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SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (7, 8, 10, 2k8+) 26/3/20

Single Click discussions / bugs
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SCPrompt - SC on Steroids (7, 8, 10, 2k8+) 26/3/20

Post by JDaus »

New Alpha release (26/03/2020) - see latest few forum posts or SCPrompt Project page for full details.


After nearly 10 years in the dark, SCPrompt is back in the light...

This Project takes the idea of Single Click (UVNC SC) to a whole new level with:
  • A choice of GUI's
    Service Mode (Includes interaction with existing services
    Unlimited predefined Connections
    Repeater Connections
    Settings Manager App
    Multiple Languages
    Customisable (And translatable) Disclaimer window with Accept and reject buttons
    Builder App (to create a customised self-extracting EXE)
    Builder Scripts to allow you to do what you want with them
    Open Source - SCPrompt Source Code on GitHub
    Free - SCPrompt licensed under LGPL
And much MUCH more ... read on for details

This Project was started before the [topic=15865]original SC program was updated 3/8/09[/topic] and again [topic=27653]original SC program was updated 6/3/11[/topic]. SCPrompt has many more features than the original, but if all your looking for is an updated SC then try either of the above links out.

Ready-To-Roll (Manual)

Download RTR version
DOWNLOAD THE Manual Version NOW (uses server

'Manual' SCPrompt application without ID selected
'Manual' SCPrompt application with ID selected (enabling ID input box)

Roll-Your-Own ... (with Builder and Settings Manager)

Download RYO version
Downloads are available from the Securetech.com.au website

This application (and the associated builder) allows you to create a package to support XP, vista and windows 7 without limitations (see below).

Connection names and settings are read from INI settings (Manual is last in list, unless disabled), so no editing of source code is needed... just setup the INI (using included settings manager), run the builder and send to your clients.

Further customisation could include changing the Logo.ico, changing Logo(x).jpg (for each predefined connection) or manually editing the INI to get more advanced features.

Disclaimer Window

Disclaimer window shown at application launch is a HTML page, which uses language file if available for easy translation.

Choose Your own GUI ...




Manual Connections are still available (option to disable), but are last in the list ...

A nice count-down timer (for automatic connection to predefined connections) that has a transparent look, and is done with just two simple images, so it should be easy to customise ...

Different Logo's can be used for each of the predefined connections or a default can be used if that's all you want ... just like above (examples in the RYO package).

each predefined connection can have its own image if wanted (maybe a photo for that personal touch) ... i just modified the original sc image, keeping the same image size ... so you can use your logo from the old SC if you want (after converting to jpg).

Manually altering the "scprompt.INI" settings is fairly simple (if the settings manager doesn't suit your needs), the "scprompt_example.ini" file has some explainations on the settings ...

Settings Manager V3 (SCPrompt and above
Design Tab
Choosing different GUI Type will enable only the appropriate settings for that GUI type

Labels Tab

Connection Tab

Advanced Tab

Settings Manager V3 allows setting of most (more advanced features will be added to the Advanced Tab when time) commonly used features of SCPrompt (from version and above).

Selecting different GUI types on the design tab alters what settings are available for all other tabs. If the GUI type doesn't support an option, that option will be disabled, allowing new users to see whats available with which GUI type.

A new addition is the "Test Settings" button which quickly launches scprompt.exe to check the settings you have alredy saved (you need to press the save button first).

[post=57250]See the following post[/post], or the included readme.txt for basic setup instructrions.

Translation instructions are (nearly) the same as for other vnc2me products, and are fairly easy to follow (i think). Languages will be automatically selected depending on the clients OSLang settings (windows default language) if no translation is found for the OSLang of windows, then Lang_English is selected as the default.

Translations can be shared in reply posts of this forum. As new translations are required (due to new features), i will "Private Message" the user who originally translated.

SCPrompt disables Vistas UAC & AERO while running (even while using old SCII version), but issues still surround vista with the OLD SC version, so it is advisable to use the newest server or SC when building.

