savesize as you explicit pass the size/pos

2° savepos
use x y from previous close
save on close

3° savesize
use w h from previous close unless it's 0
save on close
( we can not have a windowsize of 0)

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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Prisma »

Yes, now the position is saved and used. - OK
But even though w=0 and h=0, a calculated viewer size (obviously calculated x percent from my main screen) is always used. The original monitor size or aspect ration on server side is never used. - NOK
With the previous version it's been OK. <- EDIT previous not latest, sorry.

But now this:
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Normal, the auto resize position the screen so that the sizing is on the desktop, now the positioning is removed if you set it manual but the sizing stay. Your window can be bigger then the desktop if your last position was to far to the right or the bottom.

**if pos not set, use back auto pos
**if size not set, use back auto size


One little change... split size/pos and a lot of other code require modifications.
I hope all is ok now... doing two things at the same time... leaving testing to you :)

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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Prisma »

Seems to be OK now. THX

Once again sorry for bothering you with problems of old features. But I really had no time to follow up the things I noticed after dropping a new viewer into program folder. I simply reverted to previous version.
Possibly we should think about having other defaults for test and release versions to keep releases more backward compliant.
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by gryphin »

:Edit. Sorry Duplicate post.
Last edited by gryphin on 2016-05-17 14:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by gryphin »

Hello everyone,

First time posting on here. Just finished installing 1.2.11 rc3 last week, wanted to try out the IPv6 feature. Which after tweaking with the settings I was finally able to make a connection. But it seems that if I enable IPv6 I am unable to connect to the server with it's IPv4 address. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »

viewer can connect to ipv4 and ipv6
The server has te be set in ipv4 OR ipv6 mode.
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by gryphin »

Rudi De Vos wrote:viewer can connect to ipv4 and ipv6
The server has te be set in ipv4 OR ipv6 mode.
Thanks for the quick response on that Rudi, I was hoping for 4 or 6 implementation like on tigervnc. But need to have the file transfer available. Keep up the great work.
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Olav »

Hello Rudi,

I'm new here so please excuse me if my postings might not be new to you.
I'm testing the latest version (downloaded yesterday May 30th 2016) on Win10 64 Bit.
The UVNC-Server is running as a service.
I tried to activate IPV6. I only found one way to do this: Calling the "Admin Properties" dialog via context menu of the Servers tray icon.
When applying the new setting a UAC message appears to confirm loading a UltraVNC.ini stored in C:\Windows\TEMP.
In this file there is amongst others a new entry in the "admin" section: UseIPV6=1 (not documented yet)
After confirming the UAC message the context menu of the Servers tray Icon cannot be opened anymore.
A restart of the UVNC_Service doesn't help neither.
After restarting the computer the context menu of the tray Icon is back and the "IPV6 mode" is switched off again.

Although the Viewer and the Server are connected both via IPV4 and IPV6 I cannot connect to the Server after activating "IPV6 mode".
But this might have other reasons like firewall etc.
I'm trying to investigate that...

With kind regards

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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »

1.2.11 is already released

background info on have settings are saved
if winvnc.exe is stored in program files, only a elevated admin can write.
If winvnc started as service always have access ( a service is elevated admin) and that's something we don't want, we want that the premission is the same as the desktop user.
1° file is temp written to temp
2° we impersonate the desktop user
3° write settings from temp to the actual ultravnc.ini ( the one in the same folder as winvnc.exe)

The problem is that a service ( local admin) can't impersonate a desktop user when it is a domain user,
thi is part of the MS security. In that case we are blocked and you need to manual save the settings

To test, you better copy winvnc.exe to the desktop and run it manual, to avoid permission issue's on saving settings.
When it works, you can manual copy the ultravnc.ini to the program files folder.
viewer can connect to ipv4 and ipv6, the server only listen to the requested ip ipv4 oR ipV6
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Olav »

Hello Rudi,

thanks for the information.
Now the IPV6-Version works for me.
I just edit the UltraVNC.ini directly as admin (explanation later on).
A little issue I discovered was that the Viewer seems to check, if an IPV4-connection to the machine running the UltraVNC-Service can be established.
If this applies you may not start the UltraVNC Service with the setting "UseIPV6=1" (even if an IPV6 connection exists), because the Viewer will only try to connect via IPV4.

My special solution is the following one:
We do not start the UltraVNC-Service automatically, so we need to use a special script to do that.
This script is starting as a local admin (we've got a special implementation to do this).
Now I implemented a sort of IPV6-detection. In our case IPV6 is only used in combination with Microsoft Direct Access.
This uses special registry entries for the Network Location Awareness (under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityAssistant\Probes").
At last I detect the IP type by resolving the corresponding IP addresses for these entries.
So I define the setting of the "UseIPV6"-Entry before I start the UltraVNC service.
This works fine for me.
But I guess this is a very special solution...

However; thank you very much for your great job!
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by jeffwmiles »

I'm also trying to get IPv6 working for DirectAccess purposes, but when I look at the Admin Properties of a running winvnc.exe, the option is greyed out.

This occurs whether I have it specified in the .INI file or not, and whether it's running as a service or not.

Is there any particular reason the option might be greyed out?
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by jeffwmiles »

I think I've figured this out;

The standard download for has the option for IPv6 in the Admin properties, but it cannot be activated. I needed to use the dedicated IPv6 download which contains the viewer and winvnc.exe.

When I overwrite the installed winvnc.exe and start the service, I now can enable IPv6 (tested over DirectAccess, it works!).

Much like Olav, I need to figure out a way to dynamically choose IPv4 vs IPv6. Since on DirectAccess we can only do reverse VNC connections, I think I'm going to do the following:

Provide a shortcut on the desktop for "IT Remote Access", which does a lookup to the registry key Olav mentioned. If that hostname resolves to IPv4, simply run "winvnc -connect". If it resolves to IPv6, then modify the line for UseIPV6=1 in UltraVNC.ini, start and stop the service, and run "winvnc -connect".

Cumbersome, but this way as our staff roam inside and outside the office, IPv6 will only be enabled when they request support.

If UltraVNC could dynamically support both protocols at once like TigerVNC that would of course be ideal.
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by jeffwmiles »

I just realized my error in the plan I outlined - my users don't have admin rights, so they won't be able to use a shortcut that modifies/overwrites the UltraVNC.ini file.

Olav, would you be willing to share the script that you're using to manually start the uvnc service?
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by theog »

Hi there,

I want to use UltraVNC with DirectAccess as well.

I have one PC using DirectAccess and thus has an IPv6-adress. The other is part of an IPv4 network. Unfortunately, the gateway only resolves the names of the IPv4-network for the DirectAccess PC, but not vice versa. So UVNC works perfect if the server is in the IPv4 regime and the Client uses DirectAccess. In the opposite case I have to use an reverse VNC Connection, but it seems as if the listen mode does not work in vncviewer.exe Version!

I tried it only in the IPv4 regime with Version Works perfectly!
I tried it only in the IPv4 regime with Version Does not work!

Has anybody made similar experience? Is there a solution to this problem?

Thank you very much in advance!
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Rudi De Vos
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Re: 1.2.11 rc3

Post by Rudi De Vos »

Ipv6 is current experimental.
Time of adding it to 1.2.11 nobody was willing to test it.

It looks like DirectAccess is one way of using ipv6.

I gonna start another thread for ipv6 and 1211, to centralize all ipv6 messages.
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