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Search found 24 matches

by swinster
2010-11-12 00:32
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Ahh, now I get it. Many thnaks
by swinster
2010-11-11 23:56
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Thanks, I think, although I'm not sure you answered all my questions. Are you saying the the only way to get full encryption is to pre-share pre-generated keys? In addition, why does the password prompt keep coming back when enter am incorrect password when you use the password override in the ...
by swinster
2010-11-11 20:42
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

If you generate a key on the server, you also need to copy this key to the viewer. Server and viewer need to have the same key or no key... Interesting. I always though that the the keys for PKI encryption where independent for both ends. Client connects to Server. Client and server exchange public ...
by swinster
2010-11-11 17:28
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Weyhay - fixed, although still some questions... Uninstalled, yet there were a load of additional files in the program folder so deleted and re-installed. On reboot, I managed to connect, but although the connection was using the SecureVNC plug-in, there was no encryption!!! (maybe I needed to ...
by swinster
2010-11-11 11:27
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Just to test, I downloaded the Bins zip of to the W2k machine. Firstly, I stopped the VNC service and removed, then renamed the "winvnc.exe" and "vncviewer.exe" files. I then extracted the same exe files from the W2k folder of the bins zip previously downloaded into the UltraVNC program ...
by swinster
2010-11-10 21:39
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Rudi De Vos wrote:He is, other bins crash with " function does not exist in kernel error"
So does this mean I DON'T need to download and try the bins mentioned above? If not, what are the other possibilities?
by swinster
2010-11-10 20:38
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

redge wrote:just for check there no mistake, you really use the winvnc and vncviewer of folder w2k of file
OK, shall do tomorrow. I simply downloaded installed the main FULL package on the Win 2000 machine
by swinster
2010-11-10 15:53
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Tried connecting from an Win XP box running the viewer and had the same result, so I guess the problem lies on the server.
by swinster
2010-11-10 14:28
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Just tried version of the SecureVNC plug-in, and re-generated the keys on both client and server but with no luck. I still get the same error messages.

by swinster
2010-11-10 13:17
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

swinster wrote: The error which I was getting after a failed connection attempt seems to now have disappeared. However, I still cannot connect with the correct password.
I tell a lie. This error is back too. It did appear for the first couple of logon failures.
by swinster
2010-11-10 13:10
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

It should work with the 1.x 2.x plugins. Great. If the included plugin doesn't work it need to be something else. All test where done with the included plugin. It looks more like there is a problem with the ultravnc.ini file or write permission to that file... verify manual if passwd an encryption ...
by swinster
2010-11-09 22:52
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

Re: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

did you try the SecureVNC 2.3 before request support with ? as my knowledge, the require this build about special feature unsupported on previous release or required customized version of vncviewer and winvnc that support all feature of SecureVNC In this case no. Version 2.2.4 is ...
by swinster
2010-11-09 19:36
Forum: DSM plugin
Topic: SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error
Replies: 24
Views: 78281

SecureVNCPlugin.dsm - viewer reporting error

Hi, I am recieving a VNCViewer error saying "Insufficient memory to allocate network buffer" and in the VNC Viewer status panel I see the message "Wrong password", even though the password is correct Just been refreshing a legacy image based on Windows 2000 that runs UltraVNC server that had I had ...
by swinster
2008-12-19 13:24
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Password protection for connecitons made via Repeator
Replies: 3
Views: 4572

Re: Password protection for connecitons made via Repeator

Hi DOL, I got around the issue of "Allowed viewer IPs" by running a firewall on the OS hosting the repeater. I actually run a virtual XP machine with COMODO firewall which I could then tune to allow specific IP addresses (either from servers or viewers if needed - but I plumped for viewers only ...
by swinster
2008-08-26 10:59
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Password protection for connecitons made via Repeator
Replies: 3
Views: 4572

NO SECURITY in Mode 2!!!!