To use the old SC application (or an updated server version), simply move the "uvnc.exe" from the scprompt directory, and place the SC version into its place. (you can leave it named "winvnc.exe" or rename it to "uvnc.exe")

  • Ability to build your own module using Server (and above) or SCII, SCIII or [topic=15865]SC[/topic] (if size is an issue)
    Choose the type of GUI you want to use (ComboBox, Radio Buttons, Push Buttons, Repeater (like ChunckVNC) & automatic countdown timer)
    Has native UAC & AERO support on vista & Win7.
    Unlimited Predefined Connections (Most GUI_Types have maximum of 10, due to size restrictions)
    Desktop wallpaper is restored after application exit. (even if winvnc application closes incorrectly, and doesn't do it itself)
    MouseSonar is turned on (While scprompt is running), allowing a visual prompt when VNC connection successfully established, and when 'ctrl' key is pressed.
    Background and text colours are easily customisable
    customisable Logo?.jpg for each connection (or one for all ... you choose)
    GUI Text and all Text Prompts, traytips, tooltips, etc, are read from "LANG_ENGLISH.INI" or another language file (e.g. LANG_FRENCH.ini for french) & "scprompt.ini", allowing for complete cutomisation for any language
    Remote INI option allows you to setup your application, and dynamically change settings by changing an INI stored on your server (either web server or network share)
    Multiple languages are automatically supported using "OSLang" of client, and above modification (allows you to use one application / download to support multiple languages)
  • UVNC Server (and above) needs settings to be created prior to use (defaults are given, but it is advisable to customise these)
    Two or more "SCNames" in the INI cannot be the same (as the first name would be selected from the INI when using certain GUI types)
    'Radio' & 'Button' GUI types only support 10 predefined connections

Source Code

All Current & future "Alpha" Releases contain the source code as an application resource, you can use res-hacker to view this.
Last edited by JDaus on 2020-04-24 11:06, edited 34 times in total.
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
SCPrompt - OpenSource Free Remote Screen\Desktop Sharing Solution
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Readme, History, Future & Changelog

Post by JDaus »

SCPrompt 2009 readme.txt

Code: Select all

<*>	About
<*> Quick Setup
<*>	Manually configure
<*>	test
<*>	build
<*>	feedback and future
<*> Changelog
<*> Roadmap

**********  ABOUT  **********
SCPrompt was a small project that was started by Dwalf back in 2005.
	this original project was a very simple application that launched the SC application (with commandline arguments) and then exited
	(not waiting for the SC application to error or anything similar)

The updated application now stays running while the connection is running (it just minimises when start button pressed),
	and will restart the server if it fails (server has autoreconnection anyway).

In addition to this, the application also offers pre-defined connections, which allow a support person to setup connections for quick use.
	the manual part is still available with the pre-defined connections, and is just as easy to use as the orirginal.

New is the ability to select from one of several GUI Types (by setting the GUI_Type in the INI)

**********  Quick Setup  **********
Running 'Build_SCPrompt_7zip.exe' will prompt you to with the following questions ...

This will Create the 7zip EXE from the scprompt sub-directory, do you wish to continue ???
  |___ NO - *EXIT*
  |___ YES - have you setup the application using settings manager yet ???
    |___ NO - *RUN* 'Settings_Manager.exe' and wait till close - Continue
    |___ YES & after 'Settings_manager.exe' - Have you tested your application yet ???
	  |___ NO - *RUN* 'scprompt\scprompt.exe' and wait till close - Did the application run as expected ???
		|___ NO - *EXIT*
	    |___ YES - Continue
	  |___ YES - Compress the scprompt directory
	    |___ OK - Building complete, time to test ...
		  |___ OK - *RUN* Finished 7zip EXE (scprompt_0.X.X.X.exe) - Exit (no wait)

Suggested path is:
  |___ Yes
    |___ NO & us settings manager.
	  |___ NO & test it works as expected.
	    |___ Check that all needed files are compressed & click OK
	      |___ OK & check application is setup as required and works correctly.

Distribute application to clients after testing

**********  Manual Configure  **********
All customisable files are located in the scprompt directory, anything altered outside of this directory is at you own risk ...

Settings_Manager.exe is launched by Build_SCPrompt_7zip.exe (second question) if needed,
	and this application creates all the settings that are needed to run scprompt without manually editing any INI files.

scprompt.ini file (scprompt\scprompt.ini)
	This file contains many settings that can help people customise the look and feel of scprompt

Logo Files (scprompt\Logo.jpg & scprompt\Logo[X].jpg)
	If predefined connections are used, the GUI resizes to allow for Logo images, additonal text labels and inputs to be added.
	The Logo Images are the same size as the original SC ones (196 x 181) and can be customised as you see fit.
	If Logo.jpg file exists (and pre-defined connections setup), it is loaded on application start
	(or if no connection specific Logo[X].jpg file can be found).

No Image File (scprompt\NoImage.jpg)
	If Logo files are not available, a NoImage file can be setup (is included in this RYO distrobution).

