You can read all about it [post=82848]here[/post], [post=82691]here[/post], [post=82630]here[/post], [post=82647]here[/post], [post=84030]here[/post], and [post=88617]here[/post]
Fully customisable and re-brandable...
You can download the new version from the following URL:
v3.1m New Features:
1. Minimise/Maximise to system tray.
2. Configurable Connection Timeout.
3. Optional Hide on Connect.
4. An auto-connect option, (in v3.1g this is the only available mode), to support a manual "Connect" Button.
5. An optional user defined list of technicians and associated IDs.
6. An option to "de-chrome" the window so that no title bar or border is shown.
7. Background monitoring of connection status.
8. The window logo becomes "draggable" if its not "clickable"
9. When installing as a service it generates and displays a random ID which you can use for future connections to that target machine.
10. It is really designed to work with Karl Runge's Perl repeater script which can maintain multiple independent sessions on the same network port with different connection ID's. (see here: [topic=18106][/topic])
11. Better list management in the ChunkVNC Viewer
12. Support for the latest UltraVNC version, (v1.
13. Encryption plugin working
14. vnchooks.dll working
15. Displays Service Connection ID before killing connection when Installing as a Service
16. Viewer script rewritten
17. Added explicit 15sec timeout instead of using MessageBox Timeout
18. Added option to close any existing VNC services first
19. Fixed the Vista, Win7 screen refresh issue, (by setting "PollFullScreen=1" in "ultravnc.ini")
20. Added a "Re-run as Administrator" tray menu item, (if not currently running as an administrator)
Some simple installation instructions:
You can of course also do all this in the codebase which is also included in the file and then re-package the installer using the InnoSetup tool and the ChunkVNCRemoteSupport_Install_3.1m.iss script file.1. Install ChunkVNC by executing ChunkVNCRemoteSupport_Install_3.1m.exe.
2. Edit "C:\Program Files\ChunkVNC\SRC\InstantSupportDefs.au3" and make the following changes:
a) Set the $ServerPort and $RepeaterPort values for your installation.
b) Set the $RepeaterUrl value to your repeater url.
c) Set the $StaffList values for your requirements.
3. Execute C:\Program Files\ChunkVNC\InstantSupportCompileAll.exe to apply your changes to your current installation.
In particular have a close look at the installer script: "ChunkVNCRemoteSupport_Install_3.1m.iss". In there you can see how it renames user-provided custom files to the standard release names... see below:
Line 53: Source: .\v3.1m\SRC\ChunkVNCSupportDefs.au3; DestDir: {app}\SRC; Flags: ignoreversion; DestName: InstantSupportDefs.au3
Line 160: Source: .\v3.1m\SRC\InstantSupport_Files\logo.chunkvnc.jpg; DestDir: {app}\SRC\InstantSupport_Files; Flags: ignoreversion; DestName: logo.jpg
Line 161: Source: .\v3.1m\SRC\InstantSupport_Files\rc4.chunkvnc.key; DestDir: {app}\SRC\InstantSupport_Files; Flags: ignoreversion; DestName: rc4.key
Line 174: Source: .\v3.1m\Viewer\Bin\rc4.chunkvnc.key; DestDir: {app}\Viewer\Bin; Flags: ignoreversion; DestName: rc4.key
In my forked version, (3.1m) of ChunkVNC, when the "$ShortName.exe" file is executed it creates the following temporary folder and places the following files in it:
Note: $ShortName is set in the "InstantSupportDefs.au3" file.
Temporary Installation Path:
Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Local Settings\Temp\$ShortName_Temp_Files\"
Vista and Windows 7: "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp\"
ChunkVNC Installed File List:
When my ChunkVNC fork is installed as a service it creates the following permanent folder and copies the above files into it:
Note: $LongName is set in the "InstantSupportDefs.au3" file.
ChunkVNC Service Installation Path:
All Windows: "C:\Program Files\$LongName"
ChunkVNC Registry Changes:
My forked version of ChunkVNC also attempts to make the following changes to the registry to disable UAC warnings.
Note: This will only work if the user has administrator permissions.
Key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
Value Name: "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"
It initially sets this Registry Value to 0 and then restores it to its original value when the program exits.
v3.1d Latest Update...
Well despite my previous best intentions of not re-writing the ChunkVNC official release too much, I found that the requirement to include user-defined connection ID codes and my difficulty with getting AutoIt to position a text label has resulted in a fairly major code modification which I'm unofficially calling v3.1d. In particular, the code for the "InstantSupport.au3" script has effectively been completely re-written and I think is now much clearer as well as being fully event driven. The other major change is that the re-branding now extends to the displayed Connection ID code. Unfortunately, I couldn't get AutoIt to position the text label exactly where I wanted it, so being a C programmer I naturally re-wrote it at the GDI level and consequently there is a new function called "DrawConnectionId()" which bears absolutely no resemblance to any of the original ChunkVNC code, (sorry).
I have also included an InnoSetup installation script which automates the installation, (and uninstallation) of all of this as well.
Anyway, you can download the new code from the following URL (6.3MB includes all updates):
Note: In order to save space I have only included 0-byte length executables for everything except the "InstantSupportCompileAll.exe" application, which you will therefore need to run in order to build all of the other exe's.
Ratty >//o
Original Posting begins here...
Well its more of a "spoon" really
I have provided a reworked version of the ChunkVNC AutoIt scripts here for anyone who might be interested, (8.4MB):
I have taken the liberty of firstly renaming the scripts to the following names, which I felt was a little bit more explanatory and hopefully better reflected their actual function:
I also added some basic support for rebranding in a new script called "InstantSupportDefs.au3".
I also included the rewritten self deletion routines and basically changed a whole bunch of other stuff as well, (hence the cutlery reference).
My hope is that this will provide some inspiration for any upcoming ChunkVNC versions.
I've also included the compiled executeables and other files so that this constitutes a "full" release... Oh and I also included the latest AutoIt release files as well.
Note: The included re-branded demo is actually for one of my customers, (but the repeater URL is bogus )
Ratty >//o