I have just realised that you can use the "Only Allow Connection to Sever" lists in Mode 2! This means that their is absolutely NO SECURITY when trying to use the repeater in Mode 2 to manage remote servers set up to connect automatically to the repeater. I had thought the the "Only Allow Connection ...
by swinster
2008-08-25 13:39
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Raise the number of concurren connections to the repeater
Replies: 0
Views: 2299

Raise the number of concurren connections to the repeater

Hi, I read somewhere in the FAQ that the maximum number of connection that can be handled by the repeater is 20 ([topic=3173][/topic])? If this is true then it would be a good idea to raise this figure significatly. I'm not sure how much network traffic is utilised for each server that inversely ...
by swinster
2008-08-25 13:13
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: uVNC site manager
Replies: 14
Views: 16483

Re: uVNC site manager

Not sure if it would be possible to build into a site manager a feature that could poll a repeater and show any active connections available. Usfull if you have to use a repeater in Mode 2 where many UltraVNC servers are connected using reverse connections.
by swinster
2008-08-25 13:09
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Host IDs on repeater to be able to use non numeric character
Replies: 0
Views: 1917

Host IDs on repeater to be able to use non numeric character


I would be nice that when a UltraVNC server connects to a repeater if host ID could use non numeric characters. It's just simpler to have a host ID, maybe identified by location or computer name, rather than just a numeric string.
by swinster
2008-08-25 13:05
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Password protection for connecitons made via Repeator
Replies: 3
Views: 4572

Password protection for connecitons made via Repeator

Hi, This was mentioned in this post [topic=12867][/topic], but I think it deserves its own feature request. We need to monitor a lot of computers behind different firewalls and gain access to them with no users present, 24/7. The only way I can think of to complete this task is to use the repeater ...
by swinster
2008-08-24 21:30
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Server inverse mode for repeater cnxn without autoreconnect
Replies: 4
Views: 7034

Re: Server inverse mode for repeater cnxn without autoreconn

Thanks for this, I will give it a go. I take it that host ID's have to numeric? It might be nice if the could include The repeater will run on a virtual machine under our control. I will use the IP address and ID Host filters, so I hope that security can be maintained. We will also encrypt the data ...
by swinster
2008-08-23 16:02
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Server inverse mode for repeater cnxn without autoreconnect
Replies: 4
Views: 7034

Re: Server inverse mode for repeater cnxn without autoreconn

I'm desperatly trying to figure out how i can get an UltraVNC server service to automatically reconnect to a repeater, such as in [topic=13442][/topic] Manually adding a client in NOT what I'm after. I need to be able to control remote machines without any user interaction. This means that UltraVNC ...
by swinster
2008-08-23 15:12
Forum: SC
Topic: [How To]Run SC as Service STEP by STEP
Replies: 5
Views: 18971

Re: [How To]Run SC as Service STEP by STEP

Hi, I was looking for a way to get an UltraVNC server service to make a reverse connection to the repeater such as in the post [topic=13442][/topic] This might be exactly what I'm after. However, although SC can make a connection without user interaction, will it hold open the connection to the ...
by swinster
2007-04-13 23:05
Forum: PcHelpWare
Topic: Simple ideas for improvement
Replies: 3
Views: 4597

Re: Simple ideas for improvement

mattice06082 wrote:
2) For the view to remember Password set for each connection
As long as the password is 7 characters or less, it will be stored in the PHW-file.
Ah, that will be why. I very rarely use passwords less than 8 characters long. I think this is a bit of a silly limit though.
by swinster
2007-04-13 11:54
Forum: PcHelpWare
Topic: Simple ideas for improvement
Replies: 3
Views: 4597

Simple ideas for improvement

Hi all, I have just come across PCHelpWare and it is just what I wanted. I look after a few people computers and have so far been doing this via MSN Remote Assistance which I have found to be a bit of a pain in the arse. I want a REAL SIMPLE way that the end user could initiate a session without to ...