Selectable GUI_type
	The scprompt.INI contains the ability to setup several different types of GUI:
	1) scprompt Original (similar to the original)
	2) scprompt Combo (has a drop-box with predefined connections listed in it and manual {optional})
	3) scprompt Radio (has radio items for the predefined connections and manual {optional})
	4) scprompt Button (has big easy-to-press buttons for the predefined connections)
	5) scprompt connect (has a count-down timer window that automatically connects to whatever predefined connection you want)

	GUI #1 can be enabled by setting UsePredefined=0 within the scprompt.INI (SC Section)
	GUI #2 can be enabled by setting UsePredefined=1 within the scprompt.INI (SC Section) and GUI_Type=Combo within the scprompt.INI (GUI Section)
	GUI #3 can be enabled by setting UsePredefined=1 within the scprompt.INI (SC Section) and GUI_Type=Radio within the scprompt.INI (GUI Section)
	GUI #4 can be enabled by setting UsePredefined=1 within the scprompt.INI (SC Section) and GUI_Type=Button within the scprompt.INI (GUI Section)

Automatic Connections (GUI #5 above)
	The application can be setup to automatically connect to a pre-defined connection (gives a count down timer for 5 seconds with a stop button)
	this is done using commandline arguments "-c [X]" where [X] is the predefined connection number.
	eg "-c 0" connects to the first connection
	eg "-c 1" connects to the second connection, and so on...

the testing builder is setup to ask for commandline arguments. If none are needed, ignore this option.

**********  Testing  **********
The Builder gives the option to run the application during the build process.
	If this test is unsuccessful, you can close the builder before actually building the distrobution app.

All testing is done by starting the application either normally (by double clicking on the app in the scprompt directory)
	or by using the command prompt to change directory (cd) into the scprompt directory and run the arguments required (eg "scprompt -c 0")

**********  Build  **********
there are two options when building:
	1) Build_SCPrompt_7zip.exe
	2) build_with_7zip.cmd

Option 1) is the new "Build_SCPrompt_7zip.exe" executable which is a multipurpose 7zip self executing exe builder
	(customised by using "Build_7z_exe.ini"). this is a fairly simple builder which is very crude, but it works well for most people (at least those that have commented).
	This uses the build_resources\7-zip32.dll & build_resources\7z_v2m.sfx & build_resources\upx.exe but builds its own temp\sfx_config.txt file from the options in INI (or asked of user)

Option 2) is the old school batch script which is left in the package to make it much easier for most people to understand 
	the build process and customise to their needs. This uses the build_resources\7za.exe & build_resources\7z_v2m.sfx & build_resources\7z_sfx_config.txt

**********  Feedback and Future  **********
All feedback can be directed to JDaus by means of:
	a forum post on ultravnc website (forum.ultravnc.info),
	by posting or PM on the vnc2me website (www.vnc2me.org). the choice is yours...

as for the future ... no imediate plans for changing things, but will see what people can come up with, and what i like.

if you want to change something in the source, be my guest, i enjoy seeing where others take my humble beginnings ...
all i ask is that you send me your code, so i can learn how you have done things, and see if i want to include the changes.

enjoy the work i and others have done.

I didn't create the original, but I got sick of seeing people create great things only to make it free for home use only and trying to make money by doing small changes to uvnc project, so i sat down one morning and modifed the [topic=4530]old SCprompt[/topic] to accept manual (as the old one did) or pre-configured connections (large amounts of them via combobox dropdown lists).

5 hours later i had the original scprompt2009 version (which has changed alot since then)

Now the application has 4 different types of GUI, and more customisations "than you can poke a stick at" (sorry ... aussie saying)

Released as open source autoit, others can (and have) make their own addons and improvements as needed (please send changes back to me for addition into the main project)


SCPrompt Update 2009-04-16
Added manual only version to downloads section.
Latest version has automatic reconnections, GUI has color background and text (read from INI)

SCPrompt Update 2009-05-01
Updated the RYO version to include an improved builder (uses 7-zip32.dll now), also has latest server ( and latest scprompt

SCPrompt (2009-05-29)
commandline option to connect to a specific pre-configured connection
if above pre-configured connection occurs, a nifty count-down GUI appears which allows the person to stop the connection before it starts ...
Disable UAC (or not) options in the INI

