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Search found 2 matches

by jstalewski
2008-02-01 19:10
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...
Replies: 14
Views: 59915

Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

Thanks for that. I didn't see that at all - I'm surprised it isn't mentioned more prominently. What I'm talking about is the effect of "scroll lock" as shown on the page your link goes to: "When SCROLL-LOCK is activated, all key combinations (except CTRL+ALT+DEL) are directly sent to the remote ...
by jstalewski
2008-02-01 17:15
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...
Replies: 14
Views: 59915

Re: Sending Alt PrintScreen howto...

UltraVNC seriously needs to add the exact same ability that the send command provides so you can simulate virtually anything. That being said there needs to be special key button that when you click on it you can choose from among the most common choices: Ctrl+Alt+Del, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Esc ...