SCPrompt (2009-06-30)
CHANGED - Name of the file from winvnc.exe to scprompt.exe (don't know why i made it winvnc originally ...)
CHANGED - "custom" directory to "scprompt" directory.
ADDED - SC_Prompt viewer connection prompting is now supported (can be disabled with INI setting)
ADDED - More debug messages (helps with connection problems)
ADDED - readme in the "root" of the zip file, which explains some stuff (needs improving i know ... testers if you can help out with this, it would be greatly appreciated)
ADDED - scprompt_example.ini with commenting to help explain all current settings
ADDED - _IniReadWrite function which will write new setting into your old INI without changing the previous settings
Added - a small tray menu to allow exit from the tray
FIXED - Builder EXE should now work for all ... but failing this, all files for cmd file are included to allow users to edit things themself, and send me the files that works, so i can update / fix the builder.
FIXED - ComboList now has first connection by default, combolist is also selected on application startup (so using arrow keys to navigate is easy)
FIXED - "Share Desktop" is now the default button, so pressing enter makes a connection to first pre-defined connection.
FIXED - bug with automatic connection countdown timer has been fixed (i hope) so that it should connect just as it does when using the GUI
FIXED - Builder now comes with all files needed (for RYO version)
FIXED - AppName is now able to be set from the INI file
FIXED - Languages now read from the correct INI file
FIXED - Text1, Text2, Text3 & Text4 are now used in both GUIs
FIXED - When another "WinVNC" is already running, we try to kill it before starting our own app
FIXED - "Server Termination error on viewer ... server now exits cleanly
CHOICE - If you only want one Logo image for all connections, "Logo.jpg" can be used, but if you want one for each (or only some) connections, "Logo[X].jpg" can be used (where [X] is the Predefined Connection number - "Logo0.jpg" is the first connection Image)
CHOICE - NEW GUI - uses the radio buttons, OLD GUI - which uses the DropList method is available with just a INI setting change.

SCPrompt Update 2009-07-21
Updated the Manual version to use the same app versions as the RYO version ...
Updated the first post to reflect the changes made in the latest release version of the application.

SCPrompt Update 2009-07-28
Added Source Code package to the downloads
Updated the first post to reflect changes.

SCPrompt (2009-08-10)
Added Button GUI

SCPrompt (2009-08-16)
Added - compatablity to New UVNCSC (INI option to use server if that is still required). This saves 270KB in final app. (JD)
Added - Better support for multiple languages in one GUI, by making most of the TEXT from scprompt.ini being read from the v2m_lang.ini (if exists in v2m_lang, this setting is used)
Added - UpdateURL is now an INI option, allowing companies (or individuals) to notify users when updates are available for their custom app (JD)
Added - NoImage.jpg photo image works if logoX.jpg file doesn't exist (pheonix)
Changed - INI Sections added to simplify manual editing. (JD)
Changed - Settings Manager Updated to use all latest settings and Features (Pheonix)
Changed - ALL GUI's Updated with top text (pheonix)
Fixed - Bugs in Button GUI sorted (pheonix & JD)

SCPrompt (2009-09-24)
Source is now included in all Alpha releases as a resource (open reshacker, and take a look around) - will try to remember to remove for betas ...
Added TraySetStateShow ([GUI] Section) 'readonly' INI setting that allows flexability icon displaying (showing, flashing or even hiding) - these should be set to the appropriate number for the AutoIT 'TraySetState()' function
Added TraySetStateFlash ([GUI] Section) 'readonly' INI setting that allows flexability icon displaying (showing, flashing or even hiding) - these should be set to the appropriate number for the AutoIT 'TraySetState()' function
Added AppReRunTimer ([Common] Section) 'readonly' INI setting that allows flexability in re-runnning the vnc server after it closes. (default 30 seconds)
App now waits 30 seconds (default - see above timer setting) before starting the icon tray flashing ... (bi-product of above coding ... but i like it)
Added autoreconnect ([Common] Section) 'readonly' INI setting that allows users to disable the automatic reconnection feature if required
Added Encryption support if fileexists(MSRC4Plugin.dsm) in the same directory and UseSC_Server = 0 (untested)
Added Translations & fixed the v2m_lang.ini file format

SCPrompt (2009-10-01)
Added to downloads page.

SCPrompt (2009-10-06)
Added Service Mode to Combo & Radio GUI's

SCPrompt (2009-10-18)
- Fixed Repeater connections with double colon "::" problem (REF: $Use_UVNC_Connect_Colon)
- Fixed Button GUI alignments & sizes
- Added [Common]RemoteINI setting to INI (allows getting scprompt.ini from HTTP, HTTPS or SMB locations for easy updates of configurations (REF: $RemoteINI)
- Added and changed eventlog settings so more info is logged if needed (if $DebugLevel = 9 maximum, if $DebugLevel = 1 minimal logging) (REF: V2M_EventLog(), $DebugLevel)
- Changed 'Service Mode' to use existing UltraVNC install when installed (instead of trying to install a new one over the existing, and removing it when finished) (REF: _VNCRun(), _VNCServiceMode()$YTS_ServiceMode, $UVNC_ExistingService, $UVNC_ServiceRegRead, $YTS_AdminCheckbox)

SCPrompt (2009-11)
- Added checks for @ExitCode in OnAutoitExit() to add startup icon if windows shutdown or logoff detected, otherwise, looks for startup icon and removes on normal exit.
- Updated VISTA code to support Win7 and future versions of windows.

SCPrompt (2009-12)
- Added Service Mode to MinGUI
- Added Translation for "Service Mode"

SCPrompt (2010-01)
- Fixed _Language() function to allow manual override of automatic language selections
- Added "-sm X" cmdline arguement to change servicemode checkbox (and usage) to be checked (1) or not (0). was a feature request. (X is either 0 or 1)
- Added EventLog() function to the builder to help better diagnose problems.

SCPrompt (2010-05)
- Added Iexpress options to builder, allowing for better WIN_7 integration.
- Fixed Several

SCPrompt (2010-06)
- Added Several Settings to Translation System
- Added "Tools" TrayMenu with several options:
1) "Force Remove" - Uninstalls current Service & removes service_commandline from the Ultravnc.ini in the service directory
2) "Driver Install" - is not yet functional, but will install mirror driver upon detection of no.
3) "Check for Updates" - is designed to allow users to check for updates easily from the traymenu. (use update URL setting in INI to setup your own update INI location.
- "Service Mode" Has been reworked, allowing better integration & error handling.
- FIXED problem with building using IEpress "Not including last file"
- FIXED "-debuglog" commandline option should work properly now. Will also try to delete the log file on running application with debuglog option set (via commandline or hard coded).

SCPrompt (2010-08)
- Fixed Logo resizing issue when switching from manual back to predefined (Radio GUI)
- Fixed sc_prompt bug which made no prompt appear at the viewer.
- Added "TRAYTIP_CONFIG_DOWNLOAD" to the translation system for when scprompt.ini is downloaded from a website or network share.

Builder (2009-10-23)
Added ability to change ICON of finished 7zip.exe

********** Roadmap (future features) **********
- Add eventlog to the builder (with cmdline option and traymenu option to log the events)
- Add TrayMenu item for install of UVNC Drivers (if possible, detect if installed first)
- Add [Common]ExitAfterRun & [Common]ResetExitAfterMinutes
Last edited by JDaus on 2010-08-25 02:42, edited 5 times in total.
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
SCPrompt - OpenSource Free Remote Screen\Desktop Sharing Solution
Posts: 3
Joined: 2009-03-14 09:50

Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by Gaspode »

(discussion moved from pm)
Gaspode wrote:
... no new exe file is generated.
It actually re-generates the "custom.exe" application ... take a look in your temp directory, and tell me if it generates a new file when you run the "Build_VNC2Me_SC_7zip.exe" app (and if so, the file size)
We may be getting somewhere. I'm running Vista on this computer and if i run it by doubleclicking the icon (no admin rights) it does not generate anything. however if i run it from a prompt with admin rights it does generate a new custom.exe. the custom.exe in the temp folder is 575357 bytes. When running this, or the new custom.exe in the main folder i get a 7zip error saying (in norwegian) File not found.
Gaspode wrote:
Are there any dependecies not included in the SCprompt 2009 download?
Not that i know of, but it was put together in 4 hours ... so probably ... sorry
Anyone contrubuting to the community have nothing to be sorry about.
Gaspode wrote:
I see some of the .ini files referencing files set to hardcoded paths E: which ofcourse does not reside on e: on my computer nor can i find the files in the package i downoaded.
if this file is "ultravnc.ini" then you can delete it, as its not necesary, and was used while i tested the uvnc server instead of SC ... which doesn't work ...
I am talking about build-resources\reshacker.ini
Gaspode wrote:
I noticed you wanted people to translate, and i'd be more than happy to supply a Norwegian translation (when i get it working) Very Happy
these sort of coments / questions should be posted publicly on the forum, email addresses and the like are for PM's ... please post your question on the forum, and i will reply there, so everyone can learn from the questions ...
And here we are :)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

ok, now we are getting somewhere ...

i will update the building app to request admin rights, as this is obviously needed.

hmmm ... the 7zip error apears to be because the "7z_sfx_config.txt" is not setup correctly, or not being included into the exe (with the 7z archive, and sfx)

try this little cmd file ...

Code: Select all

@echo off
title Creating VNC2Me Package, using 7zip method
echo this script will create the VNC2Me package using 7zip method.
echo consult the readme or website before running for the first time.
echo if you do not want to build this package now,
echo      press ctrl + c NOW
echo else,

del temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z

build_resources\7za a temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z custom\*.*
copy /b build_resources\7z_v2m.sfx + build_resources\7z_sfx_config.txt + temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe

build_resources\upx -9 -f -k -o VNC2Me_SC_7zip.exe temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe

copy temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe .\ /y
rem copy temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\desktop" /y
rem echo VNC2Me_quick.exe has been placed on your desktop ...

This may need to be modified as its from vnc2me, and not the app your using ... but it should at least help. (its what the build app does)

*edit 15/3/09 - changed batch as pointed out in post below
Last edited by JDaus on 2009-03-15 01:32, edited 1 time in total.
ask a silly question and remain a fool for 5 minutes...
don't ask, and remain a fool for life - JDaus 2003

without imperfections, neither you nor i would exist - Steven Hawkins
SCPrompt - OpenSource Free Remote Screen\Desktop Sharing Solution
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by Gaspode »


Code: Select all

del temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z
build_resources\7za a temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z [color=red]custom[/color]\*.*
copy /b build_resources\7z_v2m.sfx + build_resources\7z_sfx_config.txt + temp\VNC2Me_7zip.7z temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe
build_resources\upx -9 -f -k -o VNC2Me_SC_7zip.exe temp\VNC2Me_7zip.exe
By doing this at commandpromt in SCPrompt_custom folder and with admin rights i have generated a working VNC2Me_7zip.exe (well, not tested with viewer, but hey..) The only change from what JD supplied was the change of the name of the folder to custom (in red)

I have edited the Finish.txt and Start.txt but can't find that they are used anywhere?

How can i change the window title?
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

At the moment, all text is hard coded into the application ... i will setup to use an INI when time ...

finish.txt and start.txt are not implemented yet ...

thanks for letting me know about the problems building (using the EXE) in vista ... it will obviously require more investigation

i wanted to get the functionality of the program (and building app) working first, then added things like the translations and start/finish notes after its working properly ... let me know how you go with your testing of the app.

it should disable UAC, but not aero (i will get that working when time)
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by Gaspode »

Thank you for your great work and community contributions jdaus. I'm looking forward to the next release.

The initial test connecting scprompt wasnt quite successful both the sc and the viewer side totally freaked out. The viewer side (where i was) uvnc opened dialog boxes continuosly until it was closed on the sc side. This seemed to be caused by non matching encryption settings, I had the same result with the standard sc build.
Without encryption the standard sc worked perfectly.
I'm expecting scprompt to work perfectly as well as soon as i get the encryption sorted.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

Gaspode wrote:This seemed to be caused by non matching encryption settings, I had the same result with the standard sc build.
Without encryption the standard sc worked perfectly.
I'm expecting scprompt to work perfectly as well as soon as i get the encryption sorted.
hmm ... sounds like you need to test it locally first to get it to work (try testing on loopback (ie sc connect to ... that way you can be server and client ... makes debugging much easier ...

also, i tested the SCPROMPT app with windows 7, and had no issues building it ... will test with vista when i get it installed, but at this stage i am thinking it may be something to do with language support, rather than core OS issues ... but i will have to wait to install vista to test that theory ... at least you could build it with the script i had ... thats a start ...

anyone know where i can download home premium ISO ... have key for that, so it would be best to use it rather than other versions with cracked key ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by lwc »

If you're making a new version, why don't you fix the old version's bug of leaving registry traces in:

Code: Select all

JDaus wrote:i take it not one person is interested in this ???
How can you expect the same response when the previous poster's version was a simple plug and play prompter, while your version forces us to built it ourselves?
JDaus wrote:I got sick of seeing people create great things only to keep it free for home use only and trying to make money by doing small changes to a large project
I am surprised that someone who claims that forces us to leave his prompter displayed all the time instead of vanishing with a "are you sure you want to continue this connection?" message after it's used, like in the previous version? I am shocked someone who claims that makes his prompter pop up a commercial for TeamViewer on the controller's screen after the connection is over.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

lwc wrote:If you're making a new version, why don't you fix the old version's bug of leaving registry traces in:

Code: Select all

there is no code in scprompt (original or new) that creates such a registry setting (it may be the UVNC SC app itself)
lwc wrote:How can you expect the same response when the previous poster's version was a simple plug and play prompter, while your version forces us to built it ourselves?
Good point, i will provide a pre-built version for easy use ...
lwc wrote:
JDaus wrote:I got sick of seeing people create great things only to keep it free for home use only and trying to make money by doing small changes to a large project
I am surprised that someone who claims that forces us to leave his prompter displayed all the time instead of vanishing with a "are you sure you want to continue this connection?" message after it's used, like in the previous version? I am shocked someone who claims that makes his prompter pop up a commercial for TeamViewer on the controller's screen after the connection is over.
sorry i am confused by what your saying ... there is no advertising in any of my products, i code for myself, not for profit ... if you can take screen shots of what your talking about, or explain it better, without the anger in your post, i will see what i can do to help ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by lwc »

JDaus wrote:
lwc wrote:If you're making a new version, why don't you fix the old version's bug of leaving registry traces in:

Code: Select all

there is no code in scprompt (original or new) that creates such a registry setting (it may be the UVNC SC app itself)
True, but the prompter should delete it nonetheless.
JDaus wrote:sorry i am confused by what your saying ... there is no advertising in any of my products, i code for myself, not for profit ... if you can take screen shots of what your talking about, or explain it better, without the anger in your post, i will see what i can do to help ...
There's no anger. Here are screenshots:

1) This is what the controller sees when the controlled party terminates the connection:

2) This is what the controller sees when the he/she him/herself terminates the connection. All hell breaks loose due to the re-connection attempts...
Last edited by lwc on 2009-03-29 12:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

1) the advertising your talking about is part of the viewer, and not part of scprompt or sc

2) the registry settings I will look into, should be able to check if exist beforehand, and delete after if not ...

3) I will make the autoreconnect off by default, then if you want it, enable via INI value ... (somehow)

this should solve most of your problems, but this will take time, as i'm busy coding other things at the moment, paid projects :P
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by lwc »

JDaus wrote:1) the advertising your talking about is part of the viewer, and not part of scprompt or sc
So why doesn't it appear in the other version?
JDaus wrote:3) I will make the autoreconnect off by default, then if you want it, enable via INI value ... (somehow)
That's not a real solution. What it should do is only re-connect if the disconnection wasn't wanted (i.e. not initiated by a button press).
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by gregorys »


Is there anything I can do to help.

I've currently got Nitr0's build, but I need to build a new one, and there are some things I don't particularly care for with Nitr0's version...

I certainly don't have a huge amount of time to toss, but I'd be glad to help where I can. (I'm a sysadmin consultant type, about 20 years of exp behind me, so I hope I can be helpful.)

Thanks for your work!
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

thanks for your post greg, I am in the process of getting vnc2Me able to do direct connections by using buttons and predined connections, so that may be of more help to you.

in the interim, you could add your voice to the [post=57603]feature request I made.[/post]

this would allow projects such as this one to use the latest server, without modification, to allow for better suport in vista...

PS, you should edit your post and remove the email address mate, PM me with it, then it isn't public knowledge ...
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JonD »

I've been using your "manual" version with great success for helping family and friends (I don't have a static address).

Unfortunately, the version I've downloaded has issues with Vista.

I've read elsewhere that Vista and UVNC have issues that have been addressed. Is there a "manual" version that handles Vista?

Thanks for a great version,
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by Bill H »

I have been trying to set SCPrompt up to use encryption, but cannot make the connection. I have been working under two assumptions: (A) a SSH Tunnel is NOT required - (B) The pugin can be enabled within ultravnc.ini.

Can anyone give me some pointers as to the way SCPrompt should be set up to use encryption? I can see on loopback that a connection attempt is being made, but get the plugin error message after pressing cancel.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: SCPrompt 2009 Version (Vista Capable with limitations)

Post by JDaus »

JonD wrote:Unfortunately, the version I've downloaded has issues with Vista.
There is a new version available for download from the site (pre-packaged and ready-to-roll) that uses the latest version of UVNC server ( at time of writing). this should solve your problems
Bill H wrote:I have been trying to set SCPrompt up to use encryption, but cannot make the connection.
sorry ... forgot about encryption, will add support unto UVNC part of VNC2Me shortly ... and give a reply when its done ...
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »


i nearly forgot to thank @byte for the code contributions/changes submitted ... although not exactly what i had in mind, it is great when take my source, and adapt it to their needs... it also prompted me to add some colours.

also ...

for those worried about viruses, i did a scan using virus total (two actualy) here is the results for the currently uploaded file ...

http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/3240 ... dabf5ea044

the result differes if i leave out the "include source as resource" option when creating the app... when i do that ... this happens

http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/8ec4 ... b556e05acb

hopes this helps those that are worried about viruses (or curious)
Last edited by JDaus on 2009-04-16 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JonD »

Probably a silly question... but how do I know I'm downloading the latest. The dates on the website are still the old dates or am I missing something?

Sorry... found it after all

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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

LOL ... yeh its a new download ... because somebody complained about it not being a pre-built version (like the old one)

if you want to see the updates i have made for the predefined connections (untill i get around to updating the download), you can extract the files from the EXE and copy them into the custom directory.

be careful you don't overide your OLD INI, as it has all your connection details - but you will need the new INI's (yes both), so just rename the old one ...

stay tuned ... more to come
Last edited by JDaus on 2020-03-28 04:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

39 dowloads, and 0 complaints ... i'd say it must be working alright, otherwise there would be complaints about it already, wouldn't there ???

unless all 39 are from the one users that's having HUGE issues getting it running :P
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by Robin »

JDaus wrote:39 dowloads, and 0 complaints ... i'd say it must be working alright, otherwise there would be complaints about it already, wouldn't there ???

unless all 39 are from the one users that's having HUGE issues getting it running :P

...just kidding ;)
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

updated the builder package to include the latest EXE ... :-D (better late than never
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by faba »

At first thanks for creating an open source sc builder.

But I have found some problems.

The most severe is disabling UAC. Please don't do that. The problem is that user created program files are saved in a separate user directory because the Program files directory isn't writeable. This is no problem since a standard windows program doesn't realize that the data is saved in the user directory instead of the Program's one.
If you disable UAC all these files are lost/not used so if a program is started right now the changes done by the user are gone. New changes are saved to the real program directory which could mess things up. There also seem to be problem after enabling UAC again with using the user stored data. At least I had this problem with Vista.
So please let UAC enabled and use a service or make an extra option for it.

If I create only one connection custom.exe still asks which one to choose and shows per default the Manual one. It would be great if there could be an autoconnect option so the user isn't bothered.

Last but not least I commented out the LANGUAGE tag but it seems that german wasn't used.

Except of the UAC problem it seems to work great. Thanks for your effort.

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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

faba wrote:At first thanks for creating an open source sc builder.
your welcome, i'm glad to help.
faba wrote:The most severe is disabling UAC.
I have not had a problem with UAC, but I can add an option to stop UAC functions from working ... fairly easy to do.
faba wrote:It would be great if there could be an autoconnect option so the user isn't bothered.
I can add an autoconnect commandline option which someone else has asked for also, and when you create the custom.exe, you just add the options you want... would this work for you ???
faba wrote:I commented out the LANGUAGE tag but it seems that german wasn't used.
can you run sysinternals debugview then start scprompt2009 and PM me the output, so i can see what's happening with the language settings
Last edited by JDaus on 2009-05-12 05:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by faba »

JDaus wrote: I have not had a problem with UAC, but I can add an option to stop UAC functions from working ... fairly easy to do.
Isn't it possible with a service like in the proprietary sc version? This is the most sophisticated way while of course it makes de/installation a little more complicated.
I had the problem that I disabled UAC because of a game cheat protection. After reenabling it other games couldn't load their save data because it was saved in the user directory and wasn't someway relinked again. Maybe if something in the real game folder has changed since then so it couldn't be synced properly. I know that there aren't so many apps anymore which change the program directory after installation but they are still in use.
JDaus wrote:I can add an autoconnect commandline option which someone else has asked for also, and when you create the custom.exe, you just add the options you want... would this work for you ???
If the autoconnect option is saved in the custom.exe so no user interaction is needed after deployment it would be great.
JDaus wrote:can you run sysinternals debugview then start scprompt2009 and PM me the output, so i can see what's happening with the language settings
Don't bother. Maybe it was my mistake. I do some more tests.

It works fine in Wine. I guess it was an path issue.

Anyway the only real problem is UAC imho.

Thanks for your fast reply.

Last edited by faba on 2009-05-15 18:12, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

Testing version available for those interested ... it has new features including:
  • commandline option to connect to a specific pre-configured connection
    if above pre-configured connection occurs, a nifty count-down GUI appears which allows the person to stop the connection before it starts ...
    Disable UAC (or not) options in the INI
    probably more (if i can remmember ... :D )
also available is a testing version of the builder ... (adds commandline options into the custom.exe (7z extracting/executing archive)

current released builder still passes all commandline options to the scprompt application, but doesn't store them in custom.exe
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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by tbote »

JDaus wrote:Testing version available for those interested ... it has new features including:
  • commandline option to connect to a specific pre-configured connection
    if above pre-configured connection occurs, a nifty count-down GUI appears which allows the person to stop the connection before it starts ...
    Disable UAC (or not) options in the INI
    probably more (if i can remmember ... :D )
also available is a testing version of the builder ... (adds commandline options into the custom.exe (7z extracting/executing archive)

current released builder still passes all commandline options to the scprompt application, but doesn't store them in custom.exe
I'm interested, where can I download?

Also I've traslated to Spanish, if you want I can send it to you the V2MLANG.

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Re: VNC2Me SCPrompt 2009 (Vista Capable - using server 1.0.5

Post by JDaus »

PM sent
Last edited by JDaus on 2009-06-07 12:36, edited 1 time in total